How you can influence my new course, and why you might want to

Next week, I will release a small course on writing simple emails that make money.

The course will be small because my claim is that writing emails that make money is just a matter of two things: sitting down to write, and continuing until you finish.

“Ha ha,” you might say, “very funny, Bejako. You almost had me there but clearly you are a joker and a suspect one at that.”

Fair enough. But I really do believe that writing a simple email which gets people 1) reading, 2) buying, and 3) reading again tomorrow, is actually a matter of just two things:

1. Opening the email

2. Closing the email

And if you think I am once again pulling your leg, nose, or ear, let me refer you to no less of an authority than A-list copywriter Gary Bencivenga, who said the same thing about all sales messages. It’s all really just a matter of 1) opening the sale and 2) closing the sale.

This new course will be a paid course, but you will have a chance to get it for free for a limited time, by following some simple instructions I’ll send out next week.

Also, I would like to give you an opportunity to influence this course, and I’ll even give you an incentive to do so.

How you can influence it:

Write in and tell me what has you bothered when writing simple sales emails. What you would like to learn, and why you haven’t been able to learn it yet. You don’t have to write paragraphs, though you can if you want to. A sentence or two, or a specific question, will also work.

And here’s the incentive:

The most useful response, as chosen by a panel of one, all named Bejako, will get a free ticket to a paid training which I am planning to piggyback onto this simple emails course.

​​The tentative name for this paid training is 9 Deadly Email Sins, and it will be all about the 9 fundamental mistakes I keep seeing in the few dozen business owners, course creators, coaches, marketers, and copywriters whose emails I have consulted and coached over the past year.

I am actively working on this simple emails course, and I want to have it in a few more days.

​​So the deadline, if you want to give me your input, if you want to have it mean anything, and if you want to have a chance at a free ticket to that 9 Deadly Email Sins training, is tomorrow, Saturday, at 8:31pm CET.

Thousands of readers… 24 hours… 1 survivor. Thanks in advance.