The course I wish I had created

Just a few moments ago, I sent an email to marketer Matt Giaro, telling him he’s free to use the following line and to attribute it to me:

“You took the information I gave you and ran with it much further than I did, and developed a complete system for it and got repeatable results from it, unlike me. I wish I had done what you did, but now that you’ve done it, there’s no need for me to do it on my own and duplicate the work.”

The background:

Some time last fall, Matt contacted me.

​​He saw that, earlier in the year, I had run a $300 classified ad in Josh Spector’s newsletter. He was thinking about doing the same, and he wanted to know my experiences.

So we did a quick little one-hour paid consult.

I told Matt how I ran a few successful newsletter ads (Josh Spector, Daniel Throssell), where I got hundreds of new subscribers who paid for themselves, usually on day zero.

I also told him about the unsuccessful newsletter ads I ran, which just cost me money and probably sender reputation (I’m looking at you, Udimi).

And that was that. Matt said thanks, and we went our separate ways.

Until this March. That’s when I saw that Matt was launching a new course, called Subscribers From Scratch. It was all about how he was getting high-quality newsletter subscribers by running little ads in other newsletters.

The fact is:

The way I was running newsletter ads required a good deal of work. It wasn’t something that I wanted to do every month, much less every week or two.

And since I have plenty of other shiny gewgaws to distract me, I never bothered to figure out how to run newsletter ads repeatably and to still get good results.

But Matt did figure it out.

He took what I told him and ran with it. He developed his own system that allowed him to get a few dozen or a few hundred subscribers each time he ran a newsletter ad.

But much more importantly, he figured out how to get quality subscribers, subscribers who ended up paying for the ad, often in a matter of days.

So like I said to Matt, his Subscribers From Scratch is the course I wish I had created.

I wish I had taken the trouble to figure out a repeatable, scalable system for running newsletter ads. I wish I had packaged it up and sold it.

But I didn’t. And now that he’s done it, I won’t have to.

Right about now, you might expect me to plop in an affiliate link for Matt’s Subscribers From Scratch.

That won’t happen.

Subscribers From Scratch normally sells for $397. But I got Matt to agree to give away a “lite” version of it — all the training and how-to information, minus the bonuses and templates — for free.

Well, for free if you’ve already bought my Simple Money Emails course. Or if you buy it before this Saturday, June 1, at 12 midnight PST.

If you’ve already bought Simple Money Emails, you should have gotten an email from me already with the instructions on how to claim Subscribers From Scratch Lite.

And if you haven’t yet bought it, but you want to learn how to write effective daily emails that make sales, and get Matt’s Subscribers From Scratch Lite for free, and learn how to get readers who actually buy from the emails you write, then here’s where to go:

Exotic dancer turns down a client

Today I was talking to the owner of a successful Facebook ads agency. She said something interesting about a potential client she turned away.

I asked if I could reprint what she told me in my email and use her name.

She refused. At least the name part.

“Never ever name me,” she said. “Not my real name. Give me a cool name, some exotic dancer’s name.”

So let’s call her Misty Mirage.

And yes, you now have the right to feel I catfished you into reading this email, because this is as close to exotic dancers as this story is going to get.

You have every right to close down this email or even to unsubscribe in frustration.

But you might still want to read on, because what happened was short but steamy.

So Misty Mirage was talking to a potential client today. They were talking about a private dance, aka. a Facebook ads campaign that Misty would run.

Except, the guy didn’t have the money to pay Misty her usual exotic rate. He was trying to negotiate some kind of payment plan.

Normally, Misty would try to accommodate a broke but nice client and still do a little dance for him. But perhaps because of the alignment of the stars and the moon, today she refused.

​​As she told me:

“Normally I would have tried to help this dude for free, and done a ton of work, and then he would have ended up disappointed and so would I. Because it wouldn’t have worked without a lot of effort and a lot of money. If this guy doesn’t have the money to pay me, he’s not gonna have the money to run ads properly. So I told him, ‘Can’t do it for you.'”

I’ve previously suggested choosing clients and customers by asking yourself, “Would I bet on this person? If I could only get paid if they end up successful, would I still take their money upfront?”

I still think this is a good question to ask. But apparently it’s not good enough.

Like Misty’s case shows, even successful business owners will do work for free just to be nice.

Maybe it’s not always “free” free work.

​​But it’s free work nonetheless — selling their products or services for cheaper than they could sell them, or giving away consultations or good advice, or simply not charging for all they do or all the time that they invest.

I know I’ve done it in the past. Sometimes I still catch myself doing it. Maybe you’re doing it too.

So I’m here to tell you, it’s okay to stop.

​​It’s okay to say no.

​​It’s okay to send people away, even if they’re nice, because they simply have too many pieces missing for you to really help them. It can be genuine charity. And it will also help your business.

And now:

Since I love to apply the ideas I write about, I would like to announce that tomorrow I will give away something for free.

But it won’t be anything of my own.

It will be a free, time-limited bonus for anyone who has bought my Simple Money Emails course. This free bonus is currently selling for as much as Simple Money Emails sells for. But you get it for free, if you are a Simple Money Emails buyer.

More info on that tomorrow.

But if you’d like to get Simple Money Emails today, both because it can show you how to write steamy, burlesque-like emails like this one, and because you want tomorrow’s free bonus, whatever it may be, then head on over here:

High-ranking Tinder profiles

I met a friend for dinner last night. As we sat over tacos gobernador, he told me about an acquaintance of his, who has cracked the Tinder code.

My friend explained:

Apparently, Tinder puts its users into castes of a sort. Based on how attractive you are, you get a score. And your profile is only ever shown to other people who are at your score or lower.

In other words, the caste of 6’s are allowed to gaze up and admire the caste of 9’s. On the other hand, the 9’s don’t even know the 6’s exist. Let them eat cake.


My friend’s acquaintance has supposedly figured out a way to game the system. He can now create profiles that get a Brad Pitt score at will. And he’s selling these profiles.

Of course, once you update your Brad Pitt profile with your Ed Norton photos, the profile won’t stay inside the top caste forever.

But it will stay there for some time. And who knows, maybe that’s enough time to find true love? With somebody high-caste?

“Interesting,” I said out of the side of my taco-filled mouth. “So how is he selling these?”

“That’s the problem,” my friend said. “Facebook won’t let him run ads. So I suggested he could pay for an agency Facebook ad account. He could then cloak it. And who knows, after a while, he might figure out how to run these cloaked ads to sell his Tinder profiles.”

One way or another, this is the route many people take when they have something new to sell.

“I have the product. It’s great, or at least I think so. Now how in the hell do I build an audience, or create a marketing system, so that I can sell my great product?”

It can be done. But it’s a difficult and expensive path to go.

A much easier and cheaper route is to find people who have already built an audience or a working marketing system.


When I had the idea to create my Copy Riddles program, before I built it out, I reached out to Derek Johanson of CopyHour.

​​I explained my idea, and asked Derek if he would like to be my first affiliate.

​​Derek said yes, even though he had never met me before, and even though I had zero credentials as a course creator.

Example two:

I told my friend last night to tell the Tinder code-cracker to find people who are already running Facebook ads for Tinder offers.

You know, $37 ebooks with the magic 3-word Tinder opening line etc.

Reach out to these people, and see if they would be interested in selling their buyers on the opportunity to get seen on Tinder, so they can actually use their magic opening lines.

And that’s my suggestion to you too.

It’s not just if you have a new offer. It’s not just if you’re a newbie.

You can go at anything alone. You might make it. Or you might falter and collapse by the side of the road.

On the other hand, there are plenty of people who have already bought or built various bicycles, buses, or helicopters. Many of them might be willing to give you a ride. You just have to ask.

But back to my Copy Riddles program.

After Derek Johanson said he would be my first affiliate, I did end up creating the actual program. And Derek did end up promoting it as an affiliate. As did Daniel Throssell. Daniel had this to say about it (spliced together from a few of his emails):


There are few other courses I fully and wholeheartedly endorse as strongly as one of my own. Copy Riddles is one of them.

It’s the most brilliant course concept I’ve ever seen… literally a gamified series of sequential puzzles that teaches you copywriting.

I have literally never had so many people write to me after I start promoting something, offering unsolicited & gushing feedback on it!


Maybe Copy Riddles can help you sell your own $37 ebook? Or maybe it can help you craft a sexy pitch that gets others interested in selling it?

If you’d like to find out more about Copy Riddles:

Affluent quests

This morning. Coaching call.

The guy I’m coaching writes a daily email. Makes a lot of money. Has had two or three successful careers before turning to online marketing.

As an aside, today he mentioned an email that he sent to his list last week. It was about his own imposter syndrome.

Admitting to imposter syndrome wasn’t any kind of pandering or fake vulnerability.

He genuinely felt doubts when a new client, much more successful than him and with a much bigger business than his own, came to him for advice and guidance, and offered to pay him multiple thousands of dollars per month for it, for a six month engagement.

“That email got a lot of response,” my coaching student said.

I’m not surprised. And I imagine that the people who replied to him were his best prospects.

After all, the most highly qualified, highly credentialed people are the ones to most acutely feel a mismatch between their public image — success and achievement — and the inner reality — doubts, confusion, time needed to figure it out.

This includes even the top achievers, the ones who repeatedly get results.

Marketing tip:

In his No B.S Marketing To The Affluent book, direct marketing legend Dan Kennedy says the affluent are on a search, a life and lifestyle quest.

Dan gives five dimensions to this quest. But most of all, says Dan, the affluent are on a quest for competence.

So keep that in mind if you’re trying to sell to the upper end of your market. The high achievers. The Mavericks, rather than the Gooses of your audience.

As for me:

Maybe you’d like to work with me one-on-one?

Next week, I’m wrapping up coaching with the high-achiever above.

​​Right at the start of our work together, I told him that he didn’t need more than a month of my feedback and time. After all, his emails were already fun and interesting. His copy was dialed in. And he was making lots and lots of sales.

And yet, he still wanted to get my feedback on his copy, because he wanted to get better at what he’s doing, and to learn something new. About that, he told me this morning:

“It’s been amazing. I’ve learned a lot. I’ve had sales. Mostly little tips and tricks that I opted in for, so I feel fulfilled.”

I don’t do a lot of one-on-one coaching.

​​After next week, it will either be zero people, or one person, depending if I find somebody who is a good fit.

​​In case you’re interested, hit reply, and we can talk.

How to get me to refer your stuff (or vice versa)

I’ll tell you in just a second. But first, for greater impact, let me illustrate what I have to tell you with a little anecdote from this morning:

This morning, I prepared my usual breakfast — a can of sardines and some salad from a bag — and I sat down to my usual breakfast reading.

My usual breakfast reading is the latest New Yorker. ​​Today, it happened to be an article abut the hottest restaurant in France, a €52.99/person, all-you-can-eat buffet called Les Grands Buffets.

Les Grands Buffets is in a town called Narbonne, in the south of France, less than 100km from the Spanish border, and a 2-hour drive from Barcelona, where I live.

“Interesting,” I said.

And without knowing what I was doing, I got out my phone.

I opened up the WhatsApp group I have with two friends who visited me in Barcelona two years ago. They both have some interest in the south of France. So I forwarded them the article and joked, “Maybe for the next time you visit.”

Then I thought of my ex-girlfriend.

After 9 months of cohabitation after our breakup, we finally stopped living together last month. But she’s still in Barcelona and we’re still on good terms.

Since she’s a big foodie, I also forwarded her the same article about Les Grands Buffets. (Immediately, she wrote back, “Maybe you would like to go for a road trip ?😂❤️”)

So the point I want to share with you is a simple two-step formula for getting referrals.

It’s right there in my experience from this morning, in the way I unthinkingly forwarded this New Yorker article to two sets of people. The formula:

1. Something interesting, potentially valuable, which I was willing to share

2. Specific details that made it easy to think of the right people to share it with

This is something you can do consciously, if you want to encourage me (or others) to refer you or your brand or content or offers.

Let me give you an example:

Last night, I sent out a very brief email to my list. The email asked my readers if they 1) write Facebook ads, and 2) have clients who pay them for it.

I promised my readers that if they satisfy these two conditions, I have something that might help them get paid more.

So far, I’ve had a few dozen people respond.

But… maybe you know somebody else? Somebody who fits the two criteria above? Somebody who writes Facebook ads… and who has paying clients?

If so, consider forwarding them this email. Maybe you can benefit this person, and they’ll be grateful to you.

And if somebody forwarded this email to you, and you fit the criteria above, and you’re interested in what I have, then hit reply.

4 lessons from my 9-day promo for Daily Email Fastlane

Last night, I concluded the promo for for Daily Email Fastlane. That’s the workshop I’m hosting tonight, right now, as this email goes out.

Good news: I sold more tickets to Daily Email Fastlane than I was expecting.

Bad news: At $100 per sale, it’s still not enough to buy a Rolls-Royce.

But that’s okay. This workshop was most of all an experiment, in a few ways.

I’ve collected the data. It’s now time to analyze it.

Some of what my analysis shows is standard daily email propaganda. What I mean is, the data supports the basic idea I was plugging all week long, about the value of writing daily emails for your personal brand. For example:

#1. 87% of people who signed up for Daily Email Fastlane have bought other courses or trainings from me before. Many have been on my list for 3+ years.

Would they have stuck around and been willing to buy from me now if I failed to stay in touch with them during that time?

#2. There was also a handful of first-time buyers. Most of them have been on my list for weeks, months, or in one case, closing in on a year.

In other words, it took dozens or hundreds of daily email “touches” to close this first sale… but it wasn’t very hard to do.

In fact, I even had fun writing some of those dozens or hundreds of emails over the past weeks, months, and year.

#3. I made sales with every email I sent out during this promo. This tells me I probably could have sent out still more emails and made still more sales.

All these conclusions are probably obvious to you. And they are only really useful in case you too send daily emails, as validation, or want to start sending daily emails, as inspiration.

But I do have one extra tip for you.

It’s relevant whether or not you choose to send daily emails.

In fact, it might be more relevant if you don’t send daily emails.

This tip doesn’t come from the sales data. It comes from the replies and comments of the people who ended up signing up for the workshop.

It’s this:

Many of those who joined told me they were sold by the core idea I had for this training. The core idea was to share the common elements among 3 daily emailers I’ve coached, each of whom is uniquely successful in his own way.

The way I came up with that core idea wasn’t accidental. It wasn’t a unique moment of inspiration, either.

It was routine, and something you can do too.

It’s simply an application of my #1 strategy for creating offers of any kind, in any niche.

You can use this strategy to create offers that sell… even if you don’t have your own coaching program for authority, even if you don’t sell marketing advice, even if, like me, you don’t bother to set up a sales page.

You can find this strategy described in detail towards the end of chapter 1 of my 10 Commandments of A-List Copywriters. For more info on that:

Pick one of these 3 niches

Less is often more when it comes to marketing education.


I’ve heard marketer Travis Sago say he was once selling a biz op training, about providing some sort of marketing service to businesses.

The first iteration of the training didn’t work out well — Travis had to spend too much time helping his students figure out what niche of businesses to go after.

After it was all over, Travis took stock.

He paced and paced the floor of his laboratory, deep into the night.

And then, in the early morning hours, he had an epiphany:

For the second iteration of the training, Travis simply took out the niche selection part.

Instead, he made niche selection a part of the marketing and application process. When you signed up for the training, you had to pick one of three niches to be in.


Much easier delivery of the training, and much better results for the students.

I bring this up because I have my Daily Email Fastlane coming up on Thursday. This is a workshop about sending daily emails for your personal brand.

It’s the first time I’m ever offering this workshop.

I have learned a lot from Travis Sago, and I plan to learn from him here as well. So I will not be covering how to pick a niche in Daily Email Fastlane.

Instead, for anyone who does not yet have a niche, but is considering writing daily emails for themselves, my advice is to pick one of these 3 niches for your daily emails:

1. Personal interest

2. Previous experience (preferably, something you got paid for)

3. Make money

You can mix and meld these. My daily emails started out as #1 (interest in persuasion, influence, and personal development)… moved into #2 (talking about copywriting and marketing, based on the work I was doing for clients)… and I’ve since introduced #3, how to get adequately rich so you can live life on your own terms. Which brings me back to Daily Email Fastlane.

The above advice about niches holds whether or not you decide to join me for Daily Email Fastlane. If you want to write daily emails and build a personal brand based on those emails, pick one of the 3 niches above.

But if you want my advice on topics that are a bit further down the daily email road, then consider actually joining me for this workshop.

I will talk about 3 daily emailers I have coached. Each of them fits primarily into one of three categories above. And each built a nice lifestyle business, with one daily email at the center of it.

The deadline to sign up for Daily Email Fastlane is this Wednesday, at 8:31pm CET. If you know you want in, and you want to make sure you don’t miss the deadline, here’s where to go now:

Announcing: Daily Email Fastlane

Next Thursday, I’m putting on a workshop which until now did not have a proper name. I’m sure you were on pins and needles because of the uncertainty. I am writing now to set you at ease.

I’ve settled on a name. That name is Daily Email Fastlane.

Hear me out:

Over the past year or so, I’ve coached a dozen or so people who write daily emails as a central part of their business strategy.

Out of that dozen or so people, three stand out in my mind — based on the money they make, the stability of their income, and simply in how much they seem to enjoy their business and their life.

I won’t name these people. But I’ll tell you this:

These three daily emailers all move fast. They write emails fast. They spin up offers fast. They go from “good idea” to “let’s see if it works” fast.

“Yeah that’s swell for them,” you might say. “But what about me?”

Well, that’s actually why I’m calling this workshop Daily Email Fastlane.

I can’t motivate you to move any faster than you normally do. That’s up to you.

What I can do, in fact what I’ve done, is to look at what else these three daily emailers have in common, such as:

– how they write their emails and make those emails good, even when they are not feeling creative

– how they structure their offers in a way that makes those offers 17.4x more likely to succeed (that’s my inexact estimate, but it’s in the ballpark)

– how they get their leads and how they think about leads

– plus what I advised them to do to take their already successful daily email businesses and make them even more successful

So that’s why this training is called Daily Email Fastlane. ​​Not because you have to move fast. But because I’ll show you the commonalities of three very different, and yet very successful daily email business owners, so you can take what has worked for them and have it work for you.

Do this, and you will get to success with daily email for your personal brand, in the fast lane, regardless of your natural speed.

Daily Email Fastlane will happen next Thursday, May 23, at 8pm CET, 2pm EST, 11am PST. It will be recorded if you cannot make it live. Though if you can be there and I can see your handsome mug live on Zoom, that’s even better.

In case you’d like to sign up:

Even criminals need a “wow” factor

A few weeks ago, I was listening to an interview with an FBI special agent. That’s how I found out there’s an application process for getting onto the FBI’s Top 10 Most Wanted list. Says the FBI agent:

“Yeah, there’s an application process, because the FBI knows that this is going to be on the media. Everyone’s going to scrutinize this, so they want to make sure everything is correct. You know, there has to be a little bit of a, I wouldn’t say, a wow factor is not the right word, but a factor of saying, ‘Listen, wow, I’m really interested in this.'”

The FBI agent seems to be trying to not glamorize violent crime.

First he denies criminals who get on the FBI’s Top 10 Most Wanted list have a “wow” factor.

But right after, that’s exactly what he confirms. There has to be an element of “wow.” There has to be something to set the criminal apart and to get the public interested.

Really, when you think about it, that’s not much of a surprise.

There are millions of criminals around the U.S.

​​There are probably tens of thousands of violent, dangerous, would-be-great-to-get-into-custody-today criminals. But there’s only so much space in the news and only so much capacity for attention in the public mind.

Of course, you are not a criminal. That’s good.

But I think the lesson from the FBI’s Top 10 Most Wanted holds even on this side of the law.

Whatever it is that you do, you are competing against a bunch of other people.
​​Maybe millions of others.

More likely, thousands do something like you do. Even a few dozen options in a market is more than the public mind can comfortably handle.

So you need a “wow” factor. Something to set you apart and to get people interested. Because simply doing your job very well — or very violently — is usually not enough.

There are lots of ways you can create a “wow” factor for yourself.

I’ve done it for myself using what I’ve called the Most Valuable Email trick.

This trick is not stories, or pop culture illustrations, or shock and controversy.

It’s something else entirely. Something that others have used profitably before I started using the Most Valuable Email trick, and still others have used profitably since I taught it to them.

If you’d like to learn the Most Valuable Email trick yourself, you can. It takes all of an hour to learn and start applying in your own emails, so you can create a kind of “wow” factor for yourself.

If that’s something you’re interested in, take a look here:

I asked for ideas to fail, and I got ’em

The results are in. Well, some of the results.

Yesterday, I wrote an email asking my readers for ideas. On how I could make more money. And I offered a $100 reward — if I run with the idea and it fails.


I got a small number of replies so far. Almost all the replies were thoughtful, serious ideas that could legitimately make me more money.

I’ve decided to try out an idea sent to me by Modern Maker Jacob Pegs. I’ll report on the final result of that — $100 or glory — by the end of this month.

The thing is, I would like to do more. Try out two, three, all of the ideas people sent me. All at the same time.

I’d also like to finish that book I’ve been working on for a while. Plus I’d like to go through my existing emails and package those up into even more books.

I’d like to create a couple new courses, or maybe a half dozen. I have ideas for a few workshops as well. Plus I’ve been toying with the idea of creating a community for a while.

I’d like to find new affiliate offers to promote… I’d like to come up with some sort of continuity program… I’d like to build up my list with more people with money.

And that’s just for this little info publishing business.

There’s a whole big world of money-making opportunities out there that regularly calls my attention and tempts me with the thought of cool new projects using skills and assets I already have.

All that’s to say:

I’m a moderately successful dude. And I have a moderately infinite list of possible projects to do, all of which sound cool, all of which which could make me a ton of money, all of which could be good for me in other ways.

But there are people out there who are vastly more successful than I am. And those people have vastly infinite lists of possible projects to do, all of which sound cool, all of which could make them a ton of money, all of which could be good for them in other ways.

You see the problem:

Infinite opportunities…

Finite time. Finite energy. Finite head space.

And that’s pretty much the argument for going to business owners and saying, “Hey. You. How about I just do this for you? Don’t pay me anything. Don’t stress about this at all. I’ll handle all of it. Just, if it makes money, you give me a share?”

These kinds of offers work. I know, because I’ve made them, and I’ve had them accepted.

I can vouch first hand that these offers can collect you — as the party doing the work — a lot of money.

You can go out now and start reaching out to business owners and saying “Hey. You.”

If that works, great.

But if not, then consider Shiv Shetti’s PCM mastermind.

Shiv’s got a whole system for how to find business owners to partner with… how to approach them… what to say to them… and how to deliver on work that makes the business owner free money, which they are then happy to share with you.

Oh, and there’s also coaches inside PCM to help you along. I’m one of those coaches.

If you’d like to find out more about PCM: