If sales calls are not your thing…

Yesterday, I was talking to James “Get Paid Write” Carran.

​​James has 100k+ followers on Twitter. He also has a daily email newsletter I’m subscribed to.

James used to do ghostwriting on Twitter — he charged clients a few thousand dollars per month to write tweets. He’s since stopped client work and is writing for himself.

I asked if he would want to go back and do more ghostwriting for clients. To which James replied:

“The thing I don’t like about client work is the getting clients part, which is sales calls. Calls in general, not my thing.”

I told James something, which I will tell you also, because it’s absolutely true and maybe it will be the push you need:

If sales calls are really your block, you don’t have a block. You can do what you want.

There’s no rule out there that you have to get on a sales call and convince clients to work with you.

If you have expertise and an audience, it’s the other way around. You can tell people, “If you want to work with me, this is how I work.”

I don’t do client work any more. But this year I’ve closed $2k and $3k sales by email alone. That’s about the highest-ticket stuff I sell right now. But I bet I could go higher. I know there are people who have closed $5k and $10k and $15k stuff via email, no sales calls required.

Of course, if you decide that you don’t want to do sales calls, you’ll have to adjust other parts of your business to make up for that.

Specifically, you’ll need an audience, perceived authority, and perceived familiarity — your prospects feel they know you even though you’ve never met.

Getting any of these doesn’t happen overnight. But it doesn’t have to take forever either. Depending on where you are, a few weeks or a few months can be enough.

If you want to get started today, then create an optin form, and write an email like this one. ​​Or, if you want my help and guidance along the way, hit reply. I promise there won’t be any sales call.