In my experience, if you promote a new offer diligently for a few days, questions start to arrive from the heavens that make the promo easier and more effective.
For example, the following bit of manna landed in my inbox yesterday:
John — you said a lot about the Royalty Ronin, except how or if it made you money?
May I ask — aside from affiliate fees — how did this membership make you money?
The background is that I’ve been doing an affiliate promotion for Travis Sago’s Royalty Ronin for the past few days.
The first day of the promo, I recorded a video and actually talked inside that about money that being inside Ronin myself has made me over the past year.
But I understand not everyone will have watched that video. So lemme give you the gist.
I directly attribute about $60k of income over the past year to being inside Royalty Ronin. That breaks out like this:
#1. Last autumn, I ran two two-day promos — the White Monday campaign for Copy Riddles, and the Shangri-La event for Most Valuable Email.
The core idea for both of those promos came from Travis’s teachings that come as bonuses for being inside Royalty Ronin — specifically, an idea he shares in his Millionaire Math training (inside his Phoneless Sales Machine program).
In total, those two promos made me a little over $30k.
#2. Last summer, I started going through Travis’s Passive Cash Flow Mojo course (another course that used to cost a few thousand dollars, but is now free as a bonus if you sign up to Royalty Ronin).
I went through PCFM a couple of times and followed it pretty much to the “T” (short for Travis) when coming up with the idea for, launching, and then marketing my Daily Email Habit offer.
I haven’t checked the numbers this month yet, but that offer has definitely made me over $25k in the few months it’s been running.
#3. Via lurking in Travis’s Royalty Ronin Skool community, I got clued into an under-the-radar media buyer named Travis Speegle, who is also inside Ronin and is also a Travis Sago acolyte.
Travis Speegle has a course on media buying for growing your email list called MyPeeps, which at some point was being promoted in Ronin.
I bought MyPeeps, went through it, saw it was a great course.
I then reached out to Travis (Speegle) via DM on Skool and proposed I promote his course to my list. He agreed. We did the promo last September.
The result was about $25k in sales, and my cut was somewhere between $10k and $12k (it wasn’t an even 50%, because Travis created the course with Ryan Lee, and I guess has to pay out Ryan some residuals for each new sale).
Add all up all three of the above — and you get over $60k I attribute directly either to ideas I got from Travis, or through being inside the Royalty Ronin community, however mole-like my behavior there might be.
Would I have made some of this money in other ways had I not been in Travis’s world?
Sure. But there’s no doubt in my mind that I have made much more as a result of being in Travis’s Royalty Ronin, and of having gone through his courses — some several times — than the amounts I’ve paid Travis for that access. In fact, I’ve made many times more. Probably 10x, if not 20x.
And that’s why I keep promoting Royalty Ronin to my list.
In fact, that’s why I promoted it to my list last year as well, even before there was an affiliate program — when I had no self-interest in promoting it, other than being the first to clue in my readers to a valuable resource.
And now for your money breakdown, or the lack of it:
Over the past year, I paid Travis Sago $3k for access to Ronin and the associated high-ticket courses. A few weeks ago, I paid him another $1k to renew my access for another year, early.
You, on the other hand, don’t have to make any such dramatic leap. That’s because of two changes that Travis introduced recently to how he charges for access to Royalty Ronin.
The first change is that Travis has started offering the option to sign up to Ronin monthly for $300, instead of yearly for $3k.
$300 is still very expensive if you don’t do anything with the info, or the connections, or with the inspiration available inside Ronin.
On the other hand, if you do apply it, it can be an investment that pays for itself — and quick.
But there’s also the second thing:
To make the decision even easier, and actually entirely risk-free, there’s now a week’s free trial if you’d like to join Ronin, look inside, and see if it’s for you.
If you think of Royalty Ronin like a fancy gym — where the equipment is world-class and trainers are very knowledgeable, but the real value is in the connections you make and motivation you get — then you can think of this week’s free trial as a guest pass you can take advantage of, thanks to my being a member already.
If you’d like to take advantage of your guest pass:
P.S. If you’ve already signed up for a trial of Royalty Ronin via my link above, forward me Travis’s welcome email — the one with “Vroom” in the subject line. I have a small but growing bundle of bonuses that’s waiting for you as a way of saying thanks for taking me up on my recommendation.