My first info product was called Salary Negotiation Blueprint. I created in 2012 after reading Gary Halbert’s Boron Letters.
Gary says something like, pick a problem, read a 3-4 good books on it, summarize the books, create your own super-dense guide packed with the best info, and then sell that at a premium.
So that’s what I did.
I picked salary negotiation because I was in an IT office job at the time, and the topic was a bit of a taboo to me, and personally fascinating.
It took me a few months to identify the right books, read them, summarize my notes, write my own little guide, and create a sales letter (maybe my first).
And once I launched The Salary Negotiation Blueprint on Clickbank, the result was…
Zero sales.
I later lowered the price. Nothing. I tried moving the Salary Negotiation Blueprint to Amazon Kindle. It didn’t sell there either. At some point I even ran ads to it via Adwords. Still nobody would buy the damn thing.
I recently checked the Google Drive folder where I kept all the work for this project.
There’s a spreadsheet of possible newsletter topics, a backlog of tasks to complete, and a subfolder of possible bonus ideas. Plus a half-dozen other files, probably totaling thousands of words of preparation, analysis, and plans,
In other words, I did all this work, spent all this time, created all sorts of busy work. The result was a very useful, well written, information-packed guide that nobody in the universe would pay me even a bit of money for.
I’m telling you this because it’s not the only time it’s happened to me.
The same thing has happened many times since — probably dozens of times.
Fortunately, I’ve also had a few random successes along the way, which kept me going, and some of which made me good money.
But last year, I finally got a bit fed up with having a “few random successes.”
So I developed a system.
This system is based on stuff that had done instinctively but inconsistently before… stuff I had learned from other good business owners and marketers… and on common sense which I too uncommonly applied.
I put my system to use when creating my Daily Email Habit service. It worked out really well.
That’s why I am now forcing myself to keep using this system for each new offer I think of creating, though the temptation remains strong to simply wing it once more, and have the thrill and rush of instant activity, followed by the dump and crash that comes when results roll in, or rather, don’t.
So far, I have only shared my system with the people inside my Daily Email House community.
This month, I will make this system available a bit more widely. I’ll be sharing it with a few people on my list, if I think it can actually be useful to them.
I will make you a deal right now:
If more predictable success with new offers is something that could be useful to you, then hit reply and tell me a bit about your current offer situation. In turn, I will add you to a private announcement list, so you have the opportunity to get my system when I release it later this month.