Public appeal: What are you eyeing to buy?

During my CopyHour promo last week, I got a message from a reader who got stung by buying too soon:


Man you really gotta start posting an affiliate calendar, your bonuses are always amazing… same case as High Impact Writing. I already bought it on the first round of the year and I will say it was phenomenal. would’ve been great to get it from your affiliate though


An affiliate calendar is a smart idea. But the fact is, as things stand, I have no major affiliate offers planned soon. Maybe you can help me with that.

Ask yourself:

Is there anything you’re thinking of buying?

Any course, mastermind, coaching program you have your eye on, you’ve been saving up for, you’re on the fence with?

If there is, write in and let me know.

If it’s an offer that makes sense to promote to my entire list, I will reach out the offer owner and ask about striking some kind of a deal.

And when I do, I will make sure you benefit.

Maybe I can wrangle a sizeable discount on your behalf.

Or maybe I’ll add on valuable bonuses — extra trainings or a community or secret info — that make the original price seem like a steal.

You win. I win. And maybe even that offer owner wins.

So think for a moment. And if something pops up in your mind, let me know.