I got a hot/cold review for my book on Amazon a few weeks ago. The headline of the review says, “great.” The number of stars is five. And yet, the actual review reads:
“Love this, recommend this. Could use an update and some more work, 60% is meh. But the other 40% might make about $20k in the next week. So that’s a good ROI on 45 minutes of reading.”
That’s quite an emotional rollercoaster for 37 words.
When I first read it, I was left confused, exhilarated, offended. “Love this… 60% is meh… good ROI.”
I can tell you two things:
1. If you want people to feel something about you, notice you, react to you, then giving them the hot/cold treatment is much more effective than giving them either the hot treatment or the cold treatment by itself. And if you want proof of that, then take this email as proof.
2. Even though the dude above says 60% of my book is meh, I am on the whole well-pleased to have his review up on my page. Not because he gave me 5 stars or because he says he loves the book, but because it sounds like he might be somebody who takes action.
And ultimately, people who take action are the kinds of people you wanna associate with, at least if you are involved in something that might be called business.
If you need some ideas to take action on, here’s my book.
40% of it is apparently worthwhile and has money-making potential, that is, if you have 45 minutes and $5 to spare. Link: