Bejako Brand Guidelines 2025
Our voice, our vision, our visual identity
Brand Mission/Purpose/Vision/Values
Here at Bejako, our primary mission and purpose is to turn cool marketing ideas into reality. We aim to transform over-thinkers into over-doers. Our goal is not just to help readers understand how influence works but to prove to themselves they can do it too.
Times New Roman, size 20px, in columns of 80 characters. The font is undeniably ugly and hearkens back to mandatory 5-page high school essays on the Scarlet Letter or Crime And Punishment. Nonetheless, our internal research has found this ugly font and blocky paragraphs increase reader engagement by 258%.
These typography guidelines must be used throughout the website and in all emails.
A horned quadruped, presumably a mouflon, walking between two walls that are narrowing to a point. Beyond that point is a round corral. There is a man at the corral, waiting for the horned quadruped.
This logo represents a desert kite, an ancient trapping/domestication mechanism.
As with all images, this logo should be used sparingly — yes on the website masthead, never inside emails.
Color palette
Black and white, which symbolizes the take-it-or-leave it nature of the Bejako brand. This palette also invites readers who choose to “take it” to supply their own preferred colors via imagination and visualization.
Voice and tone
At Bejako, we rely heavily on text to communicate with readers. Voice and tone are therefore paramount. Bejako voice and tone can be summarized in the following three adjectives:
Via novel facts, boiled down. In the words of copywriting legend John Caples, “Overwriting is the key. If you need a thousand words, write two thousand. Trim vigorously. Fact-packed messages carry a wallop.” Via new interpretations or points of view, preferably analogy. As computer visionary Alan Kay put it, “A change in perspective is worth 80 IQ points.”
Bejako is not simply about inviting readers to observe and admire, but to inspire them to do and create. (Refer to brand mission/purpose/vision at the top.)
Is it the worst time to be alive? Or the best time to be alive? At Bejako, we are still trying to figure this out, and we communicate accordingly.
Each piece of communication must end with a link, underlined and in blue (#045FB4). The link should lead to an offer, preferably a paid offer, though occasional free offers are acceptable. A reason why should be given for clicking through. Example:
If you’re looking for a different philosophy of modern marketing, which works even if you don’t have your own audience or offer, and works even better if you do, then take a look here: