Back-patting A-list copywriter admits a hard truth

A few months back, I heard A-list copywriter Parris Lampropoulos speak at a copywriting conference. Parris admitted something humbling about working with his longest-running clients.

He winced a bit. He shrugged his shoulders. And he verbalized what all good copywriters know deep down:

“All my best successes, as much as I like to pat myself on the back as a copywriter, were when we were in a category of one.”

Yesterday, I started promoting Steve Raju’s ClientRaker, an AI-based process to get you 1) more clients or 2) bigger, richer, nicer clients than you have now.

And this is really what the core of ClientRaker is:

Positioning yourself so you are in a category of one.

That might sound simple. But it’s tricky in a sneaky way — because being in a category of one is not the whole story. ​​

​​You have to be in a category of one AND be seen as valuable. No sense in being the only clown in Antarctica if there are no kids there to entertain.

So how do you get into a category of one that is actually desired by the market?

The standard answer, as Al Ries and Jack Trout wrote in their classic book Positioning, is to look inside your prospect’s head.

And that’s exactly why this this positioning business is tricky, particularly when you are promoting yourself and what you offer. Most people can’t look inside their prospect’s head because they can’t get out of their own head.

We all think we know what other people really want. But we find it very unpleasant and unnatural to take “other” position for very long. So inevitably, we end up looking at the world with blinders on, focusing on what we care about, what we know, what we have in our hands and what we are hoping to trade for what others have in theirs.

My email yesterday was a bit eye-rolly, a bit dismissive about AI. That’s because I don’t think the AI stuff is the biggest value that Steve’s ClientRaker system provides. But I will say one good thing about AI:

AI won’t let you succumb to your own obsessive focus on yourself and the things you know about. AI makes that easy. AI isn’t you. AI doesn’t have your attachments, it knows more than you, and it can take you out of your head and into the heads of the right prospects — if only you take the time to painstakingly prompt it, process its replies, and refine the results.

That’s what Steve has done. And that’s what he gives you inside ClientRaker. A step-by-step process to take you out of your head and into your ideal prospect’s heads.

Follow Steve’s process. Prompt the AI like Steve says. It works like a toaster. You press a button and out pop some results — new client pain points, new problem mechanisms, new USP, new tagline, new LinkedIn bio.

The fact that you can do all this in half an hour, rather than in a matter of weeks or months, means that, even if what the AI gives you is not 100% spot on, you can easily tweak it, if you must, using your superior intelligence and and God-given creativity and deep human insights.

​And that’s when the real cool stuff begins, which is what the rest of Steve’s process is all about.

ClientRaker is now open for sign ups. The deadline to join is next Wednesday, July 19 at 11am PST, which is when the first of the three trainings will happen.

You can wait until the last minute if you like.

But if you are the proactive type, or if you find yourself excited by this opportunity and want to make sure you don’t miss out on it, then sign up now. ​​Here’s the Google Docs sales page with the full details of the how, when, and where: