The oddest info product creators on my list

Last night, I sent an email asking my readers if they sell their own info products. That email got a LOT of response.

Of course, most people on my list sell familiar info products — ebooks and courses on marketing, writing, bizopp.

But some people wrote in and managed to surprise me. A few standouts:

#1: “My wife and I are developing theatre training courses, mainly to sell to school teachers who are not drama teachers by trade, but have been ‘elected’ to teach the courses and put on the productions.”

#2: “Am currently writing some digital reports requested by our specialist cancer research audience although I have no real idea how to do this!”

#3: “I sell Numerology info products, such as relationship forecasts, life forecasts, name adviser, lucky numbers and in depth reports. I sell to business owners, individuals and women looking for alternative angle to motivate and advise on current situation.”

This morning, I sat down to reply to these folks and to everyone else who had written me. But before I did so, I asked myself:

“What do I want out of this interaction? Why did I even ask this question?”

The following reasons poured out of me. Maybe they will be of some interest or value to you:

1. Find out who’s doing well

2. Connect with more people

3. Find out what problems people are having

4. Find out what problems their customers are having

5. Find out if they have [CENSORED but keep reading, trust me]

6. Find out what’s currently working for them, what’s not working

7. Maintain or rather enhance my reputation

8. See if any opportunities [CENSORED again, but still keep reading, I promise I won’t keep doing this much more]

9. Get possible ideas for new offers to create

10. See if there are any good offers that [CENSORED, last censored thing, keep reading to find out how to uncensor]

11. See if there are people I could connect with each other, either as some kind of broker or just to help out

I’m not sure whether the list above can be useful to you in any way.

Whatever the case may be, my offer from yesterday still stands.

So if you sell your own info products:

1. Hit reply

2. Tell me what info product or products you sell and who you sell it to

When I get your message, I will reply and tell you a genuine secret way to sell more of what you’ve created.

I’ll also tell you about a special, free training — free as in not even any optin required — that lays out real gold about how to actually run this secret selling strategy in practice.

If you watch this free training, the CENSORED bits above will become clear as day.

And who knows. If you just reply to this email, maybe we can connect or exchange some ideas along the way.

10 minutes to get big Twitter accounts to follow you

Once every 24 hours or so, I get asked a variant of the following question:

“How did you build up an email list without being on social media?”

My answer is always the same. I did it by being stubborn and stupid, by sending daily emails into the void, without anybody reading what I was writing. I did this for years before things slowly started to turn around.

The problem, by the way, was not that I was not on social media.

The problem was that I was and continue to be unsociable. Even in the world of email newsletters, even among people whose emails I read every day, I never thought to speak up, get introduced, put myself on the radar or sonar of a person with an audience bigger than mine.

Until the end of today, I am promoting Kieran Drew’s High Impact Writing. That’s Kieran’s course to teach you how to write for influence and growth on Twitter and LinkedIn.

But here’s the truth:

As with email, you can write for years on social media without anyone taking notice. The shortcut to success on social media, the royal road, is the same as in the world of email.

You gotta start making connections. You gotta start engaging with people who are more successful than you are. And you gotta do it in a way where they actually take notice and respond.

People often reply to my emails and write things like,

“Loved it!”


“Great email!”

While I appreciate any and all reader feedback, there’s really nothing for me to reply to here. There’s nothing for me to grab onto, nothing to get curious about, nothing to make the reader stand out.

So what to do instead?

Back to Kieran’s High Impact Writing. Sure, he teaches you writing for social media. But he also teaches you the other stuff, the connecting and network building in a way that actually works.

In the one of the bonus modules (Social Media Made Simple), Kieran gives you an example of a twitter DM that got him to start following a smaller account. And then he gives you a step-by-step template that he’s since used to get his favorite accounts to start following him.

It takes all about 10 minutes to do this.

And I can tell you, it works in the world of email as well. I know, because people have written me similar things, and I’ve taken notice and then got on their list. (I still remain unsociable and I rarely reach out to anyone, even in email. And I’m paying a price for it. I don’t encourage anyone to do like I do.)

High Impact Writing goes offline today at 12 midnight PST. After that, when it does come back, the price will be explosively higher.

Also, if you act now and get High Impact Writing before the deadline via my affiliate link below, you get the recordings of my Age of Insight.

Age of Insight was a training I put on about a year ago and sold for $297. It shows you how to write in an insightful sounding way, even if you have nothing very insightful to say. Simply forward me your invoice for High Impact Writing and I will get you the recordings of Age of Insight.

Assuming, that is, that you decide High Impact Writing is right for you, and that you act before the deadline. In case you’re intrigued, go here for more details:

Meet me in New York/Baltimore/Palm Beach?

Last weekend, I ran the first in-real-life meetup of my readers in Barcelona, where I live. That meetup went great. It definitely made me want to do one again.

Over the next few weeks, I will be traveling to the U.S. for the first time in 5 years.

So maybe you would like to meet me somewhere along the way?

I’ll be in New York City between March 5th and 10th… in Baltimore between March 10th and 14th… in Palm Beach between March 14th and and 17th. If you will be around any of those places on those dates, write me a note and we can see about meeting up.

In other news, thank you in case you used my link to sign up to Dan Kennedy’s free “Shutdown Livestream” yesterday.

A buncha people wrote me, some asking for the free trifle with their name on it that I promised as a bonus… others just to wish me good luck in the affiliate contest, which has seized my body and mind like a low-grade fever.

There’s no public leaderboard for the affiliate contest behind this marketing campaign, so I cannot say how I am doing after yesterday’s push. But I will keep you posted when I find out.

And in case you didn’t sign up or you don’t know what’s up:

The free livestream will happen tomorrow, Fri March 1st. It will feature marketing legend Dan Kennedy, being interviewed in his basement, where he works, by Russel Brunson of ClickFunnnels. The topic will be why Dan has decided to cut off new signups to his No B.S. Letter “for the foreseeable future.”

It’s sure to be entertaining — Dan does a very good curmudgeon act.

​​More importantly, this livestream is sure to be valuable. Dan knows more about direct marketing, personal promotion, and influential writing than probably anybody else on the planet.

If would like to sign up to this free livestream before it disappears into the night:

Meet me in Barcelona?

Yesterday, I held the “How I do it” training on Zoom.

I was happy with the content and the presentation. I felt I gave people who were there some genuinely new ideas on how to write and profit from a newsletter. And inevitably, I also highlighted some things folks already knew, but that I could vouch really were important, from personal experience.

So the live presentation was good. But, as usual, it was a weird experience.

I minimized the various Zoom windows so could I see my slides and focus. I ignored the chat except at a few moments when I stopped to field questions.

Inevitably, I spent over an hour talking at my computer, which gave me zero feedback, while at the same time feeling that I should somehow be interacting with actual people, who were muted and invisible.

It was strange and unsatisfying. This same stuff doesn’t bother me when I write and send these daily emails. But doing a live video presentation that somehow doesn’t feel live is different.

All that’s to say, there’s genuine value to meeting and seeing people in real life.

I live in Barcelona. It’s a big city, and attractive.

I know some of my readers live around here as well.

Also, Barcelona happens to be one of Europe’s top 5 tourist destinations, so maybe you are planning a trip here some time soon.

I will organize a meet up in person, in the flesh, blood and hair and bones, some time in the next few days or weeks. If you would like to join me — if you live here or are just visiting — reply to this email, and I’ll keep you in the loop.

The owner smiled when I tried to speak Spanish… but when I switched to English!

Yesterday, I stepped into the beautiful Librería Nobel — Nobel Bookstore — in Almería, Spain.

“Buenos días,” I said as I entered.

The owner, who stood behind the counter, smiled at me politely and returned my greeting. He didn’t recognize me at first. So I changed tack.

“Hola Rafa,” I said and then switched to English. “How are you?”

A look of surprise spread across his face. “John! Coño! What are you doing here!”

The owner of Librería Nobel is one Rafa Casas, who I’ve written up before in this newsletter as a Spanish A-list copywriter.

Not only is Rafa a skilled copywriter who has helped a bunch of clients make money, but he’s building up his name in true A-list style.

Along with his bookstore and his client work, he now runs two coaching programs, one to help Spanish-speaking business owners get set up online with their digital marketing, and another called Circulo Copy where he mentors a number of Spanish-language copywriters, including some well-known names.

This was the first time I was meeting Rafa in real life. But I have known him online for a while.

Rafa first got on my email list in 2021. He then went through my Copy Riddles course, back when I was still offering live weekly Q&A calls.

At that time, I ran a weekly contest for the best answer to one of the week’s Copy Riddles. Rafa won the first contest ever. (Among the three books I offered him as a possible prize, Rafa wisely chose my 10 Commandments of A-List Copywriters.)

Then some time in 2022, I interviewed Rafa for my Copy Zone guide to the business side of copywriting. His story of getting started writing daily emails about books while his bookstore was locked down — and then turning that into paid client work — was both interesting and impressive.

We also had a short-lived language exchange after I moved to Spain.

He’s even translated my 10 Commandments book to Spanish, and we will be putting that out soon, as soon as the cover designer gets back to me.

Point being:

I started out this email newsletter with the vague aims of having a sandbox in which to practice copywriting and marketing, as a possible source of samples to show clients, and as a way of maybe winning some client work, back when I was still hungry for that.

And my newsletter has delivered on all those fronts.

But it’s also produced a bunch of amazing opportunities and outcomes I never could have imagined when I got started.

It’s resulted in great new relationships both online and in real life… people doing me solid favors without ever being asked… cool free stuff shipped to my front door… speaking opportunities… and even the occasional note from people who tell me that what I’m doing has actually changed the course of their life for the better.

If you want, you too can have something similar. At least that’s my claim, one I will work to pay off on the free training I’m hosting in a few days’ time.

The training will cover how I write and profit from this newsletter that you are reading now.

It will happen on Monday January 22, 2024 at 8pm CET/2pm EST/11am PST. But you will have to be signed up to my list first. Click here to do so.

I’ll be in London next week, maybe you’d like to join me

I’ll tell you about London in just a sec, but first, here’s an important question:

What’s your mental image of how the year looks like?

Is it a line, a calendar, a circle?

And if it’s a circle (the way it is for me), then where do the months go? Is summer on top or winter? Do the months flow clockwise or counterclockwise?

Two weeks ago I did a podcast episode with Rob Marsh and Kira Hug of The Copywriter Club.

Podcast episode over, Kira said as a throwaway, “I know it’s a long shot, but since you’re in Barcelona, we have an event in London at the end of this month. And in case you’d like to present something…”

I got excited and immediately said yes.

I gave them a couple of possible presentation ideas, and we agreed my presentation would be on the topic of insight, specifically about one repeatable, powerful way to create feeling of insight in readers.

I thought about that yesterday because I came across an article titled, “This is what the year really looks like.” It reported on a survey that basically asked the questions I asked you up top.

Some 75k people participated in the survey voluntarily… hundreds of thousands read and shared the resulting article online… and the article keeps going viral, on its own, every few years, even though it was originally published in 2018.

Why? How?

My claim is that it’s because the questions and the article manages to stir up the feeling of insight. So that’s what I will be talking about in London next week.

Now a disclaimer:

I am a terrible self-promoter, and am at best a very shoddy businessman, at least as far as this newsletter is concerned.

I did that podcast episode. I agreed with Rob and Kira to go to their event in London and present. But I didn’t ask to promote the event to my list — because… who knows why.

And then, only two days ago, Rob wrote me to say they have a few seats left over, and I could promote it to my list if I like.

The fact is, I do NOT like the idea of promoting this London event to my list. Because it’s now too close to the date, and that exposes me as being a bit incompetent.

But that’s not really a great reason to keep you out of this event in case you would like to attend, and are actually close enough geographically to be able to get to London by next Wednesday.

In case you’re interested, you can find the full details below, including the dates, times, prices, and my handsome mugshot photo:

Why I’m happy to give up more than half my profit by promoting Daniel Throssell’s sale

Yesterday, I gave a little breakdown of the structure of my Copy Riddles sales letter, and then advised people to get on Daniel Throssell’s list, and buy Copy Riddles via Daniel’s affiliate link.

​​Reader Jakub Červenka, who runs an info publishing business in the men’s sexual health niche (something I used to write for in my freelance days), asks a logical question:



since you are sharing so much about the structure and the thought process behind your pages (thank you!) could you, perhaps in one of your next emails, explain why are you pushing people so much to buy through Mr Boycotted (😉) efforts?

I understand that you value your readers and relationships you so carefully build, but the second part is – this is still business, no?

And in my opinion, making more money is better than making less money…

So, telling your list about the sale once, twice… great, they have been told, if they didn’t buy, their mistake, you told them. And reminded them.

But why are you giving up half of your profit (I am guessing) by constantly promoting Daniel’s sale?

I know even with commission you pay him you take home more than from your original price, but still…

The obvious answer to me would be some kind of promo of his offers in the future, but it doesn’t seem to be the case from what I think of Daniel’s business model so I am curious and probably many more of your readers are too.


The numbers are actually less favorable than Jakub says.

I’m actually making slightly less for each sale of Copy Riddles via Daniel’s promo than I did the last time I sold this course myself. That’s due to the $200 discount I am offering Daniel’s readers… plus the affiliate commission I’m paying to Daniel.

That said, I continue to happily send my own readers to buy through Daniel’s list for following three reasons:

Reason #1. I agreed with Daniel to make this $200 discount exclusive to his list. At the same time, I want to make sure that anyone on my list who might actually want Copy Riddles buys at this same discount.

​​If that means nagging on and on about getting on Daniel’s list, and possibly losing money over a full-price sale that might come in the future, so be it.

The ultimate goal, like Jakub says, is valuing my readers. I want to make it an absolute certainty in my readers’ minds that I’m playing square with them and treating them right.

It’s only business, but the way I choose to play it, which is for the long term.

Reason #2. Daniel has been good to me over the years, He promoted me to his 5k-person list back when I had a list of fewer than 300 readers, and on several subsequent occasions. He has spoken well of me, driven subscribers my way, and helped me make sales.

And now, he’s hyping me up to his own list, which he values equally as much as I value mine, and he’s sending new buyers my way for a very expensive course. It’s simple gratitude to pay that back in an earnest way.

But if you need a more mercenary explanation, then consider…

Reason #3. Top copywriter Chris Haddad, who also runs an 8-figure Clickbank business, once said, “Your job is to make your affiliates money.”

Why make your affiliates money? Because it’s your job. Because it’s how you get paid this month, and next month, and the month after that.

I don’t know whether Daniel and I will ever do another JV promo in the future. Maybe we never will. But maybe we will collaborate in some less formal, more indirect way.

Or maybe I will have other JV partners and affiliates. Whatever the case, it can’t hurt to let it be known that, just like with my readers, I treat my partners squarely and work to help them make money.

So that’s my thought process on continuing to send people to Daniel’s list, even after I could squint and say, I’ve done enough.

That said, I won’t send you to Daniel’s list now. It’s simply too late.

The special discount I promised Daniel ends at noon PST today, less than an hour from now. As far as I know, Daniel won’t send more emails before now and then.

If you’re not on Daniel’s list, then I assume you weren’t interested in Copy Riddles right now. That’s okay. I’ll work to get you interested in the future.

But if you are on Daniel’s list, and you would like to get Copy Riddles before the $200 discount disappears, then rummage through your inbox right now… find Daniel’s most recent email… and follow the instructions at the end of it. If you’re serious about owning copywriting skills at a high level, it will be well worth it.

Do you have a wonderful product that’s underpriced or underappreciated?

Last month, I promoted Steve Raju’s ClientRaker training. It was grand. I got a buncha new buyers for Steve, and in the days following Steve’s first live call, I got a buncha happy subscribers writing in to thank me for turning them on to such a valuable training.

Eventually, the ClientRaker chatter died down. But then this past Monday, long-time reader Kevin Wood wrote me to say:


It’s about a month later, but I’ve only been through 2 of the Client Raker calls. So far it’s one of the most mind-blowing trainings I’ve been through. Beyond the technical steps of using ChatGPT, the mindset shift has been the biggest thing so far. Like how much positioning matters, the types of industries to target, why not go after whale clients. A lot of these thoughts have never entered my mind before, so it’s super inspiring in that way.

Also, learning how to use ChatGPT the “Steve Raju” way makes me feel dumb in a good way. Like, there’s no way I would have figured or even thought of the approaches he takes. And this is after going through other AI courses and trying out a few different AI writing tools. It’s shifted how I use ChatGPT in general, not applying his client methods yet.

Anyways, it’s the best money I’ve spent on a course this year and that’s without applying it for clients yet, or finishing the course. So, thanks.


Like I wrote at end of the ClientRaker promo…

I would promote something like Steve’s ClientRaker every week if I could. But there are not a lot of ClientRakers and not a lot of Steve Rajus hidden out there.

Not a lot… but there might be some.

Steve and I started talking back in June, when I sussed out interest in a training about charging higher prices for your offer.

Turns out Steve didn’t need my help with that, beyond me telling him that what he’s offering definitely sounds more valuable than what he’s charging for it.

But if something has worked once, it’s worth going back to again. So since I connected with Steve in this way, let me try it now with you:

If you’re selling something wonderful — a course, a training, even your services — that you feel is underpriced, then write in and let me know.

Or if you have a great offer that not a lot of people know about, write in and let me know that as well.

I’m not promising anything specific in return, except an open ear and maybe some encouragement that yes, indeed, you should charge more starting today, or yes, indeed, you should take obvious steps to get more people exposed to your great offer.

But who knows, maybe it will turn into something more. Maybe we can work together directly in some way. Or maybe I can help you indirectly in some way. But it won’t happen unless we first talk.

It’s up to you, and to your decision to reply to this email, preferably right now.

“Too many single moms” in my Facebook DMs

Due to some client work I’ve been doing lately, I’ve been forced to go back into the cobweb-laced haunted house that is my Facebook account.

Each time I tip-toe my way along the creaky floorboards there, I see dozens of new friend requests pasted on the walls, all from people I don’t know from Adam’s off ox.

Occasionally, I go on binges of approving those friend requests.

Last week, I logged in and saw a message from a guy with an Italian name, whose friend request I must have approved some time earlier. My new friend wrote:

“Thanks for accepting my request man, I appreciate that! I noticed you’re into personal development. I have a quick question if you don’t mind.”

Personal development? I replied to say, sure. And I went about my day.

Since I don’t have any notifications enabled anywhere, I forgot all about it until I logged in to Facebook a few days later. And there was my friend’s quick question:

“Are you currently using online dating apps?”

That escalated quickly. ​​With just 7 words, this Italian stallion was quickly nearing “unwelcome pest” territory.

​​I replied with a professional and elegant “no.”

I thought that would be the end of it. But I was wrong. The next time I logged in, a follow-up was waiting for me:

“Too many single moms or not matching with the type of women you truly desire?”

At this point, like a hot 24-year-old girl who has lost interest in a boring Tinder chat, I stopped replying. But I did check his profile. It turns out he sells some kind of service to get you matching with the type of women you truly desire.

This got me wondering. Even if this guy’s presumptuous marketing approach is successful in hooking somebody, who is he gonna get?

A long-term, devoted customer or client?

Or somebody who will ghost him at the very first turn in the road?

My guess is the second.

That’s not a game I ever want to play, and not one I advise to you either.

A sale is never just a sale, and a client is never just a client.

My advice is to think actively about the relationships you build, the long-term potential of those relationships, or if you like, the lifetime value. That’s really my biggest and most valuable conclusion after having worked with hundreds of clients, many of who paid me $100, a few of who paid me $100k or more.

And on that note:

Until this Wednesday, I am promoting Steve Raju’s ClientRaker training.

ClientRaker is all about finding high-quality, long-term, devoted clients. Without sliding into anybody’s DMs, without embarrassing yourself, and without offending or annoying people who are no prospects of yours to begin with.

In case you’re interested:

If you want more clients or if your current clients are morons, scammers, or just plain cheap

I have an offer for you today. If you want new clients, more clients, or better clients, then my suggestion is to get this offer. I endorse it fully, 100%, horns-to-hoof.

If I were still looking for copywriting clients, I would be busy applying the info inside this offer right now, instead of being here telling you about it.

You can buy this offer at my affiliate link at the end of this email. But first, read on for the background, and why I endorse this offer from alpha to omega:

Last month I exchanged some emails with Steve Raju. Steve is a copywriter and a direct response marketer. I knew from before that he’d been one of the coaches inside Stefan Georgi’s Copy Accelerator thing.

Steve wrote me that he had recently put on a training about how to get clients — using AI.

I rolled my eyes. “Oh great. Another AI course to heave onto the dogpile.”

A bit later, Steve and I got on a call. He was telling me about how he uses AI to figure out his prospects’ problems and to develop his messaging in a quick and foolproof way.

Fine. I figure that with a bit of work, with or without AI, I could do the same. But fine.

And then, in a kind of “Of course everybody knows this bit” manner, Steve told me how he actually uses all this AI-generated stuff.

Over the next few minutes, as my jaw gradually made its way further and further down towards the floor, Steve outlined how he how goes on LinkedIn… clicks here… clicks there… uses one little trick to find the exact right prospects who are currently in heat… a second little trick to wave his bloody, species-specific bait in front of them… a third little trick to make sure the prospects amble into his trap… and a fourth little trick to make sure the trap springs on them in such a way that they willingly reach out to him — yes, they come to him — and ask if maybe he can help them.

Steve felt all this LinkedIn trickery was obvious, and was just an add-on to the sexy AI stuff.

But to me, this “real world” stuff was magic, and his way of connecting with the right clients on LinkedIn was something I would never figure out myself.

I also suspect it was this which really gave Steve the results he has had with his system.

Consider the following:

Steve fired all his copywriting and marketing clients this past January, pretty much just because he wanted to.

He then took a two-month vacation back home to the UK (he lives in Vancouver normally).

UK vacation over, he got back to Vancouver, scratched his chin a bit, and said, “Well, now what?”

He then started applying the system he told me about, and within a couple weeks, he had lined up calls with the likes of:

* The global innovation lead for a pharma giant that takes in $40 billion per year

* The world’s no. 1 company for performing complex clinical trials

* The United Nations subject matter expert on A.I.

Steve’s current thing is repositioning himself as an AI expert to these kinds of whale, mammoth, brontosaurus clients. Huge, slow beasts. That might sound intimidating to you, or like the kind of thing you might not even want.

I’ve watched Steve’s training in full now. It’s fantastic.

And I can assure you that even if you are not interested in capturing $40 billion pharma whales as your new clients, you can also use Steve’s method to position or reposition yourself in such a way that you catch $120 million ecommerce marlins… or $80 million SaaS tunas… or simply lean and fast $20 million info-publishing bonefish.

The first live training of Steve’s course, which is called Clientraker — James Bond reference — will happen next Wednesday, July 19.

Between then and now, I will write more about Steve’s course, and nudge you, sometimes gently, sometimes forcefully, towards Steve’s sales page.

If you are currently hungry for client work… or nervous because your current clients might leave you tomorrow and you have zero idea how you might replace them… or if you are flush with client work — but at least a few of those clients are morons, scammers, or just plain cheap… then I strongly advise you to get Steve’s training, watch it live as he delivers it it, and implement it the minute he stops talking.

Or don’t. But others will.

In case you’re convinced already and you want to sign up: