In reply to my email yesterday, a now ex-subscriber to my Daily Email Habit service wrote in to say:
Hello! Which is your paid email? This one or daily email habit? The emails have been all great, and great tips, but I don’t want to get charged $30 per month (doing taxes and realizing how many subscriptions I have 😬). I’d like to unsubscribed for the paid one and not the other.
First, a disclaimer:
I appreciate all customers. I appreciate the trust they put in me, the interest they have in what I offer, and the money they choose to give me.
But I gotta say this particular customer’s reply made me frown. She didn’t even know which is my personal free newsletter, and which is the paid service?
I must be doing something wrong.
I’ve also had a few Charter Members unsub from Daily Email Habit over the past month, following a very successful quasi-launch I did back in January, and say things like, “I gotta save the $20/month right now, but I will be back soon!”
Again, clearly I’m doing something wrong, because I’m not getting these people to take what they signed up for seriously, to consume it, to get value from it.
I’ve already done what I know to do to make the actual Daily Email Habit service both easy to get started with, and addicting to keep going with.
I might in the future put up some kinds of restrictions on people signing up, to make sure they are actually committed.
But right now, starting today, as this email goes out, I’ve decided to institute a new policy:
I’m not letting people resubscribe to Daily Email Habit after they unsubscribe.
It’s a policy I got from Ben Settle, who uses the same for his paid print newsletter.
This policy worked on me when I signed up to Ben’s newsletter. It made me sign up much later, only when I told myself I was really ready, and it made me take the content that Ben was sharing much more seriously.
And yes, this policy also made me stay signed up to Ben’s newsletter longer than I might have, after I’d had enough.
In part it was the threat of not being able to resubscribe… and in part it was Ben’s dismissive and shaming attitude to people who do unsubscribe.
I’m trying to soften that effect here as far as possible. I have no interest in shaming anyone, or continuing to take money from people who are not getting value from what I offer.
Quite the opposite.
I want dedicated people to sign up to Daily Email Habit, to use the service and to benefit from it, and to get much more from it than what they pay me.
That’s why I invite you to take what time you need to decide if you’re ready to start your own daily email habit, and put in consistent daily work to build up your own authority… a relationship with a list who trusts you and wants to hear from you… and a business that really can run on the back of an email a day, if you so choose.
If after all this, you do sign up to my Daily Email Habit service, and you still find it’s not working for you, of you’re not using it in spite of your best intentions and my best efforts to help you, then no problem.
Again, I appreciate your interest and your trust.
But as of today, anybody who unsubs from Daily Email Habit won’t be able to resubscribe.
I expect I will have to write subsequent emails about this to really get my point across. Still, I’ve updated the Daily Email Habit sales page to clearly state the new reality.
In any case, if you’d like to get the full info on Daily Email Habit, WHICH IS A PAID SUBSCRIPTION OFFER, DISTINCT FROM THIS PARTICULAR DAILY EMAIL NEWSLETTER YOU ARE READING NOW, then you can get that at the following page.
Read through it. Take what time you need to decide if you’re really ready to get started. And then, take a bit more time before you make any rash decisions like signing up. Here’s the link: