My best recommendation for books that are sure to give you a change of perspective

Back in 2019, I started reading an obscure non-fiction book called The Land Beyond the Forest. I got the idea to read it because I heard that it was a source for Bram Stoker, when he created the modern character of Count Dracula.

The Land Beyond the Forest was written by Emily Gerard, a Scottish woman who lived in Transylvania, modern Romania, in the second half of the nineteenth century. Gerard wrote up a kind of sociological character study of the Germans, Romanians, Hungarians, and Gypsies who lived around her.

At that time, Transylvania, with its deep forests and high mountains, still had pockets of medieval life in quickly modernizing, industrializing, urban Europe. The people Gerard wrote about truly lived with different traditions and beliefs to what’s become dogma in the past century or so. I guess that’s what Bram Stoker was latching on to when he used Gerard’s book for inspiration.

For example, Gypsies in Gerard’s time were a forest-dwelling, pot-mending, violin-playing elf people. This is how Gerard describes the three tenets of their half-pagan, half-Christian religion:

1. The Gypsy fears God without loving him

2. The Gypsy believes in the devil but thinks him silly and weak

3. The Gypsy scoffs at the idea of immortality: “We’re already wretched enough in this life. Why begin it anew?”

I read Gerard’s book and I really found myself experiencing a fresh change of perspective. I found the experience so enjoyable that I started going back, century by century, and reading a book for each century. If you’re looking for a change in perspective, or a moment of insight, that’s my best recommendation to you as well.

Also, here’s a notice you may or may not need. Tonight was the last night to join my Insights & More Book Club, at least for a while. At the stroke of midnight tonight, as wolves howled, and owls hooted, and an icy black shape moved in the shadows under the pine trees, I closed the doors to the Insights & More Book Club, to keep everyone inside safe, and to lock any werewolves, ghouls, and vampires out.

I will reopen the Insights & More Book Club in two month’s time. But in order to have the chance to get in, you have to be signed up to my email newsletter. If that’s something you aren’t willing to do, no problem. Otherwise, click here and fill out the form that appears.