They laughed when I created a payment plan, but when I jacked up the price…

This past Tuesday, I created a new, mildly troll-like “financed payment structure” for my Most Valuable Email course. Just $97 today… plus three easy $1 payments each 30 days.

I did make some sales with that new payment structure. But what I did not expect is the sheer amount of laughter, chortling, and knee slapping this aroused.

I got a lot of LOLOL, funny, this is hilarious af 😂😂😂 replies. One particularly amused reader wrote in to say:



I’ve been laughing at this checkout page for longer than I’ve laughed at ANY standup comedian’s joke.

‘just thought about it again and had to laugh (again) before typing this sentence.

It’s the most absurd thing I’ve seen in ages!


Gotta take the ‘sting’ out of those one hundred bucks!


I’ve since removed that financed payment structure — as I said, it was destined to disappear without ceremony or notice. MVE is back to its usual one hundred bucks price. But soon, it will be time for a new payment structure, with much more sting:

I’ll be raising the price of Most Valuable Email from $100 to $297, effective next Tuesday, July 22, at 8:31pm CET.

I’m deadly serious about this price increase.

I realize that doing so on the heels of a trollish “financed payment structure” might not get me taken the most seriously.

But this is not a stunt, and not something will reverse like I did with that $97 + 3x$1 setup.

This is a genuine price increase. If you’re curious, I will have my explanation and reasoning for it over the next few days. Or in case you’d like to get MVE before the price triples, and you don’t want to risk missing the deadline as so often happens: