4 quotes about the unimportance of sales copy

I was listening to the latest edition of the Copywriters Podcast, in which David Garfinkel interviews Brian Cassingena.

Brian used to be the head copywriter at Mindvalley, and now he seems to have gone rogue, helping individual businesses improve their sales funnels.

David asked Brian about the biggest mistake he sees with funnels. This was Brian’s response:

“[Businesses] are not split-testing enough. We assume — copywriters are the same — we assume we know what would work best.”

Isn’t that what you pay a copywriter for though?

A good copywriter — an A-lister like Brian — can be expected to get top-gun results much of the time, or at least drastically outperform some schmuck off the street.


Maybe not.

Here’s what Dan Ferrari, another big name who writes sales copy for the Motley Fool, has to say on the topic:

“The C-level marketers that test 50 promos per year will beat the A-list marketers that test 5.”


Come on, Dan.


What about guys like Gary Bencivenga, whose copy never lost, always became the control, and made his clients millions of dollars without fail?

Well, here’s Gary Bencivenga himself, describing a part of his decision process on whether he would accept a project or not:

“What I really want to know about the advertising is whether or not I see an easy way for me to beat it. If the advertising was created by somebody like Clayton Makepeace, it’s an immediate turnoff.”

The fact is, Gary wasn’t “selling ice to eskimos.”

He would only take on “easy” projects where he had a great chance of succeeding right up front (no harm there, it’s a smart strategy).

And even then, he would spend months and months upon research, to ensure he would really get the best angle.

Which leads me to the final quote, this from Ben Settle (I’m paraphrasing):

“Copywriting isn’t hard if you know your market well.”

The thing is, copywriting isn’t some dark art where you either know the magic spell or you die.

Instead, it mainly comes down to two things:

1. Researching your market.

2. Testing to see which appeal works best.

If you want to see how this simple 2-step approach can successfully be used in practice (specifically, for selling health products such as supplements), you might like my upcoming book on email marketing for the health space.

It’s not out yet, but you can sign up to get it for free when I do finish it. Here’s the link:


The Bohemian Rhapsody trick for creating a big opening

The camera follows him as the curtain is drawn — and a sea of chanting people filling the stadium to capacity roars on from the other side

I just watched Bohemian Rhapsody.

The film is a pretty straightforward retelling of the story of Queen, with of course, a focus on Freddie Mercury.

It traces the band from their time meeting behind a local concert hall and follows them for the next decade or so, all the way to the climactic concert at Wembley Stadium, where they performed to an ecstatic audience of close to 100,000.

In fact, that’s how the movie opens up.

While the rest of the script is chronologically linear, the opening is all about Freddie waking up, trimming his mustache, making his way through his mansion (populated by dozens of filthy cats), being driven in a Rolls-Royce to the stadium, and then warming up as he walks up to the stage.

The camera follows him as the curtain is drawn and a sea of chanting people filling the stadium to capacity roars on from the other side.

It’s a good way to start a movie.

And the same holds for starting emails.

You need to capture people’s attention straight away.

And even though you probably have a linear script in mind for what you’d like to say, that’s probably not the best way to present the information.

The good news is, it’s not hard to spruce up a regular ol’ email and make it into a sexy email.

Just go in once it’s written, find the highlight of the email, and splice it in up top.

You can keep the rest of the email as is.

This isn’t cheating in any way — you’re simply giving people a preview of the interesting things to come, and a reason to keep reading.

Once you have people’s attention, you can then take them to your important and serious message.

Such as for example, my upcoming book on email marketing for health products.

It’s not out yet.

But if you would like a free copy when it does come out, you can sign up here:


Announcing Profitable Health Emails

I’m putting together a book tentatively titled Profitable Health Emails.

It’s going to collect what I’ve learned so far about email marketing, and what I’ve used to help companies such as RealDose Nutrition, Australian Digestive Excellence, and Vitality Now make some money.

I’m expecting to finish the book by January 2019.

In case you’d like a free copy when it’s done, you can sign up for it here:


The one-word fix for rock-solid negotiation mindsets

Continuing from yesterday’s discussion of negotiating lessons from Bridget Jones’ Diary:

I promised that a single word can transform a self-serving (and therefore ineffective) mission-and-purpose statement (ie. negotiation goal) into one that is rock-solid.

Let’s quickly revisit the 3 options from the scene in Bridget Jones’ Diary that illustrates this situation.

The scene: Hugh Grant’s character tries to win Bridget back.

Original version:

“I want to get Bridget back because if I can’t make it with her, I can’t make it with anyone.”

Not good, because completely self-serving and without regard to what Bridget wants. Sure enough, Bridget rejects this offer in the actual movie.

Second, a Jim Camp-style version:

“I want to help Bridget see and decide that she will be happy in a new relationship with me, because I am a changed man.”

Better, but in my opinion, still focused too tightly on the goal of winning the negotiation (ie. winning Bridget back).

Like I wrote yesterday, it’s too easy to transfer the first kind of mission-and-purpose statement into this second version, by pretending to care about what the other side wants.

So what’s the fix for this?


Use the word “whether”:

“I want to help Bridget see and decide whether she will be happy in a new relationship with me, now that I am a changed man.”

It seems like a small change, but the effects in mindset — and how you negotiate — can be dramatic. (At least, they were whenever I took this attitude in various negotiations.)

Suddenly, you are not focused on trying to get to your pre-determined goal.

Instead, you are calmly and patiently working with the adversary to reach a solution that will last.

Does this work in real life to actually achieve your desired outcome?


Sometimes not.

It depends on what Bridget (or your adversary) really wants, and how vividly you create the vision of her being happy and of yourself as a changed man.

And yes, there is a real chance that even if you do everything right, the negotiation will still fall through. Bridget might decide that she doesn’t believe you, that she’s been hurt too many times, that she in fact loves someone else now.

Nonetheless, by genuinely allowing yourself the chance to be rejected, you increase your chances of success as well, by negotiating with less neediness and more focus on what the other side wants.

Now of course, this whole discussion ignores the cruel realities of male-female relations, and the fact that many women find selfish and pushy men attractive.

But still, taking this attitude in negotiations — whether romantic or business — is likely to attract the best partners into your life, and to create negotiated solutions that last for the long term.

A failed coup for Hugh

I was just on the English seaside, and, along with a few friends, I decided to revisit an English classic:

Bridget Jones’ Diary.

One scene sticks out.

Daniel Cleaver (played by Hugh Grant) is talking to his ex-girlfriend, Bridget Jones (played by Renée Zellweger).

Daniel is a bit of a cad — he cheated on Bridget and left her for another woman.

Now he’s back.

And after getting into a fight with Bridget’s new beau, he tries to win Bridget over with the infinitely romantic line:

“If I can’t make it with you, I can’t make it with anyone.”

To which Bridget bites her lip and says,

“Mm… that’s not a good enough offer for me.”

“Let me tell you what I want from this negotiation…”

I’m just re-reading Jim Camp’s Start with No.

Camp makes a big deal about negotiators having a “mission and purpose” statement, defined and written out for every negotiation, regardless of how small or informal.

So for example, in the case above, Daniel Cleaver apparently wrote out the following mission and purpose before heading over to Bridget’s:

“I want to get Bridget back because if I can’t make it with her, I can’t make it with anyone.”

“Wrong!” says Camp.

Daniel has made a classic negotiating mistake: he set his mission and purpose in his own world.

That won’t work. You can’t focus on what you want because your ultimate goal is to get the other person to make a decision. And you can only influence her indirectly.

That’s why you have to make your mission and purpose set in her world — not yours.

Daniel wants Bridget to take him back. So Camp would advise Daniel to change his mission and purpose to something like:

“I want to help Bridget see and decide that she will be happy in a new relationship with me, because I am a changed man.”

Better, right? He now has a fighting chance.

But here’s the trouble.

I feel that this second type of mission and purpose statement still doesn’t go far enough.

I feel like it’s too easy to change the first type of M&P into the second type:

I want something -> I want to help my adversary see and decide that what I want is also the best for them

This kind of lame mission and purpose can create all sorts of problems.

For example, not trying to understand your adversary as well as you should.

Or not building enough vision in her mind.

Or even getting needy.

All three of these are cardinal sins in the Jim Camp system of negotiation. So I’m surprised he didn’t think of them when talking about the mission and purpose statement.

The good news is it’s easy to fix this mission & purpose problem. In fact, the fix requires just one word.

Even though this fix is simple, the effects on how you negotiate — and how you’re perceived by the adversary — can be enormous.

But I’m still tired from my trip. So I’ll cover all this, including the magic M&P word, in full detail tomorrow.

Woman cheats on fiancé with ghost, marries poltergeist

A UK woman by the name of Amethyst Realm claims to have had sex with a ghost.

In fact, this spectral affair caused the breakup of her flesh-and-blood engagement, after her fiancé caught her in bed with said ghoul.

“He saw the shape of a man through the window when he pulled up outside,” Amethyst said.

Amethyst went on a bit of a romp after the breakup, sleeping with over a dozen more ghosts.

Her promiscuous days are done, however. She is settling down and getting married to an Australian poltergeist.

“When I was in Australia taking a walk out in the bush, just suddenly it approached me. Just something you feel, an emotional physical presence,” she said.

How did the marriage proposal happen?

“There was no going down on one knee,” Amethyst explained. “He doesn’t have knees. But for the first time, I heard him speak.”

“I could actually hear his voice and it was beautiful. Deep, sexy and real.”

The couple are now planning a countryside wedding.

“I fell in love with it I guess. It’s the one,” Amethyst said.

It’s not Valentine’s day today, so why am I bringing up this romantic story?

Two reasons.

One, it’s pretty fascinating.

Two, I want to contrast it with some Halloween-themed emails I’ve been getting all day long.

These emails are all about the ghoulish and ghostly and creepy things that happen to copywriters, particularly when dealing with clients. The pitch is for some kind of copywriting product.

The trouble is, the emails are weak. The scenarios they describe are generic and simply not concrete or gruesome enough. It seems like the copywriter who wrote the emails just made these scenarios up.

To me, this just signals laziness.

After all, a bit of research will unearth a graveyard full of chilling or bizarre stories that readers won’t be able to ignore.

This is the kind of stuff that even the best writers cannot make up.

I’ve accepted this fact, and that’s why I don’t shy away from lurking on sex forums, tabloid websites, and conspiracy-theory Facebook groups.

That’s where you find the choicest treats, like the story of Amethyst Realm.

If this is the kind of copywriting you need for your business, you can contact me here.

How to succeed as a copywriter on Upwork

A guy named Nick Tubis interviewed me tonight for a product he’s making.

He actually hired me on the online freelance platform Upwork, to talk about how I became successful as a copywriter, on Upwork.

So Nick and I talked for an hour, and I gave him the full story of my Upwork experience so far.

In the end, he asked me, “Do you have one hack you would recommend to anyone getting started?”

I told him the truth:

Anybody can compete for any copywriting job on Upwork.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter how much copywriting experience you have.

How much Upwork history you have.

What your background is.

All you do need are a few pieces of relevant previous work.

In fact, even one piece of relevant sample work can set you above the rest of the hungry crowd of freelancers crawling over each other to get a job.

Don’t believe me?

Let’s say a client just posted a job ad titled “Looking for 10-part email sequence to promote new supplement.”

My “application” for a job like this would simply be:

“I specialize in email marketing and I’ve written a lot about supplements.
Here are a few relevant samples:
Take a look, and if you like what you see, let’s talk in more detail.”

I regularly get 4-figure copywriting projects — and I even got Nick to pay me for talking about my Upwork expertise. And the stupid-simple template above is the only way I ever apply for a job.

“That’s great for you, John,” you might say. “But where am I supposed to get those relevant samples? Nobody’s hired me, so I can’t build a portfolio, and therefore nobody will hire me!”

Easy, friend.

You don’t need any previous paying clients to build a small but highly targeted portfolio.

Simply find a job you would like to get.

Then write a sample that’s very close to what they are looking for.

For example, in the hypothetical job I invented above, you would just write one email  promoting a supplement.

Slap this into your application, send it over to the client, and you’re off to the races.

Will it work every time? No. But if you do this every day, I would expect you would have a paying client by the end of the week.

By the way, even though I’ve had a lot of success on Upwork, I’m actively looking to move off the platform for various reasons.

That’s why, if you are interested in hiring me to do your copy, don’t  go to Upwork. Instead, get in touch with me here.

You should always judge a book by its cover

Former Smiths frontman Morrissey has a very polarizing public persona.

Unsurprisingly, he also has immensely devoted fans who have followed him for 30 years plus.

I read a Billboard Magazine interview with Morrissey today. It struck me how this interview is full to the gills of things anyone can copy to have a more dramatic public persona — and therefore a more devoted following.

Here are a few Morrissey lessons:

1. Agree and amplify

What’s the best way to respond when somebody accuses of you of something ugly? Agree and amplify the nasty fact, with humor and without bitterness or trying too hard.

BILLBOARD: “Feb. 20 marked the 30th anniversary of the release of the first Smiths album. How did you mark the occasion?”

MORRISSEY: “Is it only 30 years? It feels like 60.”

2. Use visual, colorful language

People’s brains work in pictures. So use visual language to make a point, and mix in surprising expressions and metaphors. (The good news is that this doesn’t have to be spontaneous. You can collect striking phrases, plan them ahead of time, and pull them out as needed.)

BILLBOARD: “It’s been reported that you’re now working on a novel. Is that true? If so, what are you writing about?”

MORRISSEY: “I can’t christen the baby until I at least see its head. It’s bad form, somehow.”

3. Surprise by inverting

Surprise shocks people into paying attention, and into remembering you. One way to surprise is simply to defy expectations. For example, when people expect you to be serious, be lighthearted. Focus on the trivial and irrelevant instead of the heavy and serious.

BILLBOARD: “In 2013, you endured a series of unfortunate maladies that forced you to cancel many tour dates. Are you still ill?”

MORRISSEY: “Well, I’m expected to see Easter. It was a bad year. I was in hospitals so frequently that the doctors were sick to death of me, and there’s nothing more ageing than lying in a hospital bed, trying to recover from hospital food. If your illness doesn’t kill you then the hospital food sees you off. That’s what it’s there for. Anyway, it was my time to go to pieces. Much overdue.”

4. Surprise by genuineness and sincerity

If you make a career of being tricky and irreverent, that becomes your norm. You can then surprise people further by taking a serious, no-nonsense stance on an issue — particularly one you find meaningful.

BILLBOARD: “You likened eating animals to pedophilia, a comparison some may find … extreme. Care to defend your point of view?”

MORRISSEY: “I don’t need to defend my own point of view. When you eat an animal you subject it to spiritual and physical rape, you eats its breasts … its rump … you cut off its genitals … whichever way you care to look at it, eating animals is violence at its most extreme.”

5. Have high standards

If something doesn’t meet your standards, you can simply ignore it. Another option is to dismiss it or mock it.

BILLBOARD: “Prince recently revealed that he’s an exceptional ping-pong player. What surprising, secret talent do you have?”

MORRISSEY: “I’m an exceptional ping-pong player.”

6. … And go back to surprising by inverting

Inverting the expected into the unexpected is a deep well you can go back to over and over.

BILLBOARD: “Lastly, what’s one piece of advice you wish someone had given you in 1984?”

MORRISSEY: “You should always judge a book by its cover.”

When infotaining emails fail

In 1975, the great copywriter Gary Bencivenga joined an upstart direct marketing agency.

They soon put out a gutsy ad in the Wall Street Journal to hunt for new clients. The headline ran:


There were only two catches:

1) You had to give Gary & co. creative freedom on the kind of ad to write — only legal and factual approval was asked for and allowed.

2) You actually needed better advertising. In Gary’s own words, “If we think your present advertising is excellent, we’ll tell you.”

I thought of this today because I’m looking over the wreckage of several email campaigns I wrote for a client over the past few months.

I put in serious work on these emails, and I thought I did a great job. When I handed them over to the client, he loved them. But apparently, they are underperforming what he was using earlier.

The thing is, I saw the earlier email sequences, and I was confident I could do better. They were dull and too heavy on the teaching, and I was going to make them intriguing and infotaining.

But that’s not enough.

What I should have asked for in addition to seeing the email copy is a breakdown of where the sales were coming from.

Were they all on day 0, and people weren’t even reading the emails?

Did sales trickle in as the relationship was established (which means that people actually liked reading the old emails)?

Was it all about the discounts (and was the copy largely irrelevant)?

Were the emails actually making any sales (the client hinted that they weren’t making any money through email marketing)?

Too late to ask now, because the client seems to have moved on to greener pastures.

However, going forward, I’ll insist on this sales info for two reasons:

1) It will help me decide whether I can in fact write emails that will do better. It’s not just about seeing the copy, but about finding out how that copy performs.

2) If I feel I can beat the emails, this info will give me useful clues about how to best do that.

Maybe obvious. But even old Gary above didn’t think to ask for the results in his gutsy ad — which makes me feel a bit better.

Bejako suffers from sirocco

“It’s a punishment in itself, the mind becomes exhausted, the joy of living seeps out through blurred eyes and darkened faces. You cannot even love yourself during sirocco, so how to make reasoned decisions about others!”
— Tereza Buconić Gović

Legend says that in medieval Dubrovnik, on the Croatian coast, a law decreed that no political decisions could ever be made during times of sirocco, a kind of nasty, hot, southerly wind that seems to disturb the mind.

Sirocco is happening right now, and I can seriously feel it. It’s hot and humid outside like it’s the middle of May. I’m not sleeping well, I’m tired, and my head hurts. I keep looking towards the horizon and hoping for a storm that will clear this evil wind away.

So what’s the point of this?

Well, sirocco.

It’s an interesting and clear concept. Plus I can tie it into a personal story.

In other words, it makes for a great opening for a bit of copy, most likely a sales email.

The thing is, these kinds of personal, clear, interesting concepts are lying around in plain sight, every day. They just need to be noticed and (most probably) written down — and then, when the time comes, used as a great idea to open an email with.