10 lessons from the ClientRaker promo

As I write this, it’s 12:36pm on Thursday July 20th, Central European Time, which means that it’s now some 16:36 hours after I finally stopped promoting Steve Raju’s ClientRaker.

Whenever I complete a promo, I like to force myself to look at the dead hulk, lying there on the ground, and ask myself what I see. Sometimes this triggers insights in my little head which I can use on future projects.

So here are 10 curious things I saw during the ClientRaker promotion. Maybe one of them will give you an insight you too can use on a future project:

1. Whenever I sent an email saying that others are buying, and showed proof of that, I made more sales.

2. Building Steve up, and specifically, diagnosing him as a “certifiable genius,” a slightly nonsensical term, also created a spike in sale.

3. I managed to screw up my affiliate links and as a result I could honestly write an email that said ClientRaker is so good I am promoting it without getting paid. From what I can tell, this one email drove more sales than any other. The lesson is clear. Make it clear in whatever way you can that the current promotion is not a cash grab, but first and foremost a benefit to the reader.

4. To date, ClientRaker has only Steve as a successful case study. I called this fact out. Based on the responses I got (I couldn’t tell by the sales), this turned a liability into an asset.

5. I converted about 1.5%-2% of my list. I don’t know the exact numbers because of the screwed up affiliate links for some of the sales.

The only numbers I have to compare to are from my Most Valuable Email launch, which did 4.7% of my list at the time. However, since my list grown since them and since ClientRaker sells for 4x what I sold MVE during its launch, I made more money with this promotion than with the MVE launch. I call that a solid win.

6. I sent out 12 emails over 6 days. My total unsubscribe rate, over the entire 6 days and 12 emails, was 0.4%. I am clearly not pushing my readers enough.

7. Multiple people wrote in to thank me for promoting this offer. Several did it after I wrote an email about my snafu with the affiliate links. And this morning, long-time reader Kasper Lal wrote in, after watching the first ClientRaker training. Kasper’s subject line read “I didn’t believe you…” and the email read:


I have to admit, when you promoted Steve’s program I was a bit skeptical about that “revolutionary” way of using ChatGPT. Thought it would be just another batch of “expert prompts.”

Boy was I wrong…

Steve dropped so many paradigm changing bombs I’m still in awe.

Thanks for selling me on that chance!


8. I found it much easier to wholeheartedly promote somebody else’s excellent training that I usually do when promoting my own trainings, which I also aim to make excellent. When I combine this with the sales made, the satisfied buyers writing in to thank me, the fact I don’t actually have to do any of the delivery, then I have to admit I would be happy to do an affiliate promo like this every week if I could. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to find somebody like Steve Raju hidden away with a brilliant training that hardly has any previous exposure.

9. I got zero complaints about the emails I was sending, either about the volume or about topics, such as “‘Too many single moms'” in my Facebook DMs.” Again, makes me think I am not pushing my readers enough.

10. I did proactively kick one guy off my list. After the deadline had passed. For doing nothing more than asking me some questions. About ClientRaker. But that’s a story for another time.

For now, let’s get to my offer to you for today:

If you have bought ClientRaker and have gone through the first training, write in and tell me what you thought of it.

In exchange, I will send you the transcript of a call I did with steve, or a part of this call. I had Steve walk me through setting up LinkedIn profile — what actually to put on there, what’s important, what doesn’t matter.

I did this out of laziness, expecting Steve would tell me stuff I already knew. But as Kasper says above… boy was I wrong. Steve told me great stuff I did not know, had not thought about, and would not ever think about, including a tip for that most dreaded part of a LinkedIn profile, and that’s the photo.

Steve’s tips are yours if you want ’em, in exchange for you telling me what you thought of Steve’s first call. Simply hit reply and write away.