Are your headlines missing these 10 must-have ingredients?

Real quick today, I wanted to share 10 ingredients for better headlines, along with some examples from advertorials I’ve written recently:

#1. The no. 1 headline driver

When in doubt, go with a “how to” headline. Why? because people have problems and are always looking for solutions to those problems. In other words, use benefits and appeal to self-interest. Example:

“How to prevent ticks from biting and infecting your dog”

#2. “In search of”

I remember some famous direct response copywriter once saying that a decent headline should, at the very least, flag down the correct audience. Even if you don’t talk about benefits or problems, make sure you laser in on the person you want to attract. Example:

“Women with large breasts lecturing me”

#3. Sea salt for headlines

You can’t live by eating salt alone. But it sure makes many dishes taste better. Same with curiosity in headlines. Use it in combination with self-interest and watch the sales drip in. Example:

“I started a new gym habit — then almost gave it up for this stupid reason”

#4. Sticking a spoke in your reader’s mental wheel

I’ve written about this before — using juxtaposition/contrast/paradox is like sticking a spoke in your reader’s mental wheel. It forces him to stop and pay attention in order to resolve the apparent confusion. Example:

“Canine projectile”

#5. The Hallmark approach

If you turn on the Hallmark Channel at any time of day, what will you see? Sappy, human-interest stories. And it works in advertorial headlines, too. Example:

“My family was being devoured by mosquitoes — but this little gizmo saved us”

#6. “The Real World” secret

“Next week, on The Real World…’ Drama. Sex. Conflict. Some things seem to appeal to us on a primal level and don’t need any added justification. So work them into your headlines. Example:

“How I wash blood stains out of my clothes WITHOUT laundry detergent”

#7. A mysterious origin story

As a species, we seem to love reading about accidental and improbable discoveries. If your product has such a mysterious origin story, feature it in the headline. Example:

“The plantar fasciitis secret of an Orangetheory Fitness freak”

#8. Trash talking the competition

If you’re selling a new product to fix an old problem, highlight that fact in your headline by separating yourself from the existing solutions. Example:

“Why security cameras can actually invite robberies — and how I defend my home instead”

#9. Addressing objections

“Yeah, I know I have to take care of my dog’s teeth. But I hate doing it so much. Wait, what? I don’t have to go through the hassle?” If you’re solving a problem that raises a knee-jerk objection, address that in the headline. Example:

“Why your dog should brush her own teeth”

#10. Headline Kryptonite

Prices should never go in the headline of long-form copy, right? Wrong. At least if you do your own testing, and see what works in your specific case. Example:

“How this $14 alarm saved me from a creep at 2am”

And there ya go. 10 ways to write better advertorials headlines along with some examples ot get your headline juices dripping. Mix and match them for best results.

And if you want a more thorough look at how to research, write, and publish profitable story-based advertorials, you might like the following: