The client-catching benefits of having your own offers

I got a testimonial to crow about and then a possibly valuable lesson for ya.

First the testimonial. Says Brett Freeman, a copywriter out of the UK who recently signed up for my Daily Email Habit service:


Fourth day in DEH. Turned the Elvis bullet into an email. Got a sale to my £170 course.

So I’d say the investment has paid for itself 🙂


Pretty nice! I’m happy to feature Brett’s little case study, and put it up on the sales page. But of course, it’s really up to Brett’s previous work, with just a bit of extra catalyst that I added via Daily Email Habit.

I talked to Brett a while back (gasp, on Zoom, one to one, just because I wanted to hear who he is and what he’s up to.)

He told me he’s a copywriter, primarily working with fitness brands. He has a PT background himself, and he launched a few offers for fitness folks. (I’m guessing that’s where the £170 sale came from.)

Which leads me to the possibly valuable lesson I wanna give ya.

I once watched an hour-long YouTube video of a guy making cold calls to rustle up leads.

He was selling sales training to local business owners.

The very first call on the video was pretty impressive.

Within a couple minutes, the sales trainer cold-called a local business owner… introduced himself… had a bit of a chat about the business owner’s problems… and then scheduled a time to come into the local business owner’s office and have a proper meeting — with the clear and stated goal of selling something if it works out.

The thing that stuck out to me was how the cold caller introduced himself and opened the conversation, right after the line connected.

He didn’t say, “Hey Bill, I’m a salesman with an offer that might be a good fit for your business.”

He also didn’t say, “Hey Bill, WHO DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR CORNER to help you get the most out of your sales team, with NO RISK to you?”

Instead, he said, “Hey Bill, I’m a business owner here in Towson as well. I’m guessing you’ve never heard of me?”

The online, non-cold-calling version of that is exactly what Brett is doing.

Having your own list and your own offers allows you to genuinely say, “I’m also a business owner” — because you are.

All that’s to say, if you’re a client-chasing copywriter and you don’t have some kind of an offer, you’re missing out on positioning that can help you get exactly what you’re after. The magical thing is you don’t even have to make any sales of your offer for it to still have a positive effect. The sooner you start working on this, the easier your life will get.

And if you are a copywriter like Brett, who is smartly selling your own offers to your own list, however small, then I can only end by inviting you to check out my Daily Email Habit service.

Brett signed up for it, even though he knows how to write emails, as insurance.

If you’d like something similar, or for more info on Daily Email Habit: