The salutary effect of paying for traffic

Right now, I’m running a paid Facebook ad campaign.

It’s promoting a lead magnet for my aromatherapy website, titled The Little Black Book of Essential Oil Scams.

I don’t know much about running ads on Facebook, but it seems like I’m getting leads for pretty cheap. On the other hand, they don’t seem to be the highest-quality leads — many people who opt in never even download the lead magnet.

But that’s ok.

Because the very fact of paying for traffic is having a salutary effect on me.

I got that phrase from negotiation master Jim Camp, who talked about “the salutary effect of cold calling.” When you cold call, Camp used to say, you have no expectations, and you have a great opportunity to eliminate all your neediness (one of the main pillars of Camp’s negotiation system).

Well, paying for traffic doesn’t have the same salutary effect.

But it does make me want to write emails every day to these leads. What’s more, it makes me want to write emails that get read and get people stirred up. In other words, I’m no longer just writing for the sake of being able to say I’ve done it. Instead, I’m writing to make sales.

That’s both because I’m spending money on traffic now (rather than counting on an indefinite stream of leads from Google)…

And it’s also because it becomes a game — can I make back the money that I will spend on ads, so I can do this all over again on a bigger scale?

Speaking of games, I’m running another ad campaign, and that’s on Amazon.

I’m promoting the aromatherapy books I have .

And once I finish up my new book, about being a successful freelancer on Upwork, I’ll put it up on Amazon, and promote it through ads as well.

However, before I do that, I will probably take advantage of Amazon’s free promotion period. This means, for a few days, once the book is published, it will be available to download for free.

In case you want to get notified when this happens, sign up below, and I’ll keep you in the loop:

The natural and complete cure for hair loss

Let’s talk about a guy named Rob.

Around the age of 16, Rob started losing his hair.

He went to the doctor, and the diagnosis was uninspiring:

Male pattern baldness. Prognosis: slick and shiny.

Rob started on the available treatments right away, including laser therapy and Rogaine. This slowed the hair loss, but it didn’t stop it, and it certainly didn’t reverse it.

Fast forward about ten years.

What would you expect has happened to Rob in the meantime?

Surprisingly, Rob has regained all his lost hair, completely naturally, without drugs, transplants, wigs, toupees, or that blackening hair spray that used to be sold through infomercials.

Nothing beats a demonstration

So how did Rob do it? In a nutshell:

Detumescence therapy.

Basically, Rob performed a special massage on his scalp, twice a day, every day, for about a year. After month five or so, hair slowly started growing back. By the end of the year, he regrew most of the hair he had lost over the previous decade.

So what’s going on?

Well, there are a few legitimate ways that detumescence therapy might actually work.

One is that the massage releases excess sebum that’s been stored in the scalp, which is slowly choking off hair follicles. Another is that it possibly breaks up and even reverses calcification of the scalp, which has been implicated in hair loss. A third way is that it increases blood flow to the scalp, which is basically the same mechanism that drugs such as Rogaine depend on.

But don’t take my word for it.

Detumescence therapy was first described in a scientific paper back in 2012, by a team out of the University of Hong Kong. It was based on a clinical study in which 100% of the subjects regrew 90% of their hair.

And it has been supported by additional studies out of Japan, which looked at the effects of massage and acute inflammation on hair regrowth.

Anyhow, I’m not here to pitch detumescence therapy to you. (If you want to find out more about it, I recommend Rob’s site Perfect Hair Health.)

All I wanted to do was to illustrate a technique I just learned from an interview with one of the most successful copywriters of all times, Parris Lampropoulos.

Parris writes a lot in the health space.

And in this interview, he shared a three-step process for presenting outrageous (but true) health claims, and convincing prospects that they are real. You can see an example of it in this post. It basically goes story-explanation-studies.

And if you want more such examples, or a breakdown of other ways to present health claims, sign up for my upcoming book.

It deals with email marketing for the health space.

It’s not out yet. But you can get a free copy when I finish it up if you sign up now:

The four horsemen of the Upwork apocalypse

A friend asked me about Upwork recently.

He wanted to know, are there red flags for job listings? In other words, are there some jobs you should never apply for, because the clients are guaranteed to be trouble?

And lo, I had a vision.

Four horsemen. Each more awe-inspiring than the one before.

Now these four horsemen do not bring death, pestilence, famine, and war. But they do bring frustration, low wages, uninteresting projects, and stress. Let me tear open the four seals of my upcoming Upwork Bible, and tell you about them:

1. The blue banana horseman

Riding on a perfectly normal job listing, this horseman carries a banner. And on that banner, it is written:

“Add the words ‘blue banana’ at the top of your application so I know you read this whole thing.”

This horseman is very clever. And he’s too clever by far for any decent freelancer. If you engage with him, be warned, it will end in frustration.

2. The waffle horseman

This horseman arrives in a cloud of mist.

In his hand, he carries a waffle. That’s because he doesn’t know what he wants, or he cannot express it. So his job listing is ominously broad:

“Looking for an expert to help me grow my business through marketing. You need to know video editing and design and copywriting. Added bonus if you’re good at Excel.”

What this horseman is really saying is, “My business isn’t profitable yet. But heavy is my burden of small, confusing tasks. Come inside my empire and you will be rewarded meagerly.”

3. The pied pier horseman

This horseman can be recognized from afar by the symbol blazing on his chest. It reads:

“Rewrite this paragraph to prove to us you’re right for this job.”

The pied piper horseman does not do this because he’s trying to cheat you or get something for nothing. Instead, it’s because he thinks of freelancers like lemmings: small, requiring tight corralling, and incapable of independent thought.

Beware of following the pied piper horseman, because he will lead you over the cliff into uninteresting, menial work.

4. The grim reaper horseman

The Upwork grim reaper does not hold a scythe in his hand. Instead, he carries an hourglass, which has just run out of time. This horseman has a tight deadline, requiring an 8,000-word VSL, which needs to be done by this Thursday. And he needs you to start work on it NOW.

If you allow this horseman to wrap you up in his raven’s wings, expect untold stress to descend upon you. At least until Thursday, and possibly even later.

Now these creatures and others haunt the Upwork job listings page.

They are not evil. But neither are they righteous clients.

I advise you to stay away from them, and focus on better work. And as for that Bible I mentioned at the start:

You might like it if you are wandering through valley of Upwork. It will show you how to avoid the unrighteous clients, and to stay on the path that leads to the light ie. high hourly rates. To get notified once I complete this book (in the next week or two), inscribe your name on the following:

How to get copywriting clients quicker than a jackrabbit on a date

After three days, I’ve finally finished watching A Christmas Story.

So let me share one final lesson with you from this great movie.

In one scene, while setting up the lights on the Christmas tree, the fuse blows out. No problem. As the narrator says:

“The old man could replace fuses quicker than a jackrabbit on a date.”

Which suggestive image I guess is one for the parents watching.

It’s also a great phrase, and it’s going in my great phrases list, which also includes gems such as:

lost like an idiot on a moor
a lame invalid of a sofa
oppression olympics
horse it in
a curable romantic

… and many, many more.

Why use these weird phrases?

Well, as Parris Lampropoulos says in the new episode of David Garfinkel’s Copywriters Podcast, when you tell people something new, it creates a dopamine dump in their brain. They literally become addicted to reading your copy.

Now Parris was talking about new facts and new ideas. But methinks new and surprising phrases have the same effect. And that’s why I’ve been putting together this list, and reaching into it regularly.

Anyways, if you want to rustle up copywriting clients quicker than a jackrabbit on a date, I have something that can light your fuse.

It’s my upcoming book on the business of freelance copywriting on Upwork. More info here:

Sticking your tongue to a frozen pole and other marketing tricks

Continuing from yesterday, here’s another hidden marketing lesson from A Christmas Story:

Two boys, Flick and Schwartz, are having a scientific discussion while walking to school on a winter morning. Says Schwartz to Flick:

“Hey, listen, smart ass. I asked my old man about sticking your tongue to metal light poles in winter. And he says it will freeze right to the pole just like I told you.”

Flick considers this and replies:

“Baloney. What would your old man know about anything?”

And the next thing you know, the kids are out in the school playground. One triple dog dare later, and the unbelieving Flick is sticking his tongue to the frozen flagpole. Sure enough, his tongue is stuck, and the fire department has to come to get him unglued.

So what’s the marketing lesson here?

Well, this morning I was listening to an interview with one of the most successful, most highly paid copywriters in the world, Parris Lampropoulos.

Parris was asked what the biggest problems are that he sees with sales copy.

The first was hackneyed claims (ie. “get rich at the push of a button”).

The second was a lack of proof.

Specifically, Parris said many ads only have one kind of proof, and that’s testimonials.

Now testimonials can be great. If you have good testimonials, they can certainly help you make the sale. But not all testimonials are convincing. After all, what does your old man know about anything?

And even if you can get a testimonial from somebody who’s not a direct member of your family, there are often other, stronger kinds of proof you should include.

Like asking people to stick their tongue to a frozen pole to try it themselves.

Or explaining how the sticking effect has to do with the extreme difference in thermal conductivity between pole and tongue.

Or appealing to authorities like Bill Nye The Science Guy — or even Parris Lampropoulos.

Anyways, this is a big topic and I will cover it in more detail later. For now, just one more thing:

If you are looking to convince potential freelancing clients that you would be a good person to hire, then testimonials can help.

For other forms of proof that can help you win freelancing work, check out my upcoming book on making a career as a sales copywriter on Upwork. More info here:

A Christmas Problem

It’s Christmas Eve tonight, so I wanted to write a Christmas-themed post.

I rummaged around my brain, and remembered a great scene from the movie “A Christmas Story.”

Little pudgy Ralph, the main character, gets a snowball to the eye from the neighborhood bully, Scut Farkus. Scut then taunts him:

“What are you gonna cry now? Come on, cry baby, cry for me. Come on!”

But instead of crying, instead of running off, instead of just standing there and taking a beating, little Ralphie slowly but surely goes berserk.

He jumps on Scut and beats him to a pulp while a “steady torrent of obscenities” pours out of him.

A problem, about to become an opportunity

Great scene. All I needed for my post was to tie this scene in with some kind of marketing lesson. One problem though.

I couldn’t come up with anything.

I went through a long list of marketing lessons I’ve collected over time. I went through lots of half-baked email ideas I’ve previously laid aside. I sat and stared at the ceiling and hoped for inspiration.

But nothing.

So I gave up. And I went back to re-reading Joe Sugarman’s Adweek Copywriting Handbook. And in there, Joe mentions off-handedly how he always looks at problems as opportunities.

For example, one time he was selling a calculator below the recommended price through an ad in the Wall Street Journal. The manufacturer then complained to Joe about the low price.

“No problem,” said Joe. “I’ll fix it.”

And he wrote a second ad for the WSJ, explaining how he has to raise the price because the manufacturer is complaining, and inviting customers to buy the calculator before the price goes up.

Problem? Yes, and an opportunity too. The second ad outpulled the first one.

So I decided to apply this lesson to my problem (no marketing idea for today’s post), and here we are, you and I, learning something together.

Anyways, no Christmas post would be complete without a present. The present I have for you is currently in the oven, and should be ready in a few days’ time.

It’s my book on becoming a successful sales copywriter on the online platform Upwork.

If you want to get notified when I finish it up, sign up at the link below. And of course, have a merry Christmas, and may you wake up tomorrow to a Red Ryder range model air rifle waiting for you under the Christmas tree.

Cross-dressing for negotiation success

“No, I wear men’s suits. I got this out of a bin.”
— Michael Scott, Dunder Mifflin Inc.

Here’s an inadvertent but brilliant negotiation lesson from the TV show The Office:

Michael Scott, the regional manager, is about to have a salary negotiation with one of his employees, Darryl. Michael is dreading the negotiation, and he’s preparing with some awful negotiation tactics he got from Wikipedia. But when the actual negotiation starts, it all falls apart quickly.

Darryl states his demands.

Michael lamely tries to refuse, and then:

Darryl notices that Michael is wearing “lady clothes.”

Could it really be that Michael is dressed in a Hillary-like women’s pant suit?

Let’s see.

The buttons are on the wrong side.

There are no pockets on the pants.

And the label inside the jacket reveals it’s made by the MISSterious label.

The thing is, though unintentional, this is straight out of the book of expert negotiation coach Jim Camp.

One of Camp’s tenets was:

In a negotiation, only one person can feel unokay, and that person is you.

In other words, contrary to conventional wisdom, you don’t want to dominate or lord over the other person when you negotiate. Not if you want a negotiation outcome that sticks. Instead, you want to make the other person feel okay — with themselves, and with the interaction.

One way to do this is to be unokay yourself.

For example, by accidentally dropping your papers all over the floor.

Or forgetting your briefcase at home and asking for a pen and paper.

Or, as Michael did, by inadvertently dressing in a women’s pant suit.

Does it work?

Camp used to swear by it. And by the end of the The Office episode, Michael winds up getting a raise for both himself and Darryl. As he says, “win-win-win.”

Personally, I haven’t tried these unokay gambits myself. But the underlying message — make the other person feel okay — is something I regularly use when talking to potential Upwork clients, and it’s served me well.

If you want to know more about my Upwork strategy, including how I got to be a top-rated sales copywriter on the site and how I get paid $150/hr, then sign up below. I’m currently putting together a book about my Upwork experience,  and if you sign up, I’ll let you know when the book is out. Here’s the link:

How Slack got too big to racially profile

A few days ago, an Iranian guy studying in Canada gut kicked off messaging platform Slack.

U.S. companies are not allowed to do business with people from Iran, and somehow, Slack picked this guy out even though he was based in Canada.

Who cares?

Everybody. Slack is valued at over $7 billion, and the story of the Iranian guy quickly went viral and made the front pages of news aggregators, under accusations of racial profiling.

That’s incredible, when you think about the history of the company.

Slack started as an offshoot of a failed game company run by a guy named Stewart Butterfield.

Glitch, the game they were developing, never went anywhere. But they took their internal messaging platform and turned it into a multi-billion dollar business.

And this isn’t the first time Butterfield has done this. He had another failed game before Glitch, and another side-project that emerged from that game which became a successful company. You might have even used it yourself — it’s Flickr, the photo sharing platform.

So what’s the point?

Well, it’s simply the attitude of pivoting to what the market actually needs.

As it is for tech entrepreneurs like Stewart Butterfield, so it is for copywriters, or even information marketers.

For example, when I got started on Upwork as a copywriter, I was trying to focus on writing autoresponder sequences. I think the title on my Upwork profile read “Email copywriter for soap opera sequences.”

There wasn’t that much demand. However, people started hiring me to write cold emails, even though I didn’t even know what the hell those are. So I become a “Cold email specialist.”

I eventually moved on from cold emails (I don’t believe they work well, and when they do, you don’t need a copywriter). But then lots of clients started hiring me for advertorials and writing Ben Settle-style daily emails, so I pivoted again. I’m currently selling “Hype-free sale copy (Emails, Advertorials, and Sales Letters).”

What does this mean for you?

If you’re looking to build up your freelancing career on Upwork, get going now. The market will quickly tell you which services you should offer, which ones you should drop, and which skills you should develop.

And if you’re looking to maximize your Upwork success, from a guy who gets paid $150/hr and has a 100% job satisfaction rating, check out my upcoming book. It won’t make you a Slack-like success. But with the info inside and with a little dedication and work, you will soon be an Upwork force to reckon with.

For more info, check out the following:

The illogical root of all buying decisions

Back in 1985, a strange case came to light.

It had to do with a man only known as Elliot.

This Elliot was a man of above average intelligence, a successful businessman, and happily married.

It then turned out he had a big brain tumor, which doctors successfully operated to remove.

Elliot seemed to be fine after the surgery. His intelligence, memories, perceptual skills, learning were all in tact. Only one thing was missing.

Elliot had lost most of his emotional capacity. Doctors figured this out by showing Elliot gruesome videos, which didn’t create any kind of reaction in him.

That part was expected, because the surgery removed a part of the amygdala, which is involved in emotions.

What wasn’t expected were some bizarre effects of this.

After the surgery, Elliot would take 30 minutes to decide which color pen to use. He’d take several hours to decide where to eat lunch. He wasn’t functioning at work any more, he lost his job, and eventually his wife divorced him as well.

What was happening?

Elliot could no longer make a decision.

It turned out that emotions, filthy illogical emotions, are actually necessary to making a decision. This includes all decisions (including buying decisions), even ones that seems to be made based on logic alone.

And here’s something interesting.

Antonio Damasio, the neuroscientist who examined Elliot and published a book about his case, has a theory about how the brain makes decisions, and how emotions come into play.

If Damasio is right, then the most effective way to stir emotions is not trough hype.

Or power words.

Or melodrama.

Instead, it’s something much simpler, more subtle, and effective.

I’ve even done it in this email. If you look close enough, you’ll be able to spot it.

I’ll also discuss it in more detail in my upcoming book on email marketing for the health space. To get your free copy when I finish this book up, sign up below:

The “fresh fish” sales argument

Here’s a true story about hypocrisy:

It has to do with DVDs.

About 10 years ago, if you bought a DVD to play at home, you would first have to sit through a little educational video. The short video had a driving, Prodigy-like soundtrack, and it said:

“You wouldn’t steal a car…”

“You wouldn’t steal a television…”

“Downloading pirated films is stealing.”

“Piracy. It’s a crime”

Tell me more, Mr. DVD.

You see, it turns out that driving Prodigy-like music in the background, which was used in the original video and was distributed to millions of DVDs, was actually pirated.

A Dutch musician by the name of Melchior Reitveldt wrote the music for the Dutch royalty organization, under the agreement that it was to be used one time at a local music festival.

Once Reitveldt realized his music was being used across the world without his permission, it took him quite a bit of time and effort to actually collect his royalties from that same Dutch royalty organization, which had cheated him earlier and which was crying about piracy.

Anyhow, I’m not here to talk about copyright.

But copywriting, on the other hand, we can discuss.

You see, today I was writing an advertorial for a dog seat belt. I didn’t even know these existed until a few days ago, but it makes perfect sense.

Your dog goes in the car.

If he’s not restrained, he can jump in your lap while you’re driving, jump out the window when he sees a biker, or get catapulted when you hit the brakes.

It seems that woke dog owners are fully aware of this fact.

And one statement many dog owners repeatedly made was an echo of the piracy ad:

“You wouldn’t let your toddler walk up and down the back seat… So why would you let your dog do it?”

There’s something here.

In fact, the great Gary Bencivenga used this argument as well, when selling premium, fresh-pressed, mail-order olive oil:

“You and I insist on fresh milk, fresh eggs, fresh fish, fresh meat, and fresh produce. Don’t we deserve fresh olive oil???”

So in short, this “You wouldn’t… So why would you…” formula can often (not always, see the piracy ad above) be an effective sales argument to throw in.

And since I first noticed this argument in that Gary B. sales letter, I will from now on call it the “fresh fish” argument to help me remember it for the future.

On an entirely other note:

If you need fresh advice on how to get started as a copywriter, specifically on the online platform Upwork, you might be interested in my upcoming book on the topic.

To get notified when I finish it up and make it available, sign up below: