The trouble with the best PR video of all time

A very popular Reddit thread appeared today, titled

“NASA Just Published the Best PR Video of All Time”

It turns out we’re going back to the moon. This time, we’re staying. And that’s just the start.

There’s awesome adventure…

Exciting exploration…

Sexy science…

Top-notch technology…

This video’s got it all.

There’s only one thing this greatest PR video doesn’t have. It’s a small thing. But pretty, pretty important. Particularly if you’re ever looking to influence anybody, and get them to do something.

I’m talking about a call-to-action.

NASA’s video doesn’t give you a link to a webpage where you can find out more. It doesn’t ask you to support them by sending in donations. It doesn’t even ask you to study hard so you can become a NASA engineer one day.

Instead, it just leaves you hanging.

Going somewhere… just not clear where

Maybe that’s ok for NASA.

But it’s definitely not ok if you’re writing sales copy.

Especially if you do a good job pumping up your readers’ emotional juice (like the NASA video certainly does).

The thing is, including a call-to-action in your copy doesn’t have to be difficult, nasty, or salesy.

It can be clean and simple.

For example:

I’ll soon be putting out a book on email marketing, with a focus on the health space. If you’re in the health space (or you hope to be one day, if you study hard ), then it might of interest to you. To get a free copy when it comes out, sign up here: