The solemnization of your union to your…?

Dearly beloved—

We are gathered here today so that I may call out a few honourable and dishonourable names:

– Brian Kurtz calls his customers his “online family”

– Dan Kennedy calls his customers his “herd”

– Ben Settle calls his customers his “horde”

Why does this matter? I’m not sure, but it does.

The human brain likes to think in metaphors. It likes to leech emotional context from one thing to another. It likes to take vague and inhuman concepts like “email addresses in a database” and turn that into something more familiar and concrete, like a family or a herd of cattle.

Therefore I require and charge you to think about the kind of metaphor you are using or not using. This will solemnize your union to your audience. I mean, to your tenants. I mean, to your parishioners.

Clearly, my own mixed metaphor still needs some work. But I’m experimenting with it.

Wilt thou experiment as well? Then take a look at the page below, because it might be helpful: