Nicolas Cage’s shamanic sales secret

I read today that Nicolas Cage has a hot new movie coming out.

It’s unlike any movie he’s done before.

And frankly, it’s unlike any movie anybody has ever seen.

But can that really be true?

Because it seems like in each movie, Nic Cage is basically playing himself. He screams, makes faces, gets mock-serious. And while the costumes and makeup are different in each movie, the audience is basically coming to see Nic Cage, making a spectacle of himself.

It’s an acting system Cage has described as “Nouveau Shamanic.” And his new movie should take this to the 3rd power. Literally.

The movie is called The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent. It will be about Nic Cage, and will star Nic Cage, playing Nic Cage. If that’s confusing to you, here’s a brief description from an article in The Independent:

“In the film, Cage apparently talks to an egotistical Nineties version of himself, who mocks his future self for not being famous, as well as for making too many low-budget films.”

Who will go see this stupid new movie? ​​Probably lots of people will. Maybe even I will, because, over many years and many ridiculous movies, I’ve gotten comfortable with Nic Cage and his antics, and I can look at the guy and feel better about myself.

​​As on the big screen, so on the little screen. What I mean is, the same thing that holds for Hollywood stars is true for any other kind of business too — including online businesses.

The fact is, your customers aren’t really buying the product or service that you’re selling. Your customers could just as well buy one of a number of alternatives, which would probably work as well or better than what you’re selling.

What your customers are actually buying is you. And if you can build up a strong enough fan base, or brand, or “Nouveau Shamanic” spectacle, then you will be able to keep selling people tickets to your show, for many years to come, just because you’re you.