Can you help me find this piece of copy?

Today, I logged into Facebook for first time in over a year.

It felt like I was sneaking into an abandoned and decaying warehouse late at night.

A peeling poster on the wall screamed at me, “YAY! A page you manage has been updated!”

I had ghostly friend requests from people I have never heard of and new message requests that sounded gruff at best (“do you write advartorials”).

I sneaked around that abandoned warehouse for a few minutes, peeking into a few cardboard boxes and looking under the broken tiles on the ground.

It became clear I wouldn’t find what I had come looking for.

I quietly made my way towards the exit and closed the private browser tab behind me. I’m not sure if this will have any real effect on Facebook tracking each step I make, but psychologically it was an important step to feeling I had left that dusty, dark, and desolate warehouse behind me.

But like I said, I didn’t find what I was looking for.

Maybe you can help me find it. If you can, I promise to give you something in return.

I was looking for a post by the Note Taking Nerd. This post was an in-depth analysis of a landing page for a vertical jump offer, which I guess was running on Clickbank.

I read this post a few years ago – I guess 2018 or 2019. I thought it was brilliant, and I saved it to my computer.

Only problem is, that was my old computer, which is now gathering its own dust in its own abandoned warehouse in a country far away.

So if you either have this post saved by chance, or if you can find it somewhere and send me a screenshot of it (don’t make me step into that dusty darkness again) then I will give you a free copy of a training I will prepare some time soon.

I know that promise sounds very vague. Here’s what I can tell you now:

This training will be about a fundamental element of making your message sticky — and a fundamental element of making all your copy, and all your writing more persuasive, without resorting to anything obvious like hype or fear or greed.

I will be charging for this training, but like I said, you will get it for free, if you can somehow get me a copy of that Note Taking Nerd post.

And if you’re not interested in that offer, you might be interested in something completely different:

I write a daily email newsletter. It’s been called “the most underrated list in copywriting.” In case you’d like to find out why, you can try out my newsletter for one day, for free, no credit card required, by taking advantage of this special offer.