Irrational influence of initial rhyme

A while ago, I was reading a book titled Born to Be Good.

The book didn’t make a terrible impact on me, and I can’t remember many details of it. However, one little bit did stick with me ever since:

Some of the subchapter titles were along the lines of, “Compassion conspiracy,” or “Nature, nurture, and naughtiness.”

I noticed that each time I was ready to stop reading, these subchapter headings would pull me in and get me to read a bit more.

So of course, since I do sales copywriting, I took note of this.

And I have since been using alliteration (also known as “initial rhyme”) in email subject lines on occasion.

Some of these emails (“Sudden slump in sexual stamina”) did very well. Which made me think I had discovered something new when it comes to writing effective sales copy.

Well, it turns I’m not a copywriting trailblazer. Direct marketers have been on to the power of alliteration for a long while. For example:

List broker and direct mail expert Michael Fishman once mentioned was how he was trying to find new lists to promote a product called The Big Black Book (which was a compilation of secret ways of doing things more effectively).

Michael, list genius that he is, proposed selling this to a list of infomercial buyers of a product called Passion, Power, and Profit (which seems to be about reprogramming your subconscious to achieve your goals).

Now, the two audiences seem to have little in common — except their love of alliterative titles.

And yet that was enough. the Passion, Power, and Profit list wound up buying The Big Black Book.

So what’s the point?

First, alliteration works, particularly in titles, headlines, and subject lines.

Second, never underestimate how crazy and irrational people can be in their buying decisions, and how trivial details can get them to buy.

And finally, if you want help with sales emails that entertain, educated, and engage, you might like to grab a free copy of my upcoming book: