What comes after email promos?

Last week, I got an email with the subject line, “quick question John.” I opened it up to read:

“I’ve been following your work since you’ve launched Simple Money Email – love your stuff!”

Mhm, sure you do. It’s Simple Money Emails, with an s, in the plural.

I skimmed over the rest of the guy’s message, which tried to be clever and funny. Finally, I got to the offer at the end:

“Would you be interested in re-launching Simple Money Email (or any other one of your courses) – to make $25k, $50k–and depending on your list size–even $100k… by the end of May?”

I would absolutely love that — especially since this cold email pitch hit my inbox on June 3rd, three days after the end of May.

But whatever. My point here is not to take apart this guy’s cold email and all the problems in it.

My point is simply to highlight that I, John Bejakovic, who am currently a hot seat coach in Shiv Shetti’s Performance Copywriter Method mastermind, where we teach people how to do email promos, am being pitched by copywriters I’ve never met, who want to run an email promo to “relaunch” my course for me.

All of which makes me wonder what’s coming in the future.

​​​Not necessarily as a replacement for email promos. Email promos work, the same way that email marketing works, the same way that marketing works.

No, what I’m wondering about is what will be the next business opportunity.

​​What will copywriters latch onto next as a thing to pitch to business owners?

​​What will business owners latch onto as the next business opportunity to pitch to people, copywriters included?

I have my own ideas about this.

​​But I’d like to hear yours as well.

​​If you’d like to share them with me, hit reply.

​​I’m not promising anything in return. But who knows, maybe we can get into an interesting conversation, and figure out something valuable for the future.