I’m open to client work once again

This morning, I summed up the money I made during 2023, and then I broke it down by where it came from.

I came up with a whole host of new insights, enough to fuel a week’s worth of emails.

Today, I’ll share just one thing I spotted, and that’s the outsized role of client work in my 2023.

Only a few days ago, I wrote that 2023 was my second-best year ever, trailing only behind 2020, when I was fully immersed in copywriting client work.

But last year, I did almost no client work. Or so I thought.

Because while I only had one client last year, and I only wrote quick and easy emails for this one client, it ended up accounting for almost 18% of my total income for 2023.

It turned out client work was the second-biggest source of income for me in 2023, ahead of most of the courses I sold, ahead of the coaching I did, ahead of the affiliate offers I promoted. And I didn’t realize it until just this morning.

Really, that shouldn’t have been a surprise.

Because done-for-you services are easy to sell. And if they have to do with marketing or sales, they are easy to charge a big chunk of money for. And yet, for the right client, they still make sense, and then some.

All of which is to say, for the first time in a long time, I am actually open to new client work.

Maybe you’d like to hire me.

Not for email copywriting, but for managing your entire email list. This includes writing the emails, but also everything else that goes with making money via a list, including picking offers, organizing promotions, and even doing things to grow the list, in case that makes sense.

Basically, I handle everything, take this worry off your plate, and make you money, probably much more than you’re making now.

And since this email is quickly turning into a sales pitch, let me give you some proof that this is something I am qualified to do:

One is my experience with this newsletter, and making a good living at it.

But more importantly, two is my experience managing the email lists of clients who had much much bigger businesses than mine.

I’ve written about this experience before. But the most interesting and notable was managing two lists of ecommerce buyers, each with over 70k names, each bringing in multiple millions of dollars in sales per year via daily emails alone — all of which I was doing.

So if you have an email list that you’re not monetizing at all… or that you are not monetizing well… or that you simply don’t want to manage yourself any more, then hit reply, and let’s talk. Maybe we can work together.

The third-hottest release of 2023 closes after just one night

Last night, with crowds of paparazzi pushing outside the velvet rope, and a few stars making their way from their limos down the red carpet to the doors of the classy old theater, my Influential Emails show had its grand opening.

The show ran for exactly one night.

And then this morning, I locked and chained the theater doors, removed the “INFLUENTIAL EMAILS” letters from the marquee, and took out an ad in the local paper to announce this show is now over.

As I announced in the lead up and during the grand opening of Influential Emails, this promotion would go until Sunday at the latest, and I might close it down sooner.

Well, that sooner is today, about 12 hours after the initial grand opening. I would have closed it earlier but I was asleep.

The reason why I did this is that made up my mind, before I launched this promo, what a nice sum of money would be to make from it.

I’ve now made that money and more. And so the cart is now closed.

If you managed to squeeze in to the Influential Emails show, I hope you will get value out of it in a way pays for itself, and soon.

If you wanted to get in but didn’t manage to, then all I can say is — if you’re not too angered by this experience, then maybe you will have better luck next time.

And if you were not interested in buying Influential Emails, then I can share the following valuable truth with you:

You can choose who you sell to, and how much of something you sell. There’s no law against it. And it’s ultimately good for business, in many different ways.

Now here’s a little sneak peek behind the scenes:

This promo didn’t really run for 12 hours.

It ran for about 36 hours.

I opened it up a day earlier for a private showing, just for people who were on the waiting list and who had already bought something from me in the past.

I also gave them an inducement to buy within the first 24 hours.

Many did.

That’s how I managed to make more money with this one-and-a-half-day promo than I used to make in a whole month, the first few years of my copywriting career.

Some of the folks who were invited for this private showing had bought pretty much all of my offers in the past.

Some had bought just one of my courses.

And some only bought my little $5 Kindle book, 10 Commandments of A-List Copywriters.

It didn’t matter.

They are all valued and ongoing customers, and I wanted to say thanks with this special opportunity.

All that’s to say, if you have not yet bought my 10 Commandments book, then consider doing so.

It might teach you a thing or two about copywriting. And it might just prove to be a ticket to an exclusive future show, and a walk down the red carpet. Here’s the link:


Who Influential Emails is definitely not for

A reader writes in with a timely question:


Hey John,

I had a question about Influential Emails.

I’m looking to purchase your “Influential Emails” course next Thursday when my stripe payments clear from my clients…

…and am devoting more of my time to lead generation, list building, personal branding … kind of like what you do

I am curious, for this “Influential Emails Course” if it can help with someone for my specific use cases…

To grow an email list, establish authority, build a personal brand and sell copywriting and digital marketing services.

looking forward to reading your response…


Yesterday, I wrote about how I’ve learned to regularly send emails telling people what exactly is in my offers.

Another thing I’ve learned to regularly send is emails that tell people who my offers are for, and more importantly, who they’re not for.

I wrote back to the reader above to ask whether he has already been writing daily emails to promote his marketing services… or if he has a long-term agreement with a client to write daily emails.

I haven’t heard back from him yet. But a few things — waiting for Stripe to clear, the specific use case of having to accomplish pretty much everything, from list building to authority to making sales… makes me think this person is more of a beginner.

Nothing wrong with that. But Influential Emails is a bunch of advanced email copywriting tricks and strategies.

When I offered this training the first and only time so far, two years ago, I gave students a chance at a copy critique.

A bunch of people took me up on my offer and submitted their emails. All the submitted emails had good ideas in them. But I also realized many of these emails also had really fundamental, technical problems.

Many of those student emails failed on basic and important points, which would cripple the effectiveness of the email. For people who couldn’t do the basics right, none of the advanced techniques I was sharing would matter at all.

That’s the reason why I eventually created a beginner-friendly email copywriting course, Simple Money Emails.

So to sum up:

If you have not been writing daily emails for yourself for a while…

… or if you have not been writing daily emails for a good client for a while, and you have the kind of relationship that makes you think this will go on for a long time, and is worth investing in…

… then do not get Influential Emails.

Instead, start writing daily emails for yourself, or start seeking out a client who will pay you to write daily emails for them.

And if you are looking for guidance on what to put into those daily emails, then you can find that inside my Simple Money Emails course, available here:


On the other hand, if you want some advanced writing techniques to help you not just make sales, but get into your readers’ minds so they think of you as an authority… spread your ideas on their own… even refer you to others… then can get some of my secret sauce inside Influential Emails.

The techniques and strategies inside this training have allowed me to make connections with some of the most successful marketers and copywriters in the direct response industry.

​​They have created an aura of authority for me, completely independent of my results in the field.

​​Most importantly, they have influenced the minds of my readers.

Anyways, if you want Influential Emails, then the only way to get it is to be on the waiting list first, when I open up the cart this Thursday. To get on the waiting list, you’ll have to sign up for my daily email newsletter. Click here to do that.

A principled way to deal with chargebacks

Last week, I wrote about a chargeback I got on my Most Valuable Email course. I solicited advice for dealing with this chargeback and preventing others in the future.

I got advice. I also got the folllowing question from a reader:


If you’re so inclined, I’d be interested in hearing about advice you got to handle chargebacks, but of course more importantly prevent them in the first place!

I’m newer to the solopreneur arena. Chargebacks are just a cost of doing business in the large company space, usually as a consequence of not following large customers’ procurement/delivery rules, not automating transactions, etc.

For smaller enterprises, I can imagine they could be debilitating…


Since I’m so inclined:

I got lots of what might be called tactical or technological advice for dealing with and preventing chargebacks.

I’m sure much of this advice is solid but the fact is, it’s overkill for my small info publishing operation, and more than I want to do at the moment. The fact that this kind of tactical advice could change from today to tomorrow is even more of a reason to not invest my limited time or energy into such solutions.

But I also got several people sharing what can be called principled advice on dealing with chargebacks. Advice that will stand the test of time, that’s not subject to a change in technology or the whims of banks.

That advice boiled down to simply this:

Don’t sell to every rando off the street who struts up to your counter and pulls out a credit card.

I first heard this advice a long time ago. It’s taken me a while to accept it.

The fact is, just because somebody offers to pay you today doesn’t mean that they will prove to be a good customer today, tomorrow, and the day after.

If you have your eye on LTV as the main metric in your business, then it makes sense to do lots of things, even counterintuitive things, to turn away people who might be bad customers tomorrow, even if they seem to be willing buyers today.

And that brings me to my current offer:

I announced yesterday I will make my Influential Emails training available once again next week.

But I won’t simply send a bunch of emails linking to a sales page for Influential Emails.

Instead, if you would like to get this training once it’s available, you’ll have to get on the waiting list first.

The main reason fr this is the anti-chargeback, pro-LTV idea above. A waiting list allows me to filter through people who want to buy. I can see if they are already good customers. And if not, I have to take a closer look at who they are and whether I want to sell to them.

Of course, the the velvet rope effect of a waiting list doesn’t hurt either.

I will have more to say about Influential Emails, and why you might want to get it, over the coming week. But you will have to be on my list to be able to buy it. Click here to get on there.