Earlier today, while chipping away at my upcoming book, I remembered an important client-getting lesson from my days of getting on calls with prospective clients.
From 2015-2019 or so, I worked with dozens of copywriting clients, mainly via Upwork.
To get those dozens of clients, I had to get on hundreds of sales calls or job interviews, depending on how you look at it.
A typical call would go like this:
The prospective client and I would get on Zoom — or maybe it was Skype then — and we’d exchange some pleasantries.
Then the potential client would say, “Ok John, why don’t you tell me a little bit about your background?”
I’d take a deep breath. And then I’d launch in, telling the client all about the projects I’ve worked on… the results I’d gotten for previous clients… my methodology and philosophy of writing sales copy. Plus if I had the opportunity to do so, I’d slip in a few hints about being smart and reliable and easy to work with.
When I thought I’d covered all the most important and impressive stuff about myself, with my face a little red and my lungs empty of air, I’d finally pause to see if the client had any other questions I could answer.
I used this strategy for a long time.
It was a very instinctive and natural thing for me to do. It probably went back to elementary school days, and being quizzed and tested by the teacher to see if I knew the right answer.
And yes, this approach did work on occasion — if I delivered a great pitch and all the stars lined up.
The typical response would be something like, “Sounds great, John. We really like what we hear. We’re still talking to a few freelancers but you’re definitely at the top of the list. We’ll get back to you in a few days once we make the decision.”
Sometimes that meant I got the job. More often, it meant I didn’t.
Fortunately, I soon discovered a much better response to “Tell me a little bit about your background.”
I don’t have concrete stats to back it up, but I estimate this much better response doubled my closing rate, meaning that for every three or four sales calls I had to get on, I closed two new clients, instead of just one.
Plus, this new way of responding made the whole sales call dramatically easier to do.
Perhaps you know what my new response was, either because you know enough about sales, or because you’ve heard me talk about this before.
But in case you don’t know, and you’d like to know, then I have an offer for you.
This offer is only good for the next 24 hours or so, until tomorrow, Thursday Mar 20, at 12 midnight PST.
The offer is a guide I’ve written about the mysterious, unfamiliar, and sometimes dangerous business side of copywriting, the side of managing clients and making a name for yourself.
This guide is called Copy Zone.
I’ve only made Copy Zone available a few times in the past, and only for a day or so, like today.
On page 94 of Copy Zone, you can find the strategy I started using on sales calls with prospective clients instead of trying to wow them with my credentials.
On the other 175 pages of Copy Zone, you can find my best advice on how to make a good living as a copywriter, all the way from getting started, even if you have no clients and no experience, to becoming seen as an A-list copywriter, if that’s your ambition.
Copy Zone sell for $197 right now.
That’s very expensive, considering it’s just a PDF of 175 pages.
All I can say to defend that very expensive $197 is this:
If I could go back 10 years, and talk to myself in the first days when I had the idea to start working as freelance copywriter, then this would be the most condensed and practical info to shortcut those first few days, few months, and few years of working. It would also be my best advice about moving forward, as far forward as your ambition will drive you.
I believe this information would have been worth tens of thousands of dollars to me over the years, or maybe more.
Maybe it can be the same for you.
In any case, if you are a copywriter or you want to become one, then just one small copywriting job, which you win thanks to the ideas inside Copy Zone, could completely cover your $197 investment, and then some.
Of course, it’s your decision. But the clock is ticking. If you’d like to grab a copy of Copy Zone before it goes back into the cave again: