Magic vs. money in daily emails

A couple days ago, I prompted my readers for input on a new course I’ll put out, Simple Money Emails, about writing simple emails that make sales. I even offered a reward for the most useful question.

I got lots of good replies. I also picked the winner of the contest, and I’ll announce who it is in a few days’ time.

Meanwhile, let me tell you something that you might not find interesting, or maybe you will:

Most of the questions I got I will be addressing in Simple Money Emails. But a few… I will not.

For example, I got a surprising number of people writing in and basically saying, “How can I do something creative, exciting, novel with my email copy?” A few quotes:

“I always struggle to come up with creative ideas for call to actions.”

“Sometimes I think the emails I write are almost all the same.”

“… it’s true that you can get stories from day to day, but I’m looking for something more magical than that.”

Creativity, self-expression, and novelty can happen as a result of writing a daily newsletter. But they are far from the primary or even secondary goals of Simple Money Emails.

The primary and the secondary goals of Simple Money Emails are 1) making a sale today and 2) doing so in a way that people will still read tomorrow.

If self-expression or magic happen as a result, it’s incidental. The good part is, the sales you make, and the chance to make more sales tomorrow, can soothe an occasional lack of magic.

And now, a confession:

This email that you are reading right now not what I would call a Simple Money Email. The reason is that the opening, what you read up to now, doesn’t do any kind of a job setting up the offer that’s about to come.

I told you the above story because I wanted to. Because it’s on my mind. Because I felt like writing it down.

The offer below has nothing to do with it, and in fact, it might contradict what I just said.

In spite of the poor job I’ve done selling the following offer, you might still want to get it. That’s because it’s frankly the best deal in the entire direct response marketing universe.

​​Here’s the deal:

1. Go buy Brian Kurtz’s book Overdeliver at It costs $12.69 on Kindle.

2. Then go to and put in your Amazon order number from step 1 above.

3. You will then unlock a treasure trove of free bonus material, most of it not available anywhere else, at any price.

I once calculated that the stuff inside the Overdeliver bonuses adds up to $5,133.64 in value, based only on what the various items last sold for. But the real value is much greater than that, or at least has been to me, if you actually apply the ideas inside.

By the way, the first link above is an Amazon affiliate link. Not because I’m hoping to earn the $2.37 in commissions that this email is likely to make, but because I want a chance to track any sales that might come.

If you’re curious why, I will explain it in a couple days. But for now, if you don’t yet have it, I strongly recommend Brian’s Overdeliver above and the bonuses it comes with.