Most people get zero results from anything, but that doesn’t have to be you

Valuable marketing idea:

If there’s a killer objection to what you’re selling, it can be smart to raise that objection right in your headline.

If that valuable marketing idea is true, then I screwed up. In fact I am three days too late.

I started promoting Steve Raju’s ClientRaker course three days ago.

​​ClientRaker is a paint-by-numbers approach to getting high-quality, long-term clients using AI in just the next 28 days.

That’s a big promise. Big promises are worthless if they are not believed. If there’s a killer objection in the way.

And the killer objection to Steve’s ClientRaker is… where’s the money?

So far, Steve has used his trainings to line up a bunch of high-end meetings.

He fired all his copywriting and marketing clients in January, took a 2-month vacation, came back home, decided to reposition himself as an AI expert, and within two weeks, already had high-end meetings lined up using this system he is teaching now.

I explained before how Steve’s targeting whale clients like Big Pharma and international organizations — slow-moving beasts that take months to digest information and make a decision. Hence no money yet, though if the money does come, it’s likely to be big.

​​These are the waters Steve is hunting in, and since he has other sources of income, he is not in a hurry.

“That might be okay,” you say, “but what about…”

Yep, I know. As I mentioned in that very first email when I started to promote ClientRaker, Steve already taught his system last month to a small cohort of people from his own list.

If ClientRaker works so well, where are the results? Where are the high-quality clients, and more importantly, where’s the money that this system is really meant to produce?

Steve followed up with the people from his previous ClientRaker cohort. The results were predictable. A ton of glowing reviews:

“Amazing session.” “My mind is blown.” “I had several epiphanies.”

The fact is, nobody from that first cohort has actually put Steve’s system into action, even now, more than a month later.

I’ve been selling trainings, courses, and books for a few years now. My estimate is that only 5% of people will ever do anything with the info they buy. And only 2% will actually use it as it’s meant to be used.

If that’s been you so far, then you can stop this kind of self-defeating behavior whenever you choose, including right now.

​​​​You might be surprised to find that it really wasn’t anything hard. You might even start to wonder at all the other people who have some invisible and imaginary chain around their leg, which keeps them from doing what you just did.

Like I said, Steve’s system is paint-by-numbers. It’s got AI baked into it — the whole point is that you don’t have to work beyond pressing the toaster lever down a few times and waiting for results to pop up. Do that, and you will get clients. And if you don’t, Steve’s got a guarantee. From his sales page:


If after 30 days, you can show me you’ve done the small amount of setup required, and you are putting in the minutes of work required each day to fill up your pipeline…

And you still haven’t met with a prospect you are excited by…

Then I’d be happy to give you your money back.

No point going through life and not being happy.


30 days… minimal work… no risk… big upside. Or an invisible and imaginary chain that you can cling to, because it’s familiar. The choice is yours:

How to sell software to Fortune 500 CIOs, IT Directors, and developers

After I sent out the first email last week to promote Steve Raju’s ClientRaker program, I got the following question:


Do you think this would this work to get meetings with CIOs, IT Directors, developers, and architects on LinkedIn?

Specifically, meetings to sell SaaS software to Fortune 500’s? (Actual software, not copy services for software co’s).


I referred this reader to Steve, so the reader can be 100% sure of the answer.

But my personal feeling is, absolutely yes.

Steve’s system has already gotten him meetings with ridiculously bigwig prospects, like a high-ranking exec at a Big Pharma giant, a Silicon Valley CEO, and the UN subject matter expert for AI.

And as for whether you can sell software to these people rather than services, I figure it’s all about positioning yourself and what you offer to solve the most pressing problems in your prospect’s mind.

The key words there are “the most pressing problems in your prospect’s mind.”

​​Compare that to, “the most pressing problems you suppose, based on your gut feeling which is not wrong more often than a coin flip, to be in your prospect’s mind.”

​Keeping you from supposing anything and getting this positioning exactly right is where Steve’s training shines, and why he has been successful with it.

In fact, I believe Steve could repackage his system and sell it as a high-end sales training to companies and corporations, and charge 20x or maybe 50x the $297 he is charging for it.

But for reasons of his own — perhaps he hasn’t yet fully transitioned into the role of corporate consultant — Steve is still making ClientRaker available for a price that even the brokest service provider — or software provider — can afford.

But it won’t stay that way for long. The Wednesday deadline is slowly but surely approaching. If you don’t want to miss it, you can get more info on ClientRaker here:

“Too many single moms” in my Facebook DMs

Due to some client work I’ve been doing lately, I’ve been forced to go back into the cobweb-laced haunted house that is my Facebook account.

Each time I tip-toe my way along the creaky floorboards there, I see dozens of new friend requests pasted on the walls, all from people I don’t know from Adam’s off ox.

Occasionally, I go on binges of approving those friend requests.

Last week, I logged in and saw a message from a guy with an Italian name, whose friend request I must have approved some time earlier. My new friend wrote:

“Thanks for accepting my request man, I appreciate that! I noticed you’re into personal development. I have a quick question if you don’t mind.”

Personal development? I replied to say, sure. And I went about my day.

Since I don’t have any notifications enabled anywhere, I forgot all about it until I logged in to Facebook a few days later. And there was my friend’s quick question:

“Are you currently using online dating apps?”

That escalated quickly. ​​With just 7 words, this Italian stallion was quickly nearing “unwelcome pest” territory.

​​I replied with a professional and elegant “no.”

I thought that would be the end of it. But I was wrong. The next time I logged in, a follow-up was waiting for me:

“Too many single moms or not matching with the type of women you truly desire?”

At this point, like a hot 24-year-old girl who has lost interest in a boring Tinder chat, I stopped replying. But I did check his profile. It turns out he sells some kind of service to get you matching with the type of women you truly desire.

This got me wondering. Even if this guy’s presumptuous marketing approach is successful in hooking somebody, who is he gonna get?

A long-term, devoted customer or client?

Or somebody who will ghost him at the very first turn in the road?

My guess is the second.

That’s not a game I ever want to play, and not one I advise to you either.

A sale is never just a sale, and a client is never just a client.

My advice is to think actively about the relationships you build, the long-term potential of those relationships, or if you like, the lifetime value. That’s really my biggest and most valuable conclusion after having worked with hundreds of clients, many of who paid me $100, a few of who paid me $100k or more.

And on that note:

Until this Wednesday, I am promoting Steve Raju’s ClientRaker training.

ClientRaker is all about finding high-quality, long-term, devoted clients. Without sliding into anybody’s DMs, without embarrassing yourself, and without offending or annoying people who are no prospects of yours to begin with.

In case you’re interested:

The world’s most handsome email marketer gives me some unsolicited advice

Two days ago, I started promoting Steve Raju’s ClientRaker training, about getting richer, nicer, classier clients using AI and LinkedIn.

Reader Fotis Chatz, who writes for Ning Li and positions himself as the “World’s Most Handsome Email Marketer” on LinkedIn, bought ClientRaker yesterday.

​​But being excessively handsome is not enough for Fotis. So he wrote in to give me some unsolicited advice about my launch:


Just bought it.

Your story about him using A.I. is what “got” me. I’m already using FB with a lil bit of success, curious to see what I can do on Linkedin.

Btw, have you considered creating a bonus specifically for this offer? We did it a lot when I was working with Igor (Kheifets). We’d promote an affiliate offer and either give a product of ours that would cover something missing from the offer, or create something from scratch. Great way to make way more sales and win some affiliate leaderboards.


What Fotis wrote might be unsolicited advice but it’s welcome advice — because I happen to agree 100%. I’m all for creating valuable bonuses, whether for my own offers or for affiliate offers.

I didn’t do it in this case because 1) I’m swamped with other work and 2) because I believe ClientRaker is so attractive that it will sell on its own.

That said, I might create a bonus in the future if Steve ever offers ClientRaker again and if I promote it again. I’ve had several ideas for what I could do, including a training based on the Authority Audits I’ve been doing this week, or another on how to feel comfortable asking for more money.

If that stirs you a bit, I can guarantee you this:

Every time I’ve offered a bonus for an offer, I made sure to also send it to everyone who bought that offer before I did the bonus.

I want to make it a brain-dead simple certainty in your mind that won’t ever be harmed by taking me up on any of my offer early. But you can certainly be harmed by taking me up on an offer late.

In the current situation, if you wait to take me up on this offer, you can miss the current launch window. You may scoff — but life has a way of getting in the way.

And if life does do that, it might mean you won’t be able to get ClientRaker ever — there’s no guarantee Steve will offer it again since he also has lots of things going on and doesn’t need this extra bit of money.

Or you might have to pay more. Because if Steve does run ClientRaker again, I will use all my persuasive skill to get him to double or triple the price.

And most importantly, you will miss out on any new clients you could very conceivably get just by following the simple, paint-by-number instructions Steve lays out inside this training.

If you actually do what Steve tells you to do, and you win yourself a new client or two in the next month that you wouldn’t have otherwise, that can legitimately be worth thousands or tens of thousands of dollars to you — depending on who you work with and what you deliver.

Point being, if you’re considering ClientRaker, it can make sense to get it now rather than wait. The following page has the full details if you want some help making that decision:

Back-patting A-list copywriter admits a hard truth

A few months back, I heard A-list copywriter Parris Lampropoulos speak at a copywriting conference. Parris admitted something humbling about working with his longest-running clients.

He winced a bit. He shrugged his shoulders. And he verbalized what all good copywriters know deep down:

“All my best successes, as much as I like to pat myself on the back as a copywriter, were when we were in a category of one.”

Yesterday, I started promoting Steve Raju’s ClientRaker, an AI-based process to get you 1) more clients or 2) bigger, richer, nicer clients than you have now.

And this is really what the core of ClientRaker is:

Positioning yourself so you are in a category of one.

That might sound simple. But it’s tricky in a sneaky way — because being in a category of one is not the whole story. ​​

​​You have to be in a category of one AND be seen as valuable. No sense in being the only clown in Antarctica if there are no kids there to entertain.

So how do you get into a category of one that is actually desired by the market?

The standard answer, as Al Ries and Jack Trout wrote in their classic book Positioning, is to look inside your prospect’s head.

And that’s exactly why this this positioning business is tricky, particularly when you are promoting yourself and what you offer. Most people can’t look inside their prospect’s head because they can’t get out of their own head.

We all think we know what other people really want. But we find it very unpleasant and unnatural to take “other” position for very long. So inevitably, we end up looking at the world with blinders on, focusing on what we care about, what we know, what we have in our hands and what we are hoping to trade for what others have in theirs.

My email yesterday was a bit eye-rolly, a bit dismissive about AI. That’s because I don’t think the AI stuff is the biggest value that Steve’s ClientRaker system provides. But I will say one good thing about AI:

AI won’t let you succumb to your own obsessive focus on yourself and the things you know about. AI makes that easy. AI isn’t you. AI doesn’t have your attachments, it knows more than you, and it can take you out of your head and into the heads of the right prospects — if only you take the time to painstakingly prompt it, process its replies, and refine the results.

That’s what Steve has done. And that’s what he gives you inside ClientRaker. A step-by-step process to take you out of your head and into your ideal prospect’s heads.

Follow Steve’s process. Prompt the AI like Steve says. It works like a toaster. You press a button and out pop some results — new client pain points, new problem mechanisms, new USP, new tagline, new LinkedIn bio.

The fact that you can do all this in half an hour, rather than in a matter of weeks or months, means that, even if what the AI gives you is not 100% spot on, you can easily tweak it, if you must, using your superior intelligence and and God-given creativity and deep human insights.

​And that’s when the real cool stuff begins, which is what the rest of Steve’s process is all about.

ClientRaker is now open for sign ups. The deadline to join is next Wednesday, July 19 at 11am PST, which is when the first of the three trainings will happen.

You can wait until the last minute if you like.

But if you are the proactive type, or if you find yourself excited by this opportunity and want to make sure you don’t miss out on it, then sign up now. ​​Here’s the Google Docs sales page with the full details of the how, when, and where:

If you want more clients or if your current clients are morons, scammers, or just plain cheap

I have an offer for you today. If you want new clients, more clients, or better clients, then my suggestion is to get this offer. I endorse it fully, 100%, horns-to-hoof.

If I were still looking for copywriting clients, I would be busy applying the info inside this offer right now, instead of being here telling you about it.

You can buy this offer at my affiliate link at the end of this email. But first, read on for the background, and why I endorse this offer from alpha to omega:

Last month I exchanged some emails with Steve Raju. Steve is a copywriter and a direct response marketer. I knew from before that he’d been one of the coaches inside Stefan Georgi’s Copy Accelerator thing.

Steve wrote me that he had recently put on a training about how to get clients — using AI.

I rolled my eyes. “Oh great. Another AI course to heave onto the dogpile.”

A bit later, Steve and I got on a call. He was telling me about how he uses AI to figure out his prospects’ problems and to develop his messaging in a quick and foolproof way.

Fine. I figure that with a bit of work, with or without AI, I could do the same. But fine.

And then, in a kind of “Of course everybody knows this bit” manner, Steve told me how he actually uses all this AI-generated stuff.

Over the next few minutes, as my jaw gradually made its way further and further down towards the floor, Steve outlined how he how goes on LinkedIn… clicks here… clicks there… uses one little trick to find the exact right prospects who are currently in heat… a second little trick to wave his bloody, species-specific bait in front of them… a third little trick to make sure the prospects amble into his trap… and a fourth little trick to make sure the trap springs on them in such a way that they willingly reach out to him — yes, they come to him — and ask if maybe he can help them.

Steve felt all this LinkedIn trickery was obvious, and was just an add-on to the sexy AI stuff.

But to me, this “real world” stuff was magic, and his way of connecting with the right clients on LinkedIn was something I would never figure out myself.

I also suspect it was this which really gave Steve the results he has had with his system.

Consider the following:

Steve fired all his copywriting and marketing clients this past January, pretty much just because he wanted to.

He then took a two-month vacation back home to the UK (he lives in Vancouver normally).

UK vacation over, he got back to Vancouver, scratched his chin a bit, and said, “Well, now what?”

He then started applying the system he told me about, and within a couple weeks, he had lined up calls with the likes of:

* The global innovation lead for a pharma giant that takes in $40 billion per year

* The world’s no. 1 company for performing complex clinical trials

* The United Nations subject matter expert on A.I.

Steve’s current thing is repositioning himself as an AI expert to these kinds of whale, mammoth, brontosaurus clients. Huge, slow beasts. That might sound intimidating to you, or like the kind of thing you might not even want.

I’ve watched Steve’s training in full now. It’s fantastic.

And I can assure you that even if you are not interested in capturing $40 billion pharma whales as your new clients, you can also use Steve’s method to position or reposition yourself in such a way that you catch $120 million ecommerce marlins… or $80 million SaaS tunas… or simply lean and fast $20 million info-publishing bonefish.

The first live training of Steve’s course, which is called Clientraker — James Bond reference — will happen next Wednesday, July 19.

Between then and now, I will write more about Steve’s course, and nudge you, sometimes gently, sometimes forcefully, towards Steve’s sales page.

If you are currently hungry for client work… or nervous because your current clients might leave you tomorrow and you have zero idea how you might replace them… or if you are flush with client work — but at least a few of those clients are morons, scammers, or just plain cheap… then I strongly advise you to get Steve’s training, watch it live as he delivers it it, and implement it the minute he stops talking.

Or don’t. But others will.

In case you’re convinced already and you want to sign up: