Horror advertorial workshop — are you a good fit?

I used to be one of those people.

Shaking my head and saying, ‘My child wouldn’t dare.’

​It worked for my first daughter. Then my son came along.

​​That’s the beginning of what I call a horror advertorial. This particular horror advertorial is one I wrote a few months ago for a kids supplement company called First Day. It helped them 6x their ad spend, and go from $2k a day to $12k a day.

Today, I’ve got an offer I’d like to run by you.

It might be relevant if 1) you are a copywriter (in-house or freelancer) working with an ecommerce business or 2) if you are a marketing honcho at such a business, and you’ve got a copywriter you work with regularly.

I’ve recently gotten a lot of interest from people who want me to write a horror advertorial for them. Maybe it had something to do with my publicly claiming that these advertorials are the future of front-end funnels for ecommerce businesses.

The trouble is, I’ve got all the client work I can handle for what I can see of the future.

So I had the idea to hold a “Write Your Horror Advertorial” workshop. If you (or your copywriter) are a good fit for this, the offer should be a no-brainer:

1. You get the step-by-step process — the big picture and all the tiny details — I use to research and write up horror advertorials…

2. You get my over-your-shoulder guidance and feedback as you (or your copywriter) put this process in practice, from start to finish…

3. As a result of all this big-picturing and back-feeding, you have a polished horror advertorial by the end, ready to be put in production…

4. And it’s all at a significantly lower price than I would charge to write a horror advertorial myself, if I were still offering that service.

In other words, the offer is something like giving you a fish… and also teaching you to fish… and putting myself out of the lucrative fishing business. It might not be very smart on my end, but you can profit from my lack of foresight.

Most of the details of the “Write Your Horror Advertorial” workshop are still flexible. But the workshop will probably happen in mid-October, and it will span 4-6 training calls spread out over 10-14 days.

I’ll hold the workshop if I can get at least 5 copywriters/businesses to join… and I’ll limit the workshop to at most 10 copywriters/businesses.

At fewest 5, because I want to make it worthwhile for myself.

At most 10, because I want to make it worthwhile for you. Because the point is not just to show you how to write one of these horror advertorials… but to actually guide you as you write a production-ready piece of copy. That will take personal involvement from me, and that’s why I’ll limit the workshop to 10 people at most.

So the odds are, you are not a good fit for this offer. I admire you for reading this far.

But on the odd chance that you are a good fit, write me an email and let me know.

Also let me know who you are (copywriter, marketer, …) and what you’re selling (or what you’re thinking of promoting).

​​I want to make sure it really is a good fit. If it’s not, I’ll tell you so. Because if you join this workshop, I want you to have a healthy chance to reap big returns from a little investment into your advertorial copy.

And because I’m a direct response copywriter, let me give you a real reason to act now:

As this post goes out, I’m reaching out to about 10 contacts at businesses who might be interested in this offer. I’m not sure if any of them will be interested. But there is some possibility that the workshop will fill up, and quick.

So if you are interested, the sooner you write me… the better the chance that we can scare up some new front-end profits for you.