The heart and soul of great copywriting

Last night, I announced the new “Secret Demand” training I’ll hold on Friday.

This live training will be all about unlocking secret demand in your list. Once you can do that, you can pull an extra $5k, or $15k, or $50k from your list, in just 3-5 days, whenever you so decide.

A good number of people raised their hand to express interest in Secret Demand. I sent them the full details. And this morning, I woke up to the first notifications from ThriveCart that sales had come in.

That’s nice.


Based on the number of people who had raised their hand, I expected more sales to come in by now.

Maybe that’s greed. Maybe it’s impatience. Maybe it’s simply that I know how valuable what I will teach can be to the right person.

What to do in a situation like that? When some sales are coming in… but you suspect you can do better?

I’ll just share the following quote with you, from marketing legend Gary Halbert, who once wrote:


Hark unto me, Buckwheat: Writing “copy” is less than 1/10 as important as learning to think about new offers and getting them down on paper as I just did. I can’t say it often enough or strongly enough…

It Is The Deal… The Offer… The Proposition
You Are Making That Is The Heart And Soul
Of Great Copywriting!


This is why the largest of the Secret Demand training will be devoted to the offer. Writing copy is fairly straightforward once you have the right offer in place.

Anyways, signups for the Secret Demand training are now open. If you’re interested, you’ll have to raise your hand by tomorrow, Wednesday night at 12 midnight PST.

That’s because I’m not sending people straight to a sales page. I first want to find out if you’re in a situation where this training can possibly help you. And that will take a couple of emails back and forth.

So ask yourself:

Do you have a business?

Do you have an email list?

Does the promise of unlocking secret demand in your list sound appealing?

If so, then reply to this email.

I’ll have a couple questions for you. And if it sounds like a fit, I’ll send you the full details about this training. You can then decide if you’d like to join me on Friday.

Announcing: Secret demand in your list

As I’ve been teasing for the past week:

This Friday, I will hold a live presentation about how to unlock secret demand in your email list.

Once you can do this, then you can pull an extra $5k, $15k, $50k from your list — depending on who exactly you’ve got on there. And you can do it again and again, whenever you like.

I’m limiting this training to business owners. If you’re curious why, I might talk about that in the future. For now, just ask yourself:

Do you have a business?

Do you have an email list?

Does the promise of unlocking secret demand in your list sound appealing?

If so, then reply to this email. I’ll send you the full details about this training. And you can then decide if you’d like to join me on Friday.

My supplement stack

I’m not sure why you’d want to know. But after 15+ years of obsessing over my health, and researching and experimenting with dozens of different, often exotic and possibly toxic supplements, here is my current daily supplement stack:

* Magnesium, zinc, and vitamin D (because they are important and I probably don’t get enough)

* A multivitamin and some fish oil (because why not)

* A teaspoon of glycine and a capsule of NAC (because there’s good science showing this combo actually reverses many hallmarks of aging, at least if you’re getting old)

* A teaspoon of creatine (because it helps increase energy production in both the body and the brain, and God knows I need that)

I’m sharing my supplement stack for two reasons.

Reason one is that I’ve found I like to read stuff like this in other people’s marketing-related newsletters. It makes no sense, and yet it’s there. Maybe you’re the same.

Reason two is that opening this email with my supplement stack allows me to seamlessly, like a silky fox, transition into talking about my supplement theory of email marketing.

Yesterday, I sent out an email that promoted my Copy Riddles program. I made one sale of Copy Riddles as a result, at $997. I’m actually very happy with that.

Because I gotta admit:

That’s hardly the norm. Most times that I send out a regular, daily, broadcast email to promote a familiar offer like Copy Riddles, I don’t make any sales.

As a result, I’ve come to think of daily emails that promote existing offers — buy it today, buy it tomorrow, buy it whenever — like supplements.

Yes, such daily emails will make sales. But the fact that people can buy the offer today, or tomorrow, or the month after, means such sales are unpredictable and rare.

That’s why I say such emails are supplements. Nice to have, but you can’t live off ’em. Instead, you gotta live off proper nutrition.

In email marketing terms, proper nutrition means a regular diet of email-based promotions – time-limited events that get people to ACT NOW.

This coming Friday, I will hold a live training about such promotions for a small group of business owners who have a list.

If that’s you, then my promise is that on this training, I’ll show you how how to pull extra money from your list, even if you don’t create a new offer, and even if you’re not pumping in hundreds or thousands new names to your list every week.

Of course, if you do have an entirely new offer, or you do get a big influx of new leads, these promotional events work even better.

And for the record, these kinds of email promos are something I have quite a bit of experience with. Via my own list and offers… via clients clients I’ve worked with… and most recently, via the coaching I’m doing inside Shiv Shetti’s mastermind, where I strategize on a new such promotion every week.

Maybe you’d like to benefit from my experience, and shortcut your path to a healthy and nutritious email list. If so, then read my email tomorrow, because I’ll have more info on Friday’s training.

My ex doesn’t know what she wants, but she sure knows what she doesn’t want

I have this friend. Actually an ex-girlfriend. We’ve been friends for 15 years after breaking up.

I talked to her yesterday on the phone. As usual, she’s having problems at work.

“I feel so stuck,” she said. “I think I should go get an MBA in entrepreneurship.”


Bear with me for a brief moment while I run through my ex’s troubled work history. I promise to give you a valuable takeaway as a result of it.

My ex graduated some 15 years ago with a master’s degree in economics. Such a degree prepares you to do absolutely nothing in life. I know, because I too graduated with the same degree.

In spite of the worthless economics degree, my ex managed to get a job at General Electric, in what was effectively another graduate program.

After a few years of that and a few years off to raise a kid (not mine), my ex decided she wanted to change careers.

So she went back to school to study UX design. After graduating with her second master’s degree, she started working as a UX researcher.

She’s been doing that for the past several years, in a series of maybe a dozen jobs.

In each job, she very quickly discovers this is not what she had imagined. And within the first week or two, she starts planning and scheming to do something new, different. Now it’s an MBA in entrepreneurship. Anything, as long as it’s not what she’s doing now.

That’s the valuable takeaway I promised you. It’s a powerful sales principle.

It applies to most all of us. Definitely to my friend… definitely to me… probably to you and most probably to your customers.

That sales principle is that people can see with much more clarity and intensity what they have and do not want, rather than what they do not have but do want.

One consequence of this:

Rather than spending a huge amount of time coming up with clever positioning and sales arguments for your offer, it’s often much better to simply position what you have as NOT what your prospect is doing now.


My Copy Riddles program. It’s not a copywriting course in any traditional sense. It’s not good information. It’s something else.

For more info on this training program that’s unlike anything you’ve seen before:

Test the offer or just launch the damn thing?

During yesterday’s Write and Profit call, which I host every Thursday night, I got a question from one of the members, Tom Grundy.

During the day, Tom works as a high-powered banker in London.

But ​once night falls and the moon comes out, Tom howls as a sign that his transformation is beginning. He sits down at his computer. And he starts to write one of his very good daily emails, to promote his personal brand as a self-development and career coach.

Right now, Tom is considering taking a mindset workshop he is currently giving live to his colleagues at Lloyds Bank, and turning that into something he could offer to his list as well.

He’s considering it… but he’s not decided yet. As he asked me:

“How should I think about testing the idea first by asking my list if they’re interested in a training like this in the first place. When would you test first rather than just launch the offer?”

It’s a good question. My thoughts are these:

It makes sense to simply launch an offer if 1) it won’t cost you anything to do so or 2) you want to create the offer for its own sake.

For example, my upcoming promo training — still don’t have a better name than that — fits both of these criteria.

​​This training will be delivered live, and won’t cost me anything to launch. If nobody signs up, I don’t have to spend any time, money, or effort preparing it or delivering it.

But the fact is, I will prepare it and deliver it even if I’m only doing so for myself.

That’s because this training has value to me long term — as a template for my own work, as a potential future product to sell, as a way of getting consulting or even DFY clients, if I can find that needle in a haystack.

On the other hand, it makes sense to test out an offer idea if 1) it will cost you to launch it and 2) you don’t want to just create it for its own sake. This is also the case if you have multiple good options for a new offer to create.

For example, I’m considering creating a little ebook or lead magnet to talk about the FREE Formula I describe in part 3 of my Age of Insight training.

The content is largely already there. Still, it would take me some more time to pull it all together, polish it up, and provide extra examples. Also, this FREE Formula idea is hardly the only thing I could create to work as a lead magnet.

So over the next couple of days, I’ll run some ads to see if the thing has any legs, or if it doesn’t, like a viper waiting in the grass to spring on me.

So there you go:

I’ll have more info on the promo training for sure, and maybe a better name, soon.

I might also have more info on FREE Formula soon. Or I might not.

​​And now you know why, and maybe that can help you if you too are considering launching a new offer.

Meanwhile, I can only point you to the one lead magnet I currently have.

This lead magnet has worked very well for me for years now. It’s brought and continues to bring in a small but steady and valuable stream of new leads, many of whom have become great customers.

​​If you’d like to get it yourself:

The new science of emotion and the old takeaway from it

Two nights ago, I started read a new book, How Emotions Are Made. In the first chapter, the author writes:


It was in graduate school that I felt my first tug of doubt about the classical view of emotion. At the time, I was researching the roots of low self-esteem and how it leads to anxiety or depression. Numerous experiments showed that people feel depressed when they fail to live up to their own ideals, but when they fall short of a standard set by others, they feel anxious.


“Hello,” I said. “I never thought about it that way. This anxiety/depression distinction sounds valuable. Better note that down for the future. Maybe I can apply it in some sales copy.”

I got out my notebook and started to write this idea down. “Numerous experiments showed that…”

But something bothered me. It was that phrase, “first tug of doubt,” higher up in the passage. So I scanned on down the page in the book. And sure enough:

It turns out that in spite of strong belief and “numerous experiments,” this idea about the roots of anxiety and depression is not reproducible.

In fact, 8 subsequent studies designed to reproduce this well-trodden distinction all reproduced the opposite result.

In some people, a failure to live up to one’s own ideals produced neither depression nor anxiety. In others, it produced both depression and anxiety. Never just the one the theory predicted. Same with a failure to live up to standards set by others.

This isn’t just a one-time failure to reproduce a specific result. Rather, it seems to be a new understanding of what emotions are in general.

Apparently, there’s a new science of how emotions are made and what they really are.

It’s not five core emotions like you may have seen in that Inside Out Pixar cartoon. And it’s also not the fixed and familiar smiley/frowny/cry-ey emojis we all know and respond to.

Rather, emotions are something complex, unique, and unpredictable, at least in the way they manifest themselves in our behavior, faces, and bodies. It’s taken us 100+ years of scientific study of emotion to tease out this counterintuitive result.

Whatever. I’m getting too inside baseball. My takeaway for you today is simply this:

Nobody really wants to hear about the complexity, the uniqueness, the unpredictability. Even the scientists, except for a few bad apples.

Instead, we all want the immense, pretty much unfathomably complex nature of the universe reduced to a few rules of thumb, certainties, slogans. And whenever we come across a new one of those, we say,

“Hello. Never thought about it that way. Sounds valuable. Better note that down for the future. And maybe let’s see what else this guy is selling…”

That’s my free advice for you for today.

For more human psychology, gleaned from actual scientific experiments performed over millions of people, you might like my Copy Riddles course.

Copy Riddles shows you what appeals people respond to in in great detail. And more importantly, it trains you to apply this knowledge so you can make more sales. To find out more about Copy Riddles:

Sophistication, awareness… what’s missing?

Last night, I was walking around my neighborhood, listening for the third time to a talk by Internet marketer Jeff Walker, of Product Launch Formula fame.

Jeff’s talk is incredible. Each time I have come at it, I’ve found new valuable things inside. Such as, for example, the following oddity:

Jeff once created a completely new offer, unlike anything else in his market.

He first launched this new offer to his own list.

He opened that launch with a video of himself in the woods, on his property up in the Colorado mountains. He has a private tennis court there. Every Friday, he and his buddies play tennis there and drink margaritas afterwards.

This campaign opened with zero promises and zero hype. The implied message of the opening video was simply, “This is how life and business are really meant to be.”

​​This first campaign was a big success.

Later, Jeff launched that same offer to JV lists.

Again, he opened the launch with a video of himself in the woods. Except this time, there was no tennis court, and no margaritas. Instead, straight away, Jeff jumped into hype and promises, about making a ton of money without a list and without a product.

This second campaign was also a big success.

Strange, no?

Because back during the Cold War, direct marketing legend Gene Schwartz told us there are exactly two factors for figuring out how to position and open up a marketing message.

One is sophistication — how many ads/claims people have seen before in your market.

The other is awareness — how much time people in your market have spent thinking and researching this particular problem or desire.

But these two Jeff Walker campaigns say different.

Both of these campaigns sold a completely new offer, unlike anything else in the the market.

​​Both went out to audiences of fiending internet marketing junkies.

​​In other words, the sophistication and awareness were exactly the same for the audiences of both campaigns.

And yet, one campaign opened with zero hype or promises… while the other opened with 100% hype and promises.

My point being:

Sophistication and awareness are not the only two factors for figuring out how to position and open up a marketing message.

There’s a third, equally important factor. You can probably guess what this factor is. I won’t belabor it here.

​​I’ll just say:

Get this factor working in your favor, ​​and not only will you be able to make marketing messages that are less hypey… but your sales will come more easily… and price resistance will largely fly out the window.​​

And if you want some help with that:​​

Influence the format of my new promo training

Very briefly:

I got a good number of replies over the past 24 hours. People wrote in to express interest in an idea I floated yesterday. A new training, on how to regularly run profitable email promotions to your list.

To everyone who replied, thanks for saving me from the dreaded multi-level marketing fate that was waiting for me.

Since there’s interest, I’ve decided I will put on this training within the next 10 days.

What I have not yet decided is the exact format for it.

You can influence that. Read the questions below. And in case you find yourself saying yes over and over, then write in an tell me so. My questions to you are:

Do you have a business?

Do you have an email list?

Do you want to learn how to create new email promotions for your own business regularly?

In other words, do you want to learn how to pull out an extra $10k, $20k, $50k from your list on demand — terms and conditions apply?

Do you even want my direct, one-on-one hand-holding and help, as you strategize and execute the first of these email promotions?

If so, then reply to this email, and tell me you’re interested. And please do so today, because by tomorrow I will have the details fixed in fast-drying concrete. Thanks in advance.

Do you want my help creating an email promotion for your business?

Today is April 1st.

​​I was going to try to “fool” you by saying I am getting into multi-level marketing. That’s on the back of a reader reply I got last week. A reader surreptitiously tried to recruit me into her own MLM organization with:

Life-Changing Products!
Breakthrough Marketing System!
Huge Compensation Plan!

Fortunately for you, I’m about as humorous as a rock. So there will be no fooling today.

Instead, I have a 100% serious and honest question for you. I’ll write an email about this question tomorrow as well. I want to make it clear this is not some dumb April Fools stunt.

As you might know, I now have a role as hot seat coach in Shiv Shetti’s PCM mastermind.

Each week, my task is to come up with a new strategy for a new email promotion for a new business.

It’s fun work. I’ve learned a lot in just my two months there. And that’s on top of my own previous experience, creating and running such email promotions. That experience is how I got this job in the first place, via a recommendation from Australia’s best copywriter, Daniel Throssell.

So my question to you is:

Do you have a business?

Do you have an email list?

Do you want to learn how to create new email promotions for your own business regularly?

​​In other words, do you want to learn how to pull out an extra $10k, $20k, $50k from your list on demand — terms and conditions apply?

Do you even want my direct, one-on-one hand-holding and help, as you strategize and execute the first of these email promotions?

If so, then reply to this email, and tell me you’re interested.

If I can get 5-10 qualified business owners who want this, I will put it on within the next 10 days.

And if not, then I really will be joining that MLM.

Save me from that fate. Get much more out of your list than you might think is possible. Hit reply, and tell me if you’re interested in this promotion training.

About all those idiots who are more successful than you…

A reader writes in reply to my email yesterday:


Yep I’ve been seeing pro copywriters getting away with mid copy — functional but not exceptional, well done but nothing I couldn’t have done, just basics well executed. Yet they are raking it in.

Still I’m more drawn to innovative copywriters like Daniel Throssell and you, who have the potential to produce 95-99% outcomes (as opposed to 80% outcomes). However if I’m seeking profit maximisation (not always the case…) perhaps I should consider going darkside.


My email yesterday wasn’t about the light side vs dark side, exceptional vs mediocre. It was about fundamental, proven, and often simple approaches… vs novel, risky, and often complex approaches.

That said, my reader’s comment above is still valuable.

It expresses a feeling that’s pretty much universal in human beings.

And that’s the feeling that “all these idiots are running around, way more successful than me. They must have some kind of angle. They have a secret, a trick, a shortcut. It’s either they have access I don’t, or they do things I won’t because I’m better than that.”

I’m not judging. I regularly feel this feeling bubble up inside me as well.

All I am telling you is that if you write sales copy, then this feeling is almost certainly there in your audience. It makes sense to use it as a sales point.

On the other hand, this belief is not useful to have yourself, not long-term.

It’s a much better to look at people you’re competing with, and figure out what you can admire about them.

This little habit alone can help you succeed. Because when you find things to admire about your competition, you will often end up adopting those characteristics. And you will improve as a result.

I did this once. I even wrote it up as an email. In case you’d like to read that:

Things “worthy of compliment” in 12 of my competitors