What’s coming up in the next few weeks

Over the next few weeks, I will be promoting 3 affiliate offers. I’ve never promoted any of them before. But I have personally bought, consumed, or participated in each one. They are:

#1. An actual, legit business opportunity for copywriters. This is for you if you want to get new copywriting clients who pay you a lot of money, a lot more than you are used to getting for the same work.

#2. The best source of info if you are looking to start your own Morning Brew-like newsletter. I’ve endorsed this offer multiple times already. And now, I’ve reached out and gotten the good people behind this offer. I got them to provide a special and sizeable discount while I’m promoting it.

#3. A writing course for entrepreneurs who want to build an audience on social media. I’m going through this course myself right now. And when I promote it, I will aim to make it free for you.

I’m telling you what’s coming up because if one of the above offers can benefit you, I want you know. And if you have an education or business-development budget for yourself, so that you save up. Don’t fritter away your money on other offers, just because.

I’ll promote the three offers above in the next 2-3 weeks, though the exact dates are still not fixed.

Meanwhile, if none of these three offers speaks to you, you might like my Simple Money Emails training. It shows you how to make more money from your list today and keep your readers coming back tomorrow. For more information:


Announcing: Copy Riddles Lite

Starting today, and ending this Thursday, I am offering something I’m calling Copy Riddles Lite.

Before I tell you the what of Copy Riddles Lite, let me tell you the why:

I realize that $997 — the price of Copy Riddles — is a big investment. Even if you have the money, it can be an obstacle. And if you don’t have the money, then it’s a real obstacle.

So my goal is twofold. First, to show you the Copy Riddles way, so you can experience it yourself, and see for yourself that Copy Riddles is a worthwhile investment, if you have any ambition of owning high-level copywriting skills.

Goal two is that Copy Riddles Lite is supremely valuable as a standalone training. If you cannot afford the full Copy Riddles course, or you can afford it but you decide for some unfathomable reason that you do not want it, then Copy Riddles Lite has value on its own, and much more than what I am charging.

Now we get to the what:

Copy Riddles Lite includes one of the 20 rounds included in the full Copy Riddles program.

I specifically chose a round that comes early in the full Copy Riddles program, on a copywriting topic that most people know of… but very few do well.

The round is composed of two parts, in which you practice writing sales bullets, and compare what you wrote to what an A-list copywriter wrote starting with the same prompt.

In the first part of the round, I also give you my analysis of the fine points of how A-list copywriters do their magic.

In the second part, I show you this aspect of copywriting in real practice, in real live ads, headlines, body copy, emails, content.

Two more things inside Copy Riddles live:

The full Copy Riddles program also includes 3 bonus lessons. I included one of those bonus lessons in Copy Riddles Lite as well.

The full Copy Riddles program also includes references to some of the best places I’ve found for the A-list sales letters and the source material they were selling. I’ve included that in Copy Riddles Lite as well.

So if after going through Copy Riddles Lite, you don’t wanna pay me for the full Copy Riddles program, and you want to cobble it together yourself, you can.

I only want to sell you the full Copy Riddles if 1) you experience the value in Copy Riddles Lite and you want more and 2) you value your time and my expertise enough to pay me the remainder, rather than attempt to replicate it yourself.

And now for the price:

Copy Riddles Lite contains a little less than 10% of the total content of the full Copy Riddles program, so I’ve priced it at a little less than 10% of the total price.

You can get Copy Riddles Lite for $97 today, tomorrow, or on Thursday.

If you go through and decide you want the full Copy Riddles program, I also include a coupon code, good for a limited time, for the full value of Copy Riddles Live to apply to the full Copy Riddles program.

I’m launching this offer today on a whim. I will close it this Thursday, Feb 1, at 8:31pm CET.

​​I have no idea if I will ever open it again. I may or I may not. That’s not just a bluff. If you’ve been on my list a while, you’ll know I have had plenty of one-off offers, never to be repeated, for reasons of my own.

All that’s to say, if you’re interested, you can buy Copy Riddles Lite below. The link will take you to a bare order form, and no sales page. If that don’t deter you:


Learning from hecklers and refunders

Comedian Norm MacDonald once started a standup show when a heckler in the audience yelled out:

“Hey, you’re not very funny!”

The crowd, all of whom where there to see Norm, started booing the heckler. One guy yelled, “Toss the asshole out!”

Norm calmed the crowd down. “Now hold on,” he said. He wanted to understand what exactly happened. And he started talking to the heckler.

“So you go, ‘I’m gonna pay money to go see this dude…’ I want to understand what exactly happened. At some point in your life, you thought I was funny.”

The past couple days, I promoted Andrew Kap’s book, 3 Words I Used To Sell 100,000 Books. I even gave away a couple free bonuses to people who bought that book.

A lot of people took me up on the offer. They wrote in to say thanks for turning them on to Andrew’s book, and to ask for the bonuses I had promised.

Among all these people was one guy who first wrote me with proof of buying the book and then, before I could reply with the bonuses, wrote me a second message to say:


I gave back the title, I’m sorry. Didn’t really apply to me. Don’t want to scam you for the bonuses.

Sorry, really like your stuff though.


It’s standard daily email operating procedure to shame people who refund stuff or who say they can’t get value out of a valuable offer. It’s even common to toss them off your list.

But I thought, good on this guy for realizing eventually this doesn’t apply to him… and even more so for having the decency to write me and say so.

Still, just like Norm, I told myself, I want to understand what exactly happened here.

My email went out at 8:34pm.

My reader read my email and got excited. He bought the book immediately. By 9:00pm, he got the confirmation email from Amazon, forwarded it to me, and asked for the bonuses. Even though, as he realized over the next few minutes, this book or the bonuses or the promises didn’t really apply to him.

How exactly does this happen?

Clearly, the promo nature of my email had something to do with it. The deadline… the disappearing bonuses… the exciting, opportunity-like promises of it all.

But here’s the point, the message from this email:

Those things — deadlines, bonuses, exciting promises — are rooms in the house of persuasion. The house itself is built on a foundation. And that foundation is either stable and strong, or shifting and weak.

The foundation is trust. In my case, trust built up by daily emailing.

That’s how people find out in the first place about offers I create and deadlines I set. That’s how they get excited about the disappearing bonuses I announce and exciting promises I make.

Getting people to trust you like this is nothing mysterious or difficult.

It’s just a matter of consistency.

Like I said, in my case, that’s via daily emails. For years now. And though my offers change, and daily email topics change, and even my own attitudes change, there’s still some consistent core that people can rely on and trust.

You can do the same.

The longer you do it, the better. But it doesn’t have to take years to build up trust. It can be done in months, weeks, days, or sometimes even hours, if you say the right things.

But it all starts with saying something, and then doing so again, in some regular, consistent way.

My introductory offer — the least expensive course I offer — is an introduction to writing daily emails, called Simple Money Emails.

I’ve used the techniques in this course to write quick emails for clients that made lots of money.

But more importantly, I’ve used them for myself to create long-running relationships that lead to trust, engagement, and urgent sales like the above.

If you’d like to find out how you can do something similar, then take a look here:


Daily bloodletting

Bloodletting used to be standard medical practice. Today, bloodletting might sound stupid or even barbaric, but way back when, it really seems to have helped people.

Here’s a passage about an army captain who experienced some insult that made him so furious that his friends couldn’t make sense of what he was saying:

“The regimental doctor, when he came, said it was absolutely necessary to bleed Denisov. A deep saucer of black blood was taken from his hairy arm and only then was he able to relate what had happened to him.”

That passage is from War and Peace, by Russian count Leo Tolstoy.

​​Between 1902 and 1906, Tolstoy was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature five times but never won once.

Somebody who did win the Nobel Prize is American journalist Ernest Hemingway.

​​Hemingway wrote many things, but he never wrote the following passage, which is often attributed to him:

“It is easy to write. Just sit in front of your typewriter, open a vein, and bleed.”

That quote is probably attributed to Hemingway so often because he was famous and because in the end he killed himself. Hemingway’s life and death go well with the sentiment that writing is hard, draining, even destructive to the writer.

But I would like to give you that other perspective on that passage, the medical bloodletting perspective.

Each day, before I write my daily email, I’m filled with a mess of ideas, emotions, reactions, and confused plans. I’m also restless because I feel I haven’t accomplished the one thing I set myself as a task for absolutely every day.

After I write my daily email, I function more normally. People can understand me better if I talk, I can make some kind of plans about the future, and I feel the satisfaction of having accomplished something concrete that day.

In other words, daily emailing has the benefits of medical bloodletting, or maybe journaling.

Except daily emailing also has the added benefits of building up an audience… producing content that can be repurposed for books, podcasts appearances, or courses… and of course, driving readers to sales or other types of actions.

Speaking of which:

In a few days’ time, I will host a free training.

The training will cover how I write and profit from this newsletter that you are reading now.

It will happen on Monday January 22, 2024 at 8pm CET/2pm EST/11am PST. But you will have to be signed up to my list first. Click here to do so.

So long, Sparkloop

Last year, I wrote several emails in which I recommended Sparkloop, a paid newsletter-recommendation platform.

As you might know, the promise of Sparkloop is quality newsletter subscribers, who will actually engage with your newsletter, all in a completely hands-off manner.

That’s the promise. Here’s the reality:

Sparkloop did grow my list, with a bunch of previous newsletter subscribers, who in theory should have been a good match for my health newsletter.

Plus, Sparkloop allows you to screen for subscribers engage with your newsletter via either clicks or opens, and to get rid of everyone else. As a result, my open rates stayed consistently high.

Sounds good, right?

But around December, cracks started to appear.

I regularly ran in-newsletter polls in my health newsletter. They weren’t getting a lot of participation. I also ran a survey outside the newsletter, on my website. Exactly one person filled that out. I put out a relevant, low-ticket offer. I got no buyers.

Everything I just told you happened with my health newsletter. But it’s backed up by an experiment I ran with Sparkloop on this marketing newsletter.

That experiment was small but perhaps indicative.

It involved newsletter subscribers that I vetted even more closely than I was doing for my health newsletter, both for source and for engagement. And yet, none of those vetted Sparkloop subscribers have bought anything from me, in spite of being on my list for months. None of them has even opted in for the free training am putting on at the end of this month.

The point I want to make is something that’s easy to forget if you’re a marketer:

A name is not just a name. An email address is not just an email address.

It matters how people find you, first interact with you, with what intent, and in what frame of mind.

Of course, this matters for whether they choose to engage with you in the first place. But it also persists over time, even if they somehow decide to give you a bit of their attention to start with. That’s obvious as water in the real world, but it’s easy to forget in the marketing world.


So long, Sparkloop. Like everything else in life that sounds too good to be true, you were in fact too good to be true.

You might wonder what I will do to grow my list now that I have axed Sparkloop.

I have special plans for my health newsletter.

But for this marketing newsletter, I plan on going back to the three warhorses that have gotten me probably 80% of my total subscribers, and probably 99% of my best subscribers.

If you would like to know what those three warhorses are, come join me for that free training at the end of this month. On the training, I will talk about how I write and even profit from this newsletter, and how you can do it too if you’d like to do something similar.

The training will happen on Monday January 22, 2024 at 8pm CET/2pm EST/11am PST. I will send out a recording if you cannot make it live, but you will have to be signed up to my list first. Click here to sign up.

The extra something in Daniel Throssell’s BF 2021 campaign

A few weeks before Christmas, I bought Daniel Throssell’s course Campaign Conqueror. I’m currently on my second pass through the course.

If you’re curious why I would buy Daniel’s course now, two years after he put it out, well, that’s something I might talk about in the coming weeks.

For now, let me just bring you back to November 2021, back when Daniel had his massively successful Black Friday campaign, which was the impetus for his creating this course.

I won’t rehash the history of that campaign — odds are, you know how it went down.

And if not, let me just say that it was an affiliate promotion/competition, involving a dozen email marketers (not me), including some with big guru status and much bigger lists than Daniel.

And yet, Daniel came out on top in that affiliate promotion. And not just on top, but I believe he made as many sales as all the other expert marketers combined.

Why was Daniel’s Black Friday 2021 campaign so successful?

My answer at the time was Daniel’s relationship with his list, and the quality of his offer. And no doubt, those were both a big part.

Daniel has a much more detailed answer inside Campaign Conqueror, including things I didn’t realize he was doing.

But there’s something extra I still haven’t heard anyone talk about, including Daniel in Campaign Conqueror. (I might be wrong, and I might have missed it. That’s why I’m on the second pass through Campaign Conqueror. But since this is my own observation, I’ll go ahead and share it.)

I first noticed this extra something in my own reaction during that 2021 event. It has been sitting in my head ever since. It’s influenced how I write emails inside promotions and during off-promo periods. It’s summed up in the phrase:

“Make it feel real”

The 2021 Black Friday affiliate event was a confluence of unusual, extreme events. There was genuine bad blood, public callouts, a never-before-seen and never-to-be-repeated offer on Daniel’s part, all in the middle of a time-limited, seasonal promotion, with everybody else in this small space observing, commenting, and firing shots back and forth.

This led to drama, yes. And to high stakes. But in my mind, it did something more.

Jay Abraham said in one of his trainings that the biggest reason sales fail to happen is that people are afraid of looking dumb. Of making a mistake. Of being played for a sucker.

Daniel’s offer and copy during that 2021 Black Friday promo cut through the usual manipulation techniques and marketing automation that people in this market normally experience. It made the event feel real. It made even skeptics, jaded and guarded, say, “Ok… it’s time to act.”

“Make it feel real” might sound vague to you.

If so, it’s worth looking at Daniel’s emails from then, and remembering the campaign if you witnessed it live, to note down what made this event a unique and real occurrence rather than a repeatable promotion that could be done every Black Friday.

And in case you’re wondering:

This “make it feel real” stuff is not something that’s only useful once in your career, when all the stars align.

It’s a valuable daily practice you can start right now.

For example:

Over the past week, I polled my list a few times. I asked if readers had any good offers they would like to promote to my list… I asked if readers would like to hire me for list management.

I got responses to both of those emails. But since I didn’t want to share anything publicly about those responses, I didn’t write any followup emails about either of these polls.

After couple days of this, I realized this is a problem. If I poll my list, and then never say anything about the results of that poll, my readers might start to feel some kind of disconnect… wonder if my emails are written by a living, thinking person… or suspect that they are interacting with a malfunctioning autoresponder.

That’s why, after I got an unusual number of replies to my email on Tuesday about the “zero-handclap unsubscriber,” I knew it was time to feature a bunch of those replies publicly.

So I did so in yesterday’s email.

Sure, featuring all those replies served the purpose of recognizing those readers, and of helping sell my Simple Money Emails course.

But the bigger reason in my mind was to make it clear that a live person is on this end of these emails, that I’m actually interacting and responding to readers, that I’m writing each email new every day, including today, Thursday, January 11 2024.

This is just one easy way to make it feel real.

Ultimately, what matters is that you keep the idea in mind, and that you do things consciously and regularly to make it feel real for your readers.

And now, time for a real offer:

I’m putting on a free training on Zoom. The plan is to do it in 10 days time, around Jan 21. But I will have the full info on the time and date tomorrow.

As for the content, this training will be an overview of how I do what I do: write emails about what interests me, get people to sign up to my list, buy stuff from me, hire me, recommend me, interact with me, in a way that contributes to other parts of my business and even my life.

I’ve done a lot of stupid things over the years with this newsletter, and it’s taken me a while to get to where I am.

So this training will be framed as advice to myself when I starting out this newsletter back in 2018, still a fresh and wriggling copywriter.

This training can be relevant to you if you work with clients right now, and you’re looking to create a second stream of income, or you want access to better clients, or more stability, or amazing opportunities you can’t even imagine now, or in case you simply want to do something for yourself rather than for others all the time.

I will be promoting this training over the next few days. If you want to join, you will first have to get on my list. Click here to do so.

Followup on the zero-handclap unsubscriber

Yesterday, I wrote an email about a zero-handclap unsubscriber. This was a guy who unsubscribed from my list, and as the “reason why” he wrote that my emails are boring.

Rather than muttering in private that my emails are so not boring — so not! — I featured this guy’s comment publicly in an email. And then I turned it around in some way to sell my Simple Money Emails course.

​​To which I got a bunch of single-handclap responses. Here’s a sampler:

#1: “Funny because when you sent out that email yesterday about managing clients’ mailing lists I reflected that you would be the exact person I’d turn to if/when I have a mailing list. Your emails are very smart and very well written while also managing to seem understated.”

#2: “I’m enjoying these stories (and the clever way you turn them toward highlighting your offerings). I can see why Kieran Drew thinks so highly of you!”

#3: “What a great transition :)”

#4: “Lol. Really enjoyed this one. Also, SME is excellent.”

#5: “‘Zero-handclap’ made me LOL :-)”

Nice right? But wait, there’s more.

I’m sharing these nice replies with you for two reasons.

Reason one is that I also got a reply from a successful marketer, who has given me many good tips before. He wrote that he had once interviewed a super-successful speaker who shared her secret with him. She told him:

​​”Always write and talk about Positive Topics and people. Let the negative stuff drag competitors down.”

I’m sure this is solid advice, which will never lead you wrong.

At the same time, I have found that sharing frustrations, doubts, and even occasional outrage not only entertains people, but can create greater trust over time.

But you probably knew that. After all, this is the century of being told to be authentic and vulnerable.

That’s why I’ve got a second and much more important reason I shared the replies above with you. But one reason per day is all you get, so I’ll tell you this second reason tomorrow. You’ll want to be there — I’ll make it worth your while.

Meanwhile, if you enjoyed yesterday’s email, or today’s email, or are wondering what might be coming tomorrow, then I can recommend my Simple Money Emails course. It will show you how to write simple emails like this that keep readers reading, and that make sales in the process.

Plus, like my reader above wrote, “SME is excellent.” If you’d like to find out more about it:


Business owner asks for a copy critique and I relent out of curiosity

A couple days ago, I got an email from a new reader of my 10 Commandments book. He had signed up to my list to get the apocryphal 11th commandment. And he wrote me to say:


I LOVED the book, John. But I need more help with my copywriting. I write a 1,000 word blog post every day. I have also written 6 best selling books. Can you give me some guidance?


I wrote back to clarify exactly what kind of guidance he meant. He replied to ask if I would critique some of his existing copy.

I winced. What a bind.

Because I don’t do copy critiques any more. And yet…

This reader had bought my book, and then he wrote in to say nice things about it. Plus, he’s written 6 best-selling books himself. Plus (something not obvious from his message above), his books are about B2B sales.

So he can write, he knows sales, but he still needs help with copy?

I got curious.

I asked him to send over one piece of copy. He did — an email promoting a $1,500 training program.

I won’t repeat my copy critique here. It wouldn’t make much sense or have much meaning for you.

All I will say is that, yes, there were problems with the copy. But there were more important problems with the actual promotion of this offer, and the way the promo was structured.

The stuff that I told him is stuff you would know by osmosis if you read my emails regularly… that you would take for granted… that you couldn’t imagine any other way, simply because it’s always there in every promotion I ever run, to the point that I don’t even think of mentioning it because it’s so transparent and so obvious to me.

And yet, here was somebody who knows sales… and who knows how to write… and yet who missed this stuff completely.

That’s not to rag on this guy. I’m sure he could make a big corporate sale where I would lay an egg. And the stuff I know wouldn’t be hard to teach him.

But the point remains:

Don’t underestimate the legitimate value of what you know. If you know copywriting and direct marketing, even at a basic level, you have real and valuable skills that business owners can profit from.

In 2024, I’ll create some kind of offer to help business owners structure their own successful promotions.

But 2024 is such a long way away.

For now, the closest thing I can offer you is an email I wrote this past summer, after finishing my promo of Steve Raju’s ClientRaker training.

It’s far from a complete how-to run-a-promo offer. Plus, I already shared this email a few days ago.

And yet, if you sell stuff online, via email, you might get an idea here to guide you to making more money. Here’s the link if you’re curious:


Unsexy, neglected, mistreated email lists

Yesterday I was listening to a Dan Kennedy seminar where Dan says, in his typically tactful fashion:


There is no magazine out there — you can check the newsstand — there is no magazine called, Wives In Sweatpants and Sneakers.

There’s all sorts of unimaginable fetishes. But that is not one of them. There’s just not a lot of interest in that.

That’s their business.


Dan’s point is that what business owners have gotten used to, they no longer find exciting. It also means they also don’t notice the bad stuff any more.

The past week, I was promoting a done-for-you newsletter service.

I figured no qualified leads would respond, since I write so much about email marketing and making money from email. If there’s one thing I’m known for, it’s probably that.

Surely, business owners who manage to track down my email list — in spite of my best efforts to hide it — surely such business owners also think email marketing is sexy and are already doing sophisticated email stuff in their own businesses.

I was wrong.

I got readers reaching out to me who have large, successful businesses.

Some of them have email lists of tens of thousands of people, made up of customers, who have never been mailed.

Others send out an email here and there… make good money each time they send out that lonesome email… and don’t think or know to do it more often.

And one person, who wasn’t replying to the done-for-you newsletter service, but who did take me up on the Newsletter Consult I did last month, followed up yesterday to say:


Thought I’d follow up after our recent discussion, which was much appreciated.

So went ahead and ran a one-month birthday sale for a 2-YR subscription at a $1K discount. Don’t think we have done a sale in 5 years, nor one for a 2 year sub duration.

With 4 days yet to run, we have so far generated $18K in sales with 4 people subscribing for the 2-YR plan and 1 other taking up a (full priced) annual sub.

Not bad considering I only mentioned it as a PS in the twice a week email alerts, plus December is historically a slow month for sales here. This has been our best December to date!

I plan to send two more such alerts this week and have been pondering what to write in case we might be able to tip one more cheerful soul over the edge.


The results above are clearly not common.

The person who wrote me offers a yearly subscription costing multiple thousands of dollars… has lots of credibility built up over a long time… and can now make an extra $18k with an “oh by the way” casual throwaway in a PS, after a 5-year promo hiatus.

But uncommon details aside, the point still stands:

You might have that beautiful email list, wearing sweatpants and sneakers around you. Maybe you’ve been looking at it for years, and maybe you’ve stopped appreciating how just how sexy it really can be.

I figure that’s as much my fault as yours.

Clearly, I’m not doing a good job putting forward offers to help you get more value out of your email list.

I’ll work on fixing that in 2024.

Meanwhile, it’s mid-December. It’s almost the holiday season. Who the hell wants to work?

I do. So I have a quick, band-aid offer for you right now:

If you have a business and are making sales… if you have an email list and have been neglecting and mistreating it for too long… then I offer you my 1-hour “Extreme Makeover For Email Lists” session.

One hour, to hear what your business is about, who your customers are, what you offer them, how you currently mail them.

I will then tell you the quickest and easiest buttons to push to make money from your list, in the future as well as now. Maybe I can even help you pull out some thousands of dollars from your email list by the end of this month.

I’m limiting this offer to three people, the first three qualified people who reply.

Price is $300.

I will not be offering this again, at least not at this price.

In case you are interested, hit reply, tell me who you are, and I can send you the payment link.

Advanced email copywriting tricks for sale soon

This week I’m promoting my Influential Emails training. This training is something I’ve made available only once before, live, back in 2021, the Year of the Ox.

But starting next Thursday, and lasting at most until next Sunday, I will make Influential Emails available once again.

Over the y​​ears, by keeping track of when and why I’ve bought from other people’s via email, I discovered it makes good sense to send out regular emails telling your audience what exactly it is you are selling, without any frills, funniness, or flippancy.

​​So here’s whats inside Influential Emails:

1. The recordings of the three Influential Emails live calls, which all lasted around 2 hours.

2. Edited transcripts of all the calls, in case would rather read than listen to me talk.

3. Call 1 covers 5+ of my advanced email copywriting tricks, including the “Five Fingers” storytelling strategy, S. Morgenstern transitions, and the “Sophisticated Slapstick” structure that makes trivial or even silly things sound funny or profound.

4. Call 2 breaks down four emails I wrote to this list, shows you how I wrote them from snout to tail, and highlights the techniques from Call 1 in action. This second call also includes a lighting-round training, 15 Unique Things I Do To come Up With Ideas and Create Content.

5. Call 3 includes brutal and merciless copy critiques of a dozen emails I got from attendees of the original Influential Emails training. You see what I thought was good in these emails, and more importantly, what I would change to make each email more effective for 1) making sales and 2) being more influential/interesting/memorable.

6. There are also two bonuses. The first is “Mystery Screenwriting Insights For Copywriters.” The core of this is a special, never-produced screenplay from my favorite screenwriter, William Goldman, overlaid with my analysis of the writing tricks Goldman used, and how copywriters can apply the same.

7. The second bonus is “My 12/4 Most Influential Emails.” This is a micro swipe file, including 12 of my most influential emails, along with the background of why and how each email ended up influential. Plus, I’ll give you the four more emails, written by mysterious others, which had the biggest influence on me.

Over the coming days, I will have more to say about Influential Emails, specifically who it’s possibly for and who it’s definitely not for.

If you do decide you want to get Influential Emails, you will have to get on the waiting list. And in order to get on the waiting list, you will first have to get on the list to get my daily emails. Click here to do so now.