The urgent opportunity of the “reverse testimonial”

“I’d like to tell you about a huge opportunity with no downside.” If that sentence got your heart pumping, then take a breath and calm down. And then listen to what I have to tell you, because it’s very much related:

A while back, I read a book called Biz Op. It’s a confessional by a guy named Bruce Easley. Back in the 1970s and 80s, Easley ran business opportunity scams.

I’m not much for scamming people and I don’t suggest you do it either. But it’s undeniable that opportunity marketing works like magic. I’ve seen it first hand a few times when I applied opportunity marketing ideas in this very newsletter.

So all I’m suggesting today is that you occasionally take a look at opportunity marketers like Easley, and see how some of these ideas could be used in what you’re doing. I’ll get you started with an innovative idea I call the reverse testimonial.

You can find an example at the link below. It’s a page taken from a bizopp pamphlet that was one of Easley’s standards. He sent out the pamphlet to all people responding to his classified ads. And you can bet each page, including the reverse testimonial page, has been heavily tested, and heavily proven by results.

So take a look at the link below. You’ll see just how reverse testimonials work, and how you might profitably integrate them in your marketing too.

Or don’t take a look. After all, maybe you’ve got a legitimate reason not to do it right now. Like this zen-monk reader who wrote me in response to an earlier email:

“I’ll take a look later. I only get a few emails in my inbox each day, and I make sure to reread all of them several times before I let them slip away. So there’s no fear I won’t get to this soon.”

Or this second reader, who’s working in a field unrelated to marketing, and who wrote:

“I don’t need this idea right now. But I will come back to it when I will need it. In my experience, links on the internet are eternal. It’s never happened to me that I tried to open a page and got a 404 error.”

Or like this very successful and stretched reader, who once dashed away the following message:

“You don’t understand how busy I am. Sure, clicking on this link would take only a half second, and looking over the page only 3-4 seconds more. But if I kept doing that all day long, it might really add up to a few extra minutes of learning. And who’s got time for that?”

If, like these readers, you’ve got a legit reason not to click below, forget I said anything. On the other hand… huge opportunity… no downside. All you gotta do is click here: