Cart open for High Impact Writing + my free bonus

Starting today, and ending next Monday, I am promoting Kieran Drew’s High Impact Writing.

As you might know, Kieran is a bit of a star in the online entrepreneur space. He has over 200,000 followers on Twitter. He has a big and growing email newsletter, with over 30,000 readers. He has had several 6-figure launches and has built up a million-dollar personal brand.

Even more impressively, Kieran only got started with all this 3 years ago. Before that, he was a dentist. He started with an audience of zero.

Even most impressively, Kieran built up his audience and his business via writing alone.

No ads. No fly-by-night growth hacking strategies. No manipulating social media algorithms.

Just writing.

How exactly?

Well, that’s inside High Impact Writing. That’s Kieran’s course on social media writing. It’s for entrepreneurs who want to grow their brand and their business.

I’ve been going through High Impact Writing myself. I only have positive things to say about it. I’ll save those for my emails over the coming days.

For today, let me just say I endorse High Impact Writing 100%.

I also have a free bonus if you get High Impact Writing via my affiliate link below.

The free bonus is the recordings of my Age of Insight trainings, which I gave a little over a year ago.

These trainings consisted of three evening-long calls. Each of the calls focused on one of three “insightful writing” techniques.

The writing techniques I talk about in Age of Insight were at the heart of massively successful pieces of content, which used a feeling of insight to cut through the noise… to get into people’s heads… and to build marketshare and mindshare.

I sold Age of Insight for $297 at the time. Kieran is selling High Impact Writing for $297 right. So from whichever side you look at it, you buy one, you get one free.

Also, Kieran will be raising the price of High Impact Writing after this promo, which ends next Monday at 12 midnight PST. I don’t know by how much he’s increasing the price, but it will be a significant price bump.

If you have doubts or questions about High Impact Writing, then I will have more to say about it over the next three days.

But if you already know you want it, you can get it at the link below. Once you buy, forward me your email confirmation, and I will get you access to Age of Insight as well.

Here’s the link:

“No-fooling” secret to writing opening lines that get read and copied

Yeah, I bet you want the secret. I’ll tell you, but it won’t make sense unless you read the following first.

Last Friday, I sent an email about a photo I found on Twitter of a guy hand-copying my emails. To which I got a reply from an online entrepreneur with a 200k-strong audience, Kieran Drew. Kieran wrote me:


Guilty confession: I handcopied a fair few emails from your bonus doc in SME.

When I write my emails, I always go back to my inbox to see how you started your last few too. I still find the opening lines hard and I’m yet to see anyone do them as well as you do.


I heard something similar about my opening lines from a friend who runs a successful niche magazine (hi Radu). He told me he keeps my emails for their opening lines, as inspiration for openers when he needs to write something.

I never thought writing an opening line was some special superpower of mine. But like they say, once is an accident, twice is a positioning statement.

So I thought about what I do with the opening line of each of my emails. Really, it’s the millennia-old advice from legendary direct marketer Joe Sugarman:

“The purpose of the first sentence is to get you to read the second sentence. Nothing more, nothing less.”

You probably knew Joe Sugarman’s advice. You probably even follow it, and think you do it well. And maybe you really do it well. But maybe you don’t, not as well as you could. The trouble is, it’s easy to fool yourself.

I thought a bit more about my opening lines.

The only other secret that came to mind, besides the Joe Sugarman advice, is that I’ve spent a good amount of time learning to write sales bullets.

​​I’ve analyzed how A-list copywriters start with factual and dull source material… give away the relevant parts of it in their bullets… but leave out just the right thing to make you pull your hair out from wanting to know the secret.

It’s transformed how I write. Because it means there’s a way to learn to write copy in a way that you cannot fool yourself:

You start with the same source material A-list copywriters used to write their own bullets… write your own bullet… compare it to theirs… and see just how much tighter, more specific, and more intriguing theirs is.

The good news is, you don’t have to despair for long. Repeat this process, and soon enough, the A-listers tricks and tactics and skills start to seep into your own head, and people start saving what you write as examples of intriguing and specific and tight copy.

And on that note, I will remind you of my ongoing offer for Copy Riddles Lite.

The full Copy Riddles program teaches you how to write sales bullets, using the no-fooling process I described above.

Copy Riddles Lite is a tiny slice of the full Copy Riddles program, proportionately priced.

Copy Riddles Lite gives you a taste of this process, and gives you an opportunity to try yourself against legendary A-list copywriters like Gene Schwartz, David Deutsch, and Clayton Makepeace. That’s a valuable experience whether or not you choose to upgrade to the full Copy Riddles program.

I’m making Copy Riddles Lite available until tomorrow, Thursday, at 8:31pm CET. If you’d like to get it, it’s available here (no sales page, just an order form):

One of the very few newsletters I read with interest

One year ago, on January 10 2023 to be exact, I got a sudden burst of 100+ new subscribers.

That’s not how things go on a normal day in the Bejako hobbit hole. Not anywhere close. So I picked up my walking stick and went outside to investigate.

Google Analytics told me I had a mass of new website visitors from Twitter that day. So I walked over to Twitter, asked around, and came upon a tweet, which had been seen by 120k people, recommending me among several other email copywriters.

The person who wrote that tweet was one Kieran Drew.

At that time, Kieran had something like 100k Twitter followers. Today, he has over 200k. He also has a weekly email newsletter with close to 30k subscribers.

Kieran is an ex-dentist. He quit his comfortable job pulling teeth in September 2021. And he started to write online, full-time, to an eager audience of zero.

Kieran got his success so quickly and so thoroughly not via clever algorithm hacks or by running paid ads. Rather, he did it simply by writing. Clear, valuable, fun writing.

Thankfully, Kieran is not one of the descendants of Matt Furey in the daily email world, the way that I am.

His newsletter is pleasantly free of shaming… mocking… us-vs-them dog whistles… the daily striptease of a throbbing subject line that’s only paid off behind the paywall… or try-hard contrarian takes.

And yet, without all of these staples of daily emails, and even without writing daily, Kieran has his huge and devoted audience. And if you’re wondering if that huge and devoted audience is actually worth anything, Kieran grossed over $500k in 2023 alone, and he hit two 6-figure months.

If you’re interested in writing, or in making money online, what I’ve just told you should be enough to motivate you to get on Kieran’s email list and see what exactly he writes about and how he does it and how he profits from it.

But if by any chance it’s not enough, I can also add my personal seal of approval.

The fact is, I subscribe to hundreds of email newsletters. Most of them I ignore with a kind of malicious glee.

Some I work through out of a feeling of responsibility.

And then, there are a very few that I read regularly and with interest.

Kieran’s newsletter is among those very few. If you’d like to see why, sign up below and try it for yourself:

My first 1-star Amazon review

It finally happened. I finally got my first 1-star Amazon review.

I wrote back in May about how I had gotten a 1-star review of my “10 Commandments of A-list Copywriters” on Goodreads, a book review platform.

That review was in Serbian, a language that I understand. The gist of the review was an attack on direct response copywriting. “Outdated!” “Cringe!” My poor book, which has the word “copywriters” in the title, apparently attracted somebody who loves to read about a topic they hate.

That’s okay. Because I wrote an email about that review and I profited from it.

But I’m not sure I can profit from my first 1-star Amazon review. Because a while back, Amazon started allowing reviews that don’t say anything, but simply just pick a number of stars.

What precise and profound comment did my reader mean to express by choosing a single star for my book?

Perhaps the reader had some genuine gripe or even a legitimate critique of the actual content.

But perhaps he or she read the book and thought it was great, and wanted to reward me for writing it: “This book is so good it reminds of my home state of Texas! Here’s a lone star fer ya.”

Or perhaps this reader thought the book was too valuable to share, and wanted to discourage others from reading it and getting good ideas from it also.

Unfortunately, we will never know.

Instead, in order to profit from this zero-content review, let me tie it up with something more substantive. And that’s a message I got last week from Kieran Drew.

As you might know, Kieran is a bit of a star in the creative entrepreneur space. He has close to 200k followers on Twitter. He also has a big and growing email newsletter, with over 25k readers.

Earlier this year, Kieran launched a course about writing, High Impact Writing. Over the course of two 5-day launches, he sold over $300,000 worth of this course to his audience.

But back to the message Kieran sent me last week.

​​It simply said, “hope you’re well mate, continuing to spread the good word.”

​​Beneath that was a screenshot of a tweet that Kieran wrote earlier that day:


Copywriting is the most important skill for any creator.

My 5 favorite books (if you’re a beginner, read in this order):

1. Adweek Copywriting Handbook
2. Great Leads
3. Cashvertising
4. 10 Commandments of A-list Copywriters
5. Breakthrough Advertising


I’ve never read Cashvertising. But the others I have read, and multiple times each. It kind of tickles me to be included on a top-5 copywriting list along with Joe Sugarman and Mark Ford John Forde and Gene Schwartz.

I’ve been pushing my 10 Commandments book pretty hard over the past few days.

Today is last day will be pushing it for a while.

Of course, you can choose to buy it today or you can choose not to. There’s no urgency, beyond the fact that people who care about writing and know about online business success think that what’s inside this book is valuable.

It might be so for you too. If you’d like to stake $5 on it to find out:

I stand accused of pulling the prat-out on a reader

A few months ago, I wrote an email about the “prat out,” a technique used by con men to get their marks salivating and eager for larceny.

​​I sent that email out and then also put it on my bare-bones, zero-images, black-and-white website. And I forgot all about it.

Until this morning that is, when I got the following message from a new reader, who wrote:


Im now about six years into designing and developing websites.

Your website just fucked my mind.

I was reading a book by Iceberg Slim, he talked about the prat out.

I had no idea wtf that was and found your article.

After reading, i realized that you just pulled the prat-out on me and I’m now much more ready to give you my money. You sneaky fucker.

But i forgive you because you just taught me how much can be done with just words.

I haven’t left your website for an hour. I’m fascinated by what you do with just words. Nothing else is needed. The words create the colors, images and shapes in my head.

As a designer, its blowing my mind how much can be done with words alone and it has opened my mind to all kinds of new possibilities.

Thank you man.


No, thank you, kind anonymous reader who wrote in with a testimonial.

I bring this up 1) to feature a flattering testimonial and to encourage more of the same from other readers, and 2) to explain why I have not really been selling much of anything over the past couple weeks.

There are multiple reasons actually.

One is that I made enough money for my modest standards very early this month, thanks to the affiliate promo that Kieran Drew did of my Simple Money Emails course, and the new readers who came in the wake of that promo.

Another reason is that I have found that most of my sales do come via promotion events, whether that be a new launch, or me promoting an affiliate offer for a limited time, or somebody else promoting my offers for a limited time.

So one lesson I’ve learned is to regularly have such events if I hope to keep paying for rent and my daily supply of lentils and canned sardines.

At the same time, I’ve learned to cut myself some slack, and not force myself to shoehorn every daily email into a promotion of one of my existing offers.

​​Linking to something like an Amazon book (yesterday) or simply inviting a response (Sunday) keeps more of my readers reading to the end, and makes it more interesting for me since I can write about a broader set of stuff.

So in case you were curious why I’m linking to random stuff recently, now you know.

That said, it is important to remind readers of my offers from time to time so they can’t use the excuse, “Oh I didn’t even know!” to not buy.

And today, following a testimonial in which a reader says I pulled the prat-out on him, is a particularly good time to remind you of my best selling course, in terms of copies sold at least.

In case you’re curious, you can find out all about it here:

The ONE thing to know about storytelling

The ONE thing to know about storytelling is that, like cooking, plumbing, and robbing a bank, storytelling is really a collection of skills and strategies rather than a single unifying rule to follow.

I know you probably don’t want to hear that. But look at this:

– How do I know when I’m using too much detail?

– ​How do you know where to stop?

– ​How to add twists to a story?

– ​Making up stories… When might you want to do this?

A few days ago, I asked readers what questions they have about storytelling. Above are a few of the replies I got.

All fair questions. All require separate answers. Any answer that could possibly answer all of them, such as tension! or surprise! or delight!, is so vague as to be useless.

But wait, there’s more.

The real thing I want to share with you in this email is not the discouraging message above.

Rather, I wanna tell you something interesting I read yesterday in a book about magic and showmanship. The author of that book says the best performers, magicians, and showmen practice something he calls conservation.

Conservation: the ability to do more and the will to refrain.

From the book: “If we try to give any routine more importance than it will bear, we destroy the illusion and may reveal the secret.” Hence, conservation. The willingness to hold back the full might of your armory of magic tricks.

Same goes for storytelling.

There are lots of tricks if you really break down what the best storytellers do.

But in order to tell an interesting and effective story, you definitely do not need all of these tricks. In fact, one or two tweaks to what you might normally do are all it takes to turn a bland story into something memorable and exciting.

And on the other hand, making use of more than just one or two tricks per story is likely to destroy the illusion and may reveal the secret.

What secret?

Well, for that (drumroll) I invite you to join me for the free presentation on storytelling that Kieran Drew and I will host on Monday, specifically at 4pm CET/10am EST/7am PST (yes, I know).

This presentation is a bonus for those who get Simple Money Emails before the presentation goes live. After that, no free bonus.

If you already have Simple Money Emails, you should have gotten an email from either Kieran or me with the Zoom link to join Monday’s presentation.

And if you don’t yet have Simple Money Emails, you can get it at the link below. ​​I could try for some callback humor right now to wrap up this email, but instead I will conserve and refrain. Here’s the link:

What’s wrong with affiliates?

Story time:

10 years ago, my friend Sam and I naively decided to become Internet marketing millionaires.

Somehow we found Andre Chaperon’s Tiny Little Businesses course.

We rubbed our hands together, and envisioned that in six months’ time, we’d be sitting at the beach, drinking margaritas, occasionally leaning over to our laptops to see how many more thousands of dollars had rolled in over the past 15 minutes.

Andre’s TLB told us to pick a niche, find a product we could promote as an affiliate, then build a list using that affiliate product as the offer.

Sam and I followed this recipe to a T and beyond.

We spent weeks picking out the perfect niche (hard gainers, skinny guys who want to put on muscle but can’t).

We did market research to find out the pain points, motivations, and language used by our target market (it helped that both Sam and I were both in our target market, tall and hopelessly skinny).

We found the perfect affiliate offer to promote, a quality program, fairly expensive, with a good sales page. It would make it easy to pay for ads with even a few sales.

I had seen that the owners of this offer had previously worked with affiliates.

But when the time came to promote them, I couldn’t find the form on their site to sign up as an affiliate.

I wrote to the owners to ask about it. A reply came back:

“Thanks for the interest. But we’ve actually paused taking on new affiliates at the moment. It doesn’t really work for our business.”

First, there was a moment of shock. Then my blood pressure shot up.

I may or may not have fired back an email, explaining to this guy that he doesn’t know how business is done online… that this is free money that he’s saying no to… that a new customer is the most valuable thing a business could ever get, and that’s what I’m offering to bring him.

Very rightly and very wisely, the offer owner did not respond to my stupid email.

Those were the early days of my marketing career. I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that a businesses would not want to sell offers (particularly info products, with no marginal cost) to somebody new, with no effort involved.

“What’s wrong with affiliates?” I asked myself. My newbie brain simply couldn’t handle it.

As you can guess, Sam and I never recovered from this setback. Our dreams of a drunken 4-hour workweek on the beach vanished like receding waves in the sand.

But that was a long time ago. I’ve learned a lot about marketing and online businesses since then. I’ve heard and seen many other successful marketers say they do not work with affiliates. And today, I can tell you…

I still don’t really get it.

I mean, what could possibly be wrong with affiliates? Why would anybody ever say no?

Over the past few months, I have had two affiliates promote my stuff.

Daniel Throssell promoted my Copy Riddles course back in September.

Right now, Kieran Drew is promoting Simple Money Emails.

During both promos, I rolled out of bed each morning to find thousands of dollars worth of new sales, dozens or hundreds of new subscribers, and somebody with standing in the industry going out of his way to say nice things about me and my products. Here’s a few bits from Kieran’s email yesterday:


SUBJECT: The best email writing course I’ve ever taken

B – E -J – A – K – O – V – I – C

The reason I’m shouting letters over Zoom like a Croatian spelling bee is because my friend asked for my favourite newsletters.

I always recommend this guy. People always sound skeptical. It’s not quite the standard Ben Settle or Justin Welsh you hear chucked around in our space.

But out of the hundreds of lists I’m lurking on, John Bejakovic’s emails glue me to the screen the most, and keep me coming back for more.

In fact, I’d go so far as to say he’s the best email copywriter you’ve probably never heard of.

[… Kieran goes on to explain the offer, course plus two free bonuses, and then he says:]

Yes, this is an affiliate link.

But I’ve taken his course 5 times in 5 months. It’s an hour read yet every time I come out noticeably better at copy. Few courses have that effect – which is why I’m promoting it.


Who would not want endorsements like this?

​​Aren’t affiliates just the greatest thing in the world?

But maybe you are wiser and more perceptive than I am.

“Kinda cherrypicking there, ain’t you John? Both Kieran and Daniel are pretty atypical cases.”


They do both have a list that they email regularly. They have both built a bond with that list, and authority and trust. And more.

They both cultivate discipline in their readers, rather than preaching the gospel of the 4-hour workweek. They both, explicitly or implicitly, repel people who aren’t down with their message.

In short, both Kieran and Daniel have spent time building up a quality list and emailing themselves into a healthy, respect-filled relationship with that list. And now I get to benefit from it.

I’m not sure what my point is, except:

1) Great affiliates are great, and

2) If you want to be a great affiliate, start a list today. And if you already have one, email it more often, starting today.

And if you don’t want to be anybody’s affiliate, but you simply want to have the opportunity to sell any reasonable and helpful offer you decide to create, start a list today. And if you already have one… well, you know where I’m going with this.

In fact, you probably knew all this before. But if hasn’t clicked yet, or if something is still holding you back, here’s a course that has helped others before you:

Next Monday: My free presentation about storytelling

Heads, tails, and possibly possibly other body parts up:

A few days ago, I announced I will hold a free presentation on the topic of, “Next-level storytelling tricks for emails that sell (no hero’s journey, thank you).”

Well, that presentation will happen next Monday, November 6, at 4pm CET/10am EST.

Now about the free part:

Some time ago, Kieran Drew, the bloodthirsty dentist turned gentle yet successful online entrepreneur, asked if he could promote my Simple Money Emails course.

I said sure.

Kieran also asked if we could work together to create a special, one-time bonus to entice his readers to buy.

I again said sure. But I also said this special, one-time bonus will go to my previous buyers of the course as well.

So that’s what this storytelling webinar is about.

I solicited questions about storytelling a few days ago.

I got several tons of replies and several hundred tons of questions.

I will be answering the most interesting ones on the webinar. I will also have some of my best storytelling techniques and tricks to share.

If you already have Simple Money Emails, you should have gotten an email from me earlier today with the instructions on joining this webinar. You can join live, or I will send out the recording after.

If you do not yet have Simple Money Emails, you can get it at the link at the end of this email.

And if you decide to get it before the time of the webinar, next Monday at 4pm CET, you will also get this storytelling webinar as a free bonus. After that, no free bonus for you.

So if this storytelling info is something you care about and want, I’d suggest taking care of it right now, while’s it’s on your mind.

​​As you might know already, I am strict about deadlines, and not even Kieran’s teeth-pulling wiles could get me to change my mind about that.

​​Here’s that link:

Kieran Drew offers me some feedback

A few days ago, I got an email from Kieran Drew with the subject line, “Feedback.”

As you might know, Kieran is a bit of a star in the creative entrepreneur space. He has something like 187k followers on Twitter. He also has a big and growing email newsletter, with over 25k readers.

This past May, Kieran launched his writing course, High Impact Writing. He sold $140k worth of it in five days.

Then in September, Kieran relaunched his writing course… and made over $180k from it.

Clearly, the guy knows a thing or two about online businesses, course creation, and keeping audiences engaged.

And with that preamble, let me now share a paragraph from that email Kieran sent me. He wrote:


I sat with MVE last night and (I don’t say this lightly), it’s one of my favourite courses. Maybe because it’s written, and super relevant to me, but I haven’t enjoyed something like that since Andre chaperon auto responder.


An early chapter from the Saga of Bejako:

The reason I got into online marketing and then copywriting was that a long time ago, I saw marketer Hollis Carter stand up on stage at Mindvalley and talk about his business, which was publishing books for people on Kindle.

In the middle of his talk, Hollis said as a throwaway how his goal is to get book readers onto an email list, and then give them the “Soap Opera Sequence” from Autoresponder Madness by Andre Chaperon.

I took note of that.

So Andre Chaperon’s Autoresponder Sequence became the first copywriting course I ever went through.

And a “7-part Soap Opera Sequence” became the first copywriting service I ever offered the world, back in 2015, on Fiverr, for $5. (I charge even more now.)

Anyways, it’s gratifying to hear my Most Valuable Email course being compared to Andre’s course. But it’s much more gratifying to have people like Kieran going through MVE multiple times, and getting real value from it.

But about that:

Most Valuable Email is not for everyone.

You need to 1) have an email list and be willing to write to it regularly and 2) write about marketing and copywriting topics, because the Most Valuable Email trick will not work in all markets and niches.

But if you fit those two criteria, and you want to see what’s so enjoyable about MVE as a course and about the results it creates, then take a look here:

Deadline for MVE before price triples like Amazon in 1999

Three hours from now is the deadline to get my Most Valuable Email course before the price goes up from $100 to $297.

That will happen tonight, as surely as fortune is a woman, at exactly 8:31pm CET.

If you’ve been on the fence and wondering whether MVE is worth getting, and whether it’s worth the price I ask of it and more, consider the follow testimonial I got a few days ago:

“Just retook your courses mate – so good. V underpriced IMO.”

If that seems like a rather brief testimonial to crow about, let me explain. It came as a throwaway comment, a part of a longer email exchange I recently had w/ Kieran Drew.

As you might know, Kieran is a bit of a star in the creative entrepreneur space:

​​He has something like 182 thousand followers on Twitter. He has a big and growing email newsletter. But perhaps most impressively, he has his own course on writing, High Impact Writing. He launched that this past May, to his own audience, at $297.


A few halting sales the first day… some more the next day… many more still the day after… still more the day after…

​All in all 487 people bought.

​​Kieran took in a cool $140k with his first product launch over 5 days.

So when Kieran makes a throwaway comment that my courses are so good (he has Most Valuable Email and my recent 9 Deadly Email Sins), I take notice and make a point of telling the world. And when Kieran says my offers are very undepriced, I take notice and take action also.

Which us brings us back to that deadline. It’s almost here. And it really is deadly. If you’d rather be safe, here’s where to get MVE before the price triples: