The perfect sales language for who you are — and who you are becoming

“With so many different products, we surely have the perfect Tachyon energy antenna for who you are — and who you are becoming”

A picture of a dolphin. “Panther juice.” And the following headline:

For the Planet… For Her People… For You!

It might be the strangest direct response ad I’ve ever seen.

In fact, I’m not really sure it is a direct response ad. Maybe nobody was checking the responses. Or maybe this was actually a communique from wise creatures in a parallel dimension, who want us all to live in greater harmony, health, and prosperity.

What I do know is that this ad appeared dozens of times in the 90s and 2000s in magazines like Yoga Journal.

Some of the products listed in the ad include back belts, headbands, and something called “panther juice,” all of which purport to tap into the mysterious tachyon field all around us.

I’d never heard of tachyon energy before.

But I soon found that the people behind the dolphin ad had published a book in 1999 to explain tachyon energy to the masses. The book has 63 reviews on Amazon. Here’s a short excerpt from the most upvoted review:

“I came across Tachyon while doing some research on Vogel Crystal healings. Radieshesia, Radionics, Psychotronics etc all lead you to a Parallel dimension ( Dr. Tiller calls it a second 3D) we can tap into. Zero Field, Dark Matter, The Field, Quantum Field, whatever you want to call it, it is there and various people have learned and figured out how to tap into it.”

I’m not 100% sure what my point is. Except a while back, I wrote this:

Look to the extremes.

In other words, if you want to harness a valuable copywriting technique or marketing approach… then look to the folks who specialize in this approach — and nothing else.

For example, if you want to frame your offer as a huge opportunity… then look to opportunity marketers. The real estate infomercials… the business opportunity classifieds… the Joe Karbo’s of the world.

And if you want to create an aura of magic, mystery, and otherworldly possibility in your copy, then look to the tachyon energy ad and the sales language it uses.

Either it will help you write copy that taps into the fundamental human need to believe… or it might teleport you into a non-dimensional space and provide revolutionary new answers to health, longevity, and mental alertness.

Whatever the outcome may be, if you’re ready to have your third eye opened, then take a look below. And if you want an email newsletter about copywriting and marketing that’s perfect for who you are — and who you are becoming — then step through this portal.