As I mentioned yesterday, a reader from Brazil gave me the idea to finally increase the price of my Daily Email Habit service.
Daily Email Habit currently sells at the Charter Member price of $20/month. It will sell at that price until tomorrow, Tuesday, at 12 midnight PST.
After that, Daily Email Habit will sell for $30/month.
A sizable increase? A minimal bump?
If you ask me, it’s the wrong way to think about it. I’m calling this my Prospective Profit Price event. It’s really about what Daily Email Habit can do for you, if you simply open each day’s email and follow what it says. Specifically:
#1. Daily Email Habit can save you between 5 minutes to an agonizing hour of your day, each time you sit down to write your daily email.
The main part of Daily Email Habit is a daily “puzzle” or prompt, to get you over the hurdle of what to write about.
If you write every day, getting over that hurdle more quickly adds up — a couple of hours a month on the low end, 10 hours or more on the high.
#2. Daily Email Habit can help make your emails more effective.
The Daily Email Habit “puzzles” are not just random prompts, are not written by AI, and are not pulled out of a hat.
I design each puzzle strategically, based on my experience writing this newsletter, managing client email lists with tens of thousands of names on them, and writing something like 3,000 sales messages in my sales copywriting career.
Spend a couple minutes to come up with your own answer to the daily puzzle in Daily Email Habit, and your emails will have a better chance at making more sales today, and keeping readers around and interested for what you offer them tomorrow.
#3. And finally, if you are not writing daily emails yet, or you’re not consistent with it, then Daily Email Habit can help you start and stick with the habit.
It’s not just that it makes the process faster… or even just that it helps you get better results, so you’re more motivated to stick with it.
I’ve also purposely baked in some “consistency” elements into Daily Email Habit, such as the streak counter, to make it more likely you open up each day’s email, and actually stick with the habit of daily emailing.
And as I wrote yesterday, if you stick with daily emailing long enough, you have a real shot at the kind of money, influence, and opportunities that you cannot even imagine now.
I also have a second reason why you might want to join Daily Email Habit before tomorrow at 12 midnight PST.
As I hinted at last week, I’ve created a members-only club for business owners and marketers who write more or less daily emails.
It’s called Daily Email House. It’s quite colorful and lively inside. The members are interacting, posting ideas, asking questions, and contributing possible answers.
I’m in there as well, both to act as a kind of Jareth-like host, to make sure everybody is having a good time, and to share behind-the-scenes secrets I don’t share in this newsletter.
The House started out as a free bonus for Daily Email Habit. But it will stop being a free bonus for Daily Email Habit tomorrow. After that, I’ll spin it off into its own paid offer, which frankly will cost more than Daily Email Habit costs.
So there you go:
A courtesy notice to sign up for Daily Email Habit, if writing daily emails for the long term is something you do, or want to do.
The deadline, once again, to join Daily Email before the Charter Member disappears, and while you can get inside Daily Email House for free, is tomorrow at 12 midnight PST.
After that, the new, higher Prospective Profit Price kicks in, and Daily Email House stops being a free bonus.
If you wanna take advantage of this opportunity in time, and even to get tomorrow’s Daily Email Habit prompt before it’s gone, head on over here now: