3 great reasons to sign up to Daniel Throssell’s list before tomorrow

Last month, marketer Daniel Throssell sent out a newsletter email with the subject line, “Want to advertise to my list?” The cost to run a 50-word ad in Daniel’s newsletter was $1,000. Immediately, I wrote back and said yes.

Then Daniel did something unusual but very smart.

​​He effectively said, your money is not enough. And he set a second condition to run an ad in his newsletter, which was to come up with a unique offer that would only be available through the ad.

So that’s reason one why you might want to get on Daniel’s list before tomorrow.

​​Because I did come up with a special offer, and a free one, which I believe will be very enticing to people on Daniel’s list. But if you’re my loyal reader, and you’re not on Daniel’s list, I don’t want to give you the shaft. So I’m telling you now. To get my special free offer, get on Daniel’s list, and read his email tomorrow.

My offer will only be good for 24 hours after the ad runs. As you might know, I’m strict about deadlines and I don’t make exceptions. I’ll also be keeping my word to Daniel that the only way to get this offer is through this ad, so I won’t be letting anybody in through a side door.

So that’s reason one.
Reason two to sign up to Daniel’s list before tomorrow is that the classified ad cost me $1,000. That’s a fair amount of money, and frankly I don’t want to pay it. So I decided to come up with a second offer to recoup my ad costs as the ad is still running.

But what kind of offer would be almost guaranteed to pull in $1,000 in 24 hours, and to a bunch of people who don’t really know me from Adam’s rat terrier?

I paced the chemical-stained floor of my laboratory all evening long, throughout the night, and into the early morning. Finally, a lightbulb went on in my head. I thought of a paid offer, one I believe will be almost irresistible to anybody who’s working as a copywriter, either freelance or in-house.

​​I put that offer on the Thank You page that follows the optin that my ad will lead to. This second offer will only be available there, on the Thank You page, only for 24 hours, never to be repeated again.

So that mystery offer on the Thank You page, that’s reason two.

​​Reason three I’ve written about before:

Daniel and I did a list swap back in 2021. With one email, Daniel drove over 10% of his list to my website. I got hundreds of new subscribers and in fact, I tripled my list from where it was before the list swap. More importantly, I got close to 100 new buyers, many of whom are still with me.

Then about a year ago, I put on a presentation where I analyzed three unusual elements of Daniel’s email copywriting style. Daniel promoted this presentation to his list. A similar thing happened. Hundreds of new subscribers for me, and lots of new sales.

And then there was that Black Friday campaign that Daniel ran a while back. I wasn’t involved in that, and good thing. Daniel outsold 15 other “expert” marketers, not individually, but in total. Add up all the sales made by all the other guys, and Daniel still sold more, with only his own list, which was maybe 1/20th the size of what all the other guys had in total.

The point being:​​

Maybe you joined Daniel’s list in the past, and decided it’s not for you. Maybe you didn’t resonate with Daniel’s personal stories, his sense of humor, or his online persona. If so, my advice is to look beyond the surface.

Because Daniel has a responsive email list beyond anything I’ve ever seen. ​​It’s not accidental. It’s strategic, and you can see the strategy in practice, for free, by getting on Daniel’s list. The sooner you do that, the more likely you are to learn something valuable.

So here’s the front door to Daniel’s strange world of entertainment and subtle influence. My advice is to open the door and go inside, and to do so before tomorrow:


Why aren’t people replying to my emails any more?

My email yesterday, about a “roadway to success as a copywriter and marketer,” drew only a few lonely replies.

On average, I now get fewer replies to my daily emails than I did a year ago. Even though my list was much smaller then.

What’s the difference?

Maybe I’m just doing a poorer job writing these emails than I did a year ago. Maybe people are not enthused enough to hit reply as often.

Maybe the makeup of my list changed, and maybe my subscribers today are just less chatty.

Or, maybe, it’s fact that these days I end each email with a link, and an opportunity to buy some product from me.

In fact, my email yesterday did get a nice number of people to click through to my Copy Riddles sales page. So maybe some of the energy that my readers used to spend on replying is now getting spent on clicking, reading my sales letters, and buying from me.

The most life-changing idea I’ve been exposed to since I started learning about marketing came from Mark Ford.

Mark is an entrepreneur, direct marketer, and A-list copywriter who was one of the key people who made Agora the direct marketing behemoth it is today.

As you might know, much of what Agora does is sell secrets. Secrets to getting rich… secrets to getting free of pain… secrets about how to sell secrets.

And yet, here’s what Mark said once:

“There is an inverse relationship between the value of knowledge and what people are willing to pay for it. The most important things in life you’ve probably heard a hundred times before, but you’re not paying attention. When you’re in the right place and you hear it, you have that ‘aha’ moment and everything changes.”

I had heard the advice that you should sell in each email perhaps a million times, over the course of perhaps a million years.

I had seen it in practice in perhaps a million email newsletters.

I was even telling my own clients to do the same, and I witnessed the millions of dollars this simple advice could produce for them.

And yet, it never clicked in my own head. I didn’t sell in each of these email for the first, oh, three years of my newsletter.

For some reason, it clicked last year. Specifically, it clicked on May 29, 2022, after I read the opening to Dan Kennedy’s slapped-together guide to getting rich in 12 months, called The Phenomenon. Dan’s Rule #1 in that book says:

“There will always be an offer or offer(s).”

“Oh yeah…” I said to myself, putting my finger to the tip of my nose. “Why don’t I try that?”

So now, I will give you a link to the Copy Riddles sales page.

The Copy Riddles sales page spells out Gary Halbert’s advice for how to master the number one thing that, in his opinion, makes people buy from an ad.

The sales page goes on to tell you how to implement Gary’s advice yourself if you’ve got the time. It also tells you how Copy Riddles will do the legwork for you if you don’t have the time to do it yourself, or if you want to save yourself time.

The sales page then gives you testimonials from newbie copywriters, senior copywriters, heads of marketing agencies, entrepreneurs, and marketing consultants — all of whom thought Copy Riddles was great, and some of whom say it was the best copywriting course they have ever taken.

I’ve said all this before, in previous emails. But maybe you weren’t paying attention then. Maybe today it will click.

In any case, here’s that link:


How copywriters can create their own offers

A few days ago, after promoting my Income At Will coaching program, I got a question from a long-time reader and customer, who works as a freelance copywriter:


Can you create a program on creating offers as a copywriter?


To tell you the ‘strewth, I had been thinking about just that. But it’s something I reserved only for people who are signed up to my email newsletter. If you’d like to join them, for free, so you don’t miss out on special offers I make only to my email subscribers, click here and sign up.

Tipping outrage and my despicable suggestion

A few nights ago, I went out for sushi with a friend. At the end of the night, the bill came. We each took out a credit card and split the bill halfway, 40 euro per person.

My friend then took out two one-euro coins and put that down on the table as a tip. ​​Out of solidarity, I reached for my pocket to see if I had any change, but my friend said, “No, no, it’s fine.”

I live in Spain, and the tipping culture here is that tipping is not required or expected. If you do leave anything, it really is “just the tip” and not half the snaking bill.

Compare that to the U.S.

​​I read an article in the AP last week. It said people in the U.S. are increasingly unhappy about tipping.

15% used to be standard once upon a time. Then it inched up to 18%. In most places, 20% is now standard.

Lots of automated registers now prompt you for tips. Plus tipping is spreading in situations where tips weren’t expected before, such as carryout and fast-food counters. If you want to clearly signal you were actually impressed with the food or the service, you will have to leave a 30% tip or more.

Lots of consumers feel this is getting out of control, a kind of highway brigandage at the coffee shop and the rotating sushi place.

On the other hand, you have people in the service industry, the baristas and the waitresses and the cooks, rightly pointing out that tips are how they live. It’s about paying people “what they’re owed,” said one service-industry veteran.

That AP article is worth digging up and reading, because it’s shows a war of different psychological principles — loss aversion, reactance, liking, reciprocity.

But that’s not my point for today. My point is simply that at the end of the AP article, there’s a quote from a consumer who’s complaining.

It’s the company’s job to pay, he says.

That’s foolish. Just the opposite. It’s the company’s job not to pay.

Some companies even advertise good tips in their job listings. “Somebody else will pay you well for doing this job,” they are saying, “but it ain’t gonna be us.”

This might make you feel frustrated as a consumer, or outraged if you work at a tippable job.

And maybe you’re right, whichever side you’re on. But here’s where I will make a suggestion you might find despicable:

Take that frustration and outrage, and instead of stewing there with your arms crossed, channel it into something valuable for you.

​​Get yourself into a similar position to those despicable companies, of not having to pay anything yourself, but passing on your expenses to others.

You might wonder what I’m on about. So let me tell you.

Marketer Dan Kennedy has a story of getting his million-dollar-plus divorce settlement. Dan says:


I’ve never taken a pay cut. Somebody whacks me with a new tax, somebody else is gonna pay it. I’m not.

Exact same attitude about my divorce settlement. It’s why it didn’t really bother me. I said, I don’t know exactly who’s gonna pay this, but it ain’t gonna be me.


Dan wasn’t bothered by his divorce settlement because he’s in a position of “income at will.”

In other words, when Dan got the ugly news of the millions of dollars he was suddenly supposed to pay to his ex-wife, he started thinking about creating a bunch of new offers — high-priced seminars, diamond-level coaching, marriage counseling services.

​​And then he advertised those new offers to his list, or as he likes to call it, his herd.

The herd ended up paying for the divorce, not Dan.

So start thinking about how to get yourself into a similar situation.

Because really, the only way to fully protect yourself against inflation… and out-of-control tips… and new tax bills… and ugly divorce settlements… is to put yourself into a position where you don’t have to be the one to pay any of that.

And if you want some free advice on how to do that, you might want to get on my email list. Click here to sign up.

The best way to market your old course

In the virtual pages of this daily email newsletter, I’ve gone back over and over to an article by James Altucher, titled, I Plagiarized And You Can, Too!

I’ve written about James’s core idea several times already. I won’t repeat it today. But I will point out the interesting 12 words of advice with which James ends his article:

“The best way to market your first book? Write your next book.”

That’s how the cookie crumbles, book-wise. But what about course-wise?

For the last few days, I’ve been promoting my Copy Riddles course.

This is the third time I am promoting this course at the current price in the past 6 months.

And yet, during this run, over just a few days, I’ve made more sales of Copy Riddles than I did over several weeks of promotion earlier.

The difference is I’ve announced this is the last week to get the free bonuses that come with Copy Riddles.

At the end of this week, I will remove the free bonuses, expand them, and turn them into paid upsells.

So the best way to market your old course?

​​Take your free bonuses and convert them into an upsell funnel. And then advertise that fact well to your audience.

Meanwhile, the clock is ticking. The candle is burning down. The hourglass is noiselessly draining away.

The free bonuses for Copy Riddles will disappear this Saturday Jan 21, at 12 midnight PST.

The first bonus is Storytelling For Sales. The second bonus is Copywriting Portfolio Secrets.

Don’t buy Copy Riddles just for the free bonuses.

But the majority of people who bought Copy Riddles over these past few days have been on my list for a while.

That makes me think they’ve been eyeing Copy Riddles for a while.

If, like them, you’ve been weighing up Copy Riddles for a similar while, you have until Saturday to get the whole package, free bonuses included. You can do that at the link below:


Announcing: Son of Most Valuable Postcard

Last year — not meaning yesterday, but actually 12 months ago — I set three themes for myself.

A theme is an idea I got from James Altucher. It’s a general direction to move in, unlike a goal, which is more like a destination to arrive at by a specific time. Themes work for me, goals don’t.

Anyways, one of my 2022 themes was “offers”. And I did well with that. By my count, I made over a dozen different offers last year to this list alone.

The most unique of those offers was my Most Valuable Postcard.

Each month, for all of two months, I sent a postcard from a new place with a short greeting and a URL. The URL took you to a secret website, where you would find my in-depth treatment of one fundamental marketing or copywriting topic for that month.

Subscribers loved the Most Valuable Postcard.

I hated it.

I hated walking around in the summer sun trying to find nice-looking postcards. I hated addressing and writing them by hand.

​​I hated the pressure of finishing up the actual content each month and making it great before the first postcards started arriving.

​​I hated the fact that the postcards didn’t arrive reliably and that I had to resend many of them.

So I killed the Most Valuable Postcard off. Subscribers sighed and said they saw it coming.

But now, the Most Valuable Postcard is back. In a way.

The core concept of the Most Valuable Postcard is something I find too valuable to let go. Like I said, it’s to take a fundamental marketing idea and go deep. As copywriter Dan Ferrari wrote a while back:


Learning fundamentals and mastering fundamentals are two different things. Sorry to break it to you, in my experience, ~80% of copywriters NEVER reach mastery. The simple explanation is they have NO idea how much deeper they can go. That’s too bad because all it takes is a willingness to put the SCUBA gear on and explore the depths.


​So my plan is to go deep, write more Most Valuable Postcards, and put them inside the members-only area of my site.

There won’t be a physical postcard any more, but the website content will have the same format as before.

There also won’t be a monthly subscription, but I will sell the postcards individually, whenever I put them out.

To start, I’m selling the first Most Valuable Postcard, which so far only went out to those first 20 people who managed to sign up last summer.

But I am only selling this offer to people who are on my email list. In case you are interested in my Most Valuable Postcard, or simply want to read my emails as I write them every day, click here to sign up to my newsletter.

The old future of new newsletters

I’m a regular reader of Simon Owen’s Tech and Media Newsletter — it’s an insightful rag. For example:

A few weeks ago, Owens wrote a piece about the future of new media startups, and what those will look like.

He made five predictions. One of those was “niche editorial products.”

Here’s a relevant bit from Owens’s article, where he is writing about Axios, a conglomerate of email newsletters (free and paid) that sold for a thumping $525 million back in August:

What most impressed me about the company was how it simultaneously managed to be a general interest news site while also funneling its audience into niche verticals, making it much easier for it to deliver highly targeted advertising and industry-specific subscription products.

In other words, Axios offers general and free newsletters on the front-end… and specific and expensive newsletters on the back end.

When you put it like that, this ain’t nothing new:

1. Write something like Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People. Give it away for free or sell it for $0.46 on Kindle.

2. And then, to the people who bought the book, sell something like the Dale Carnegie Institute’s High Impact Presentations corporate training, which consists of two in-person sessions, and costs $2,195.

So Owens’s prediction might not be new, but it’s still a good reminder for each new generation and each new technology.

And it’s something I’m thinking about, especially in the context of email newsletters. If you have a highly niched offer, it might be something for you to think about also.

Meanwhile, let me remind you that this basic idea is not just about offers. The same idea actually applies to copywriting, marketing, and effective communication of all types.

In fact, everything I’ve just told you is related to “chunking up”, which is the first big and new copywriting insight I had by looking at the bullets of A-list copywriters.

The way I describe it inside my Copy Riddles program, “chunking up” allows you to expand your market 3x, 5x, or more.

Which goes to show:

Once you learn the essence of effective communication — once you learn to make interesting and attractive appeals — you can then apply that from a single sales bullet all the way up to the core structure of a $525-million business like Axios.

Perhaps you’re curious to learn more. Perhaps you want specific examples from print ads, video sales letters, and paperback books.

Perhaps you even want to practice chunking up yourself, so next time you try to get your message or offer across, it comes naturally.

You can do all that, and more, if you buy Copy Riddles, which I am currently selling. For more info on that:


Last chance to send $100…

Legend says that, once upon a time, in various Midwestern states, an enterprising carny pitchman took out ads in local newspapers that read:

to PO Box 210, 60611 Chicago, IL

There was no reason given why the reader should send in $1 or whether he would get anything for it.

And yet, the ad supposedly drew in many dollar bills before the postal service guys caught on and put a stop to it.

In other news:

Yesterday, copywriter Van Chow, who bought my Most Valuable Email course, wrote me to say:

Hey John,

I love this course, I bet some money to see if it still talks about boring stuff like AIDA or PAS.

But I was surprised, I had never heard of this concept before.

I think this would help my journey and I’ll practice more of it.

Btw, do I still have a chance to get the bonus?

The answer is yes, there is still time to get the “mystery box” bonus offer that’s inside the MVE training. But time is running out.

In fact, today is your last chance to send me $100… and to get my Most Valuable Email course, and to still get the “mystery box” bonus.

Tomorrow, the Most Valuable Email course will keep being available. But as of 9am CET tomorrow, Friday Oct 7, the bonus offer will go away.

I won’t give you reasons why you might want this mystery bonus offer, or what’s inside it.

But if you want to see what else you get for your $100 — no AIDA or PAS — you can do that at the link below. And if the core MVE offer sounds attractive to you, then it might make sense to get it before the “mystery box” bonus disappears.

​​In any case, here’s the link:


Post-mortem of my MVE launch

As I write this, it’s 11:47am in Spain, which means that some 2 hours and 47 minutes ago, I ended my Most Valuable Email launch.

Whenever I complete a project, I like to force myself to look at the dead hulk, lying there on the ground, and ask myself what I see. Sometimes this triggers insights in my little head which I can use on future projects.

So here are 10 curious things I saw during my MVE launch. Maybe one of them will give you an insight you too can use on a future project:

1. 72.5% of my buyers during this launch had signed up for my free Most Valuable Email presentation back in June. I’m not sure how many watched that free presentation. But there’s a good chance that many who bought this MVE training actually knew my MVE trick ahead of time.

2. 68% of people who bought my Most Valuable Email Swipes offer back in June bought the full MVE course now. (As I wrote earlier, I made these folks a special offer as a way of saying thanks.)

2. Around 4.7% of my entire list bought the MVE training. Is that a good number? A bad number? Does it mean anything? I wish somebody could tell me.

3. I won’t spell out the exact money I earned from this launch. But I will tell you it took me more than two years working as a freelance copywriter to make this much money in a month. And it took me three years working as freelance copywriter before I made this much money regularly each month.

4. While the money I made from this MVE launch was nothing to cough, sniffle, or sneeze at, it was still significantly less than each time I have had a Copy Riddles launch, even with drastically fewer buyers. The reasons are obvious. The MVE training is at a lower price point and has no upsell right now. Maybe there’s a lesson there.

5. For the first time ever, sales came more or less evenly throughout the launch period, and weren’t all bunched up right before the deadline. I’m not sure what that’s about.

6. I saw a spike in sales after each email I sent, even in the middle of the 9-email launch sequence. Which tells me I should have sent more emails.

7. The vast majority of people who bought MVE bought something from me previously (Copy Riddles, Influential Emails, Most Valuable Postcard). I don’t have an easy way to see the exact number, but I would say around 80%.

8. Around 1.1% of my list unsubscribed during the 4-day, 9-email launch. For reference, I had the same number of unsubscribes over the 10 days prior to the launch, so you could say my unsubscribe rate was roughly double the usual. The email that got the most unsubscribes was “Brutally discriminatory practices surrounding my Most Valuable Email launch.”

10. I ended the launch with more email subscribers than I started with. In spite of increased unsubscribes, I also saw a spike in new subscribers, on top of the usual optins.

And the really curious part starts:

Because the whole reason I created this Most Valuable Email was that I wanted evergreen offers I can end my daily emails with.

So while my launch is over, the Most Valuable Email offer continues to be available, without the launch discount.

I can tell you price will never decrease from this point, only possibly increase.

So if you didn’t buy the Most Valuable Email training during the launch period, and you’re curious what it’s about, you can find out here:


Dr. Bejako the sadistic dentist goes to work on the “mystery box” bonus

Long-time readers of this newsletter might know I’m a big fan of screenwriter William Goldman. Goldman won two screenwriting Oscars, one for Butch Cassidy and another for All The President’s Men.

​​He also wrote The Princess Bride.

​​And of course, Goldman wrote Marathon Man, which starred Sir Laurence Olivier in the role of the sadistic dentist Dr. Szell (“Is it safe?”).

I thought of Dr. Szell because I’ve never before been compared to a dentist, but it finally happened today.

​​Author and copywriter Angie Archer, who not only took me up on my Most Valuable Email offer, but was one of the first to take me up on the free but valuable, time-limited offer included inside MVE, wrote me to say:

This feels like a trip to the dentist.

I know it’ll be good for me, but…

Here, before I talk myself out of it, is [Angie taking me up on my ‘mystery box’ offer].

You might not know what a “mystery box” offer is.

It’s an idea I got from marketer Rich Schefren. Rich once offered a “mystery box” upsell for $29. He didn’t say what was in the box, only that the buyer should trust him, and his claim that the box is worth at least 10x the asking price.

Rich’s “mystery box” upsell converted at a crazy 78% — 2x or 3x what a typical upsell will do. What’s more, Rich says the offer got zero negative chargebacks, and ended up forming a segment of his best customers.

So a mystery box might be worth experimenting with in your own marketing. You just gotta be firm, and not give in, and not tell people what’s inside the box.

That’s what I won’t tell you what my MVE “mystery box” offer is. I will just say it is very valuable, more so than the price of this course, and that it’s something I probably won’t keep up for very long.

So if you are interested in taking me up on the Most Valuable Email and the free but valuable, time-limited mystery box offer it contains, it might make sense to act now.

​​The launch period is coming to an end in a few hours time, at 12 midnight PST tonight. After that deadline, the price will go up. If you’d like to get in before then:
