One of the very few newsletters I read with interest

One year ago, on January 10 2023 to be exact, I got a sudden burst of 100+ new subscribers.

That’s not how things go on a normal day in the Bejako hobbit hole. Not anywhere close. So I picked up my walking stick and went outside to investigate.

Google Analytics told me I had a mass of new website visitors from Twitter that day. So I walked over to Twitter, asked around, and came upon a tweet, which had been seen by 120k people, recommending me among several other email copywriters.

The person who wrote that tweet was one Kieran Drew.

At that time, Kieran had something like 100k Twitter followers. Today, he has over 200k. He also has a weekly email newsletter with close to 30k subscribers.

Kieran is an ex-dentist. He quit his comfortable job pulling teeth in September 2021. And he started to write online, full-time, to an eager audience of zero.

Kieran got his success so quickly and so thoroughly not via clever algorithm hacks or by running paid ads. Rather, he did it simply by writing. Clear, valuable, fun writing.

Thankfully, Kieran is not one of the descendants of Matt Furey in the daily email world, the way that I am.

His newsletter is pleasantly free of shaming… mocking… us-vs-them dog whistles… the daily striptease of a throbbing subject line that’s only paid off behind the paywall… or try-hard contrarian takes.

And yet, without all of these staples of daily emails, and even without writing daily, Kieran has his huge and devoted audience. And if you’re wondering if that huge and devoted audience is actually worth anything, Kieran grossed over $500k in 2023 alone, and he hit two 6-figure months.

If you’re interested in writing, or in making money online, what I’ve just told you should be enough to motivate you to get on Kieran’s email list and see what exactly he writes about and how he does it and how he profits from it.

But if by any chance it’s not enough, I can also add my personal seal of approval.

The fact is, I subscribe to hundreds of email newsletters. Most of them I ignore with a kind of malicious glee.

Some I work through out of a feeling of responsibility.

And then, there are a very few that I read regularly and with interest.

Kieran’s newsletter is among those very few. If you’d like to see why, sign up below and try it for yourself: