Get ready

I’ve just had a large and rich breakfast, fit for an Olympian. Today is the last day of my CopyHour promo, and I had to make sure I had enough calories in me to run the extra laps around the daily email track.

Because the last day of an email promotion is where most of the sales come in.

​​And when I say most, I mean most — 40%-60% of total sales typically come in the last 12-18 hours, even if the promo has been running for a week or more.

That fact always blows my mind.

​​What equally blows my mind is that so many business owners and email marketers don’t take advantage of this, and don’t send out more emails on the last day to highlight that the deadline is here, that the deadline is near, and that missing it will cost their readers dear.

So that’s my advice for you today:

Get ready.

Have a big breakfast that last day of your promo. Send an alert, warning your readers that there will be more emails than usual. Make your content funny, or cute, or excessively valuable — whatever you need to do to get those extra emails out the door.

I’ll have more promo tips like that for you today.

Because I am closing my promo of CopyHour tonight at 8:31pm CET — less than 10 hours away. If you join CopyHour before then, using my affiliate link below, I’ll also give you access to the following five free bonuses, each of which I previously sold for good money:

#1. Copy Zone (price last sold at: $100). My 175-page, A-Z guide on the business side of copywriting, from getting started with no experience or portfolio, all the way to becoming an A-list copywriter. Only ever sold once before, during a flash 24-hour offer in March 2023.

#2. Most Valuable Postcard #2: Ferrari Monster (price last sold at: $100). A deep dive into a single fascinating topic — code named Ferrari Monster — which I claim is the essence of all copywriting and marketing. Get the Ferrari Monster right, and almost everything else falls into place.

#3. Copy Riddles Lite (price last sold at $99). A slice of my Copy Riddles program, proportionately priced. Try yourself against legendary A-list copywriters like Gene Schwartz, David Deutsch, and Clayton Makepeace — and in the process, implant new copywriting skills into your brain.

#4. Horror Advertorial Swipe File (price last sold at: $100). A zip file with 25 PDFs, featuring the original copy for 25 of my horror advertorials. These advertorials pulled in millions of dollars on cold Facebook and YouTube traffic, and sold everything from fake diamonds and dog seat belts, to stick-on bras and kids’ vitamins.

#5. 9 Deadly Email Sins (price last sold at: $100). 9 lessons distilled from my expensive and exclusive one-on-one coaching sessions with successful business owners and marketers.

When you add all those prices up, you get a total of $499 in free bonuses. This happens to be more than CopyHour currently sells for.

Again, the deadline to get these bonuses is tonight, 8:31pm CET. If you want ’em, you’ll have to join CopyHour before then.

For more info on that, take a look at Derek’s writeup of how CopyHour works:

P.S. If you do join CopyHour, write me and say so. Also write me in case you already have bought via my affiliate link. The affiliate portal only lets me see the first name of who’s bought and not the email. So write me and say you bought, and I’ll send over your bonuses.