50x affiliate deals

I recently listened to Brian Hanly, who was a media buyer at Samsung as the company went from $75 million a year in digital ad spend to $1 billion.

Brian later spent five years at VICE selling ad inventory. Then during corona, he decided to start his own digital advertising agency.

He spotted an options trading app that was running a cool ad.

He called them, and he offered to run their ad all over Instagram meme accounts.

“How much?” the options people asked.

“Give me $10k a month for three months,” Brian said.

They did. Three months passed. And Brian and the options app people kept working together.

Brian kept upselling himself into bigger and bigger contracts with the options app guys. Time came though, and the clients hemmed, hawed, and apologized.

They were strapped on cash. Would Brian accept some shares instead?

Brian shrugged. “Fine,” he said.

At the time, the options app was valued at $1M.

​​One year later, eToro bought them for $50 million.

I heard this story inside the Newsletter XP course, which I’m promoting until the end of day today. As Brian finished his story, Alex Lieberman, founder of Morning Brew and co-host of Newsletter XP, jumped in.

Alex told his own stories of the stock deals that Morning Brew was offered as well.

Point being, if you have skills, or assets, you can do affiliate deals. But instead of getting paid a small fraction of the sale, you can get paid a small fraction of the whole business.

As Brian said inside Newsletter XP, be careful when you do these deals. But they can be lucrative — 50x, 100x, or 1000x of what you would normally make.

And now, let me point to the wall. The clock is ticking. Soon the hands will line up at 12 and then all hell will break loose.

Because I’ve managed to claw out a $200 discount for you from the usual price that Newsletter XP sells for. That discount is good until tonight, Monday Feb 26, at 12 midnight PST. If you’d like to take advantage of this, here’s what to do:

1. Go to the Newsletter XP sales page at https://bejakovic.com/nxp

2. If you decide you want to get Newsltter XP, then use coupon code JB20 at checkout.

3. Make sure the coupon code works — that you see the price drop by $200. This is not my funnel, and if you end up buying at full price, there’s nothing I can do about it.