I have an offer for you today. If you want new clients, more clients, or better clients, then my suggestion is to get this offer. I endorse it fully, 100%, horns-to-hoof.
If I were still looking for copywriting clients, I would be busy applying the info inside this offer right now, instead of being here telling you about it.
You can buy this offer at my affiliate link at the end of this email. But first, read on for the background, and why I endorse this offer from alpha to omega:
Last month I exchanged some emails with Steve Raju. Steve is a copywriter and a direct response marketer. I knew from before that he’d been one of the coaches inside Stefan Georgi’s Copy Accelerator thing.
Steve wrote me that he had recently put on a training about how to get clients — using AI.
I rolled my eyes. “Oh great. Another AI course to heave onto the dogpile.”
A bit later, Steve and I got on a call. He was telling me about how he uses AI to figure out his prospects’ problems and to develop his messaging in a quick and foolproof way.
Fine. I figure that with a bit of work, with or without AI, I could do the same. But fine.
And then, in a kind of “Of course everybody knows this bit” manner, Steve told me how he actually uses all this AI-generated stuff.
Over the next few minutes, as my jaw gradually made its way further and further down towards the floor, Steve outlined how he how goes on LinkedIn… clicks here… clicks there… uses one little trick to find the exact right prospects who are currently in heat… a second little trick to wave his bloody, species-specific bait in front of them… a third little trick to make sure the prospects amble into his trap… and a fourth little trick to make sure the trap springs on them in such a way that they willingly reach out to him — yes, they come to him — and ask if maybe he can help them.
Steve felt all this LinkedIn trickery was obvious, and was just an add-on to the sexy AI stuff.
But to me, this “real world” stuff was magic, and his way of connecting with the right clients on LinkedIn was something I would never figure out myself.
I also suspect it was this which really gave Steve the results he has had with his system.
Consider the following:
Steve fired all his copywriting and marketing clients this past January, pretty much just because he wanted to.
He then took a two-month vacation back home to the UK (he lives in Vancouver normally).
UK vacation over, he got back to Vancouver, scratched his chin a bit, and said, “Well, now what?”
He then started applying the system he told me about, and within a couple weeks, he had lined up calls with the likes of:
* The global innovation lead for a pharma giant that takes in $40 billion per year
* The world’s no. 1 company for performing complex clinical trials
* The United Nations subject matter expert on A.I.
Steve’s current thing is repositioning himself as an AI expert to these kinds of whale, mammoth, brontosaurus clients. Huge, slow beasts. That might sound intimidating to you, or like the kind of thing you might not even want.
I’ve watched Steve’s training in full now. It’s fantastic.
And I can assure you that even if you are not interested in capturing $40 billion pharma whales as your new clients, you can also use Steve’s method to position or reposition yourself in such a way that you catch $120 million ecommerce marlins… or $80 million SaaS tunas… or simply lean and fast $20 million info-publishing bonefish.
The first live training of Steve’s course, which is called Clientraker — James Bond reference — will happen next Wednesday, July 19.
Between then and now, I will write more about Steve’s course, and nudge you, sometimes gently, sometimes forcefully, towards Steve’s sales page.
If you are currently hungry for client work… or nervous because your current clients might leave you tomorrow and you have zero idea how you might replace them… or if you are flush with client work — but at least a few of those clients are morons, scammers, or just plain cheap… then I strongly advise you to get Steve’s training, watch it live as he delivers it it, and implement it the minute he stops talking.
Or don’t. But others will.
In case you’re convinced already and you want to sign up: