A secret online resource to hone your copy chops

Gary Halbert once wrote an issue of his newsletter with the title, “Let’s do the twist!”

The issue was all about how to write sexy, money-sucking bullets. Bullets that get people so fascinated they have to buy the product.

You can still find Gary’s newsletter issue online. And it’s worth reading from start to finish.

But today, I want to focus on just one piece of advice that Gary shared about learning to write good bullets.

Gary said to first find a promotion with lots of good bullets. Then find the actual book/course/info product that the promo was selling… and reverse engineer how the copywriter wrote the bullet, based on the source material.

You need both halves — the copy and the source material — to really see the clever things the copywriter did. Otherwise, you might get fooled into thinking you too can write good bullets just by imitating the form, without getting the substance.

Anyways, I started following Gary’s advice a few days ago. And I think it’s been great practice — not just for writing bullets, but for copywriting in general. For example, as a result of this exercise, I already learned one obvious but clever copywriting trick, which I’ll share with you tomorrow.

But maybe you’re wondering how you can do this yourself, so you can hone your own copywriting chops.

Like Gary says, you’ll first need a promotion with lots of good bullets. I won’t advise you there — there are plenty of people and websites to supply you with swipe copy, both for free and for money.

Instead, I want to tell you about getting the other half… the original info product.

Of course, it might still be for sale, in which case you can just order it. And if not, you might be able to find it on eBay on Amazon.

But there’s a third place you can find original direct response info products…

… online…

… completely free…

… and completely legal (as far as I know).

And in my experience, you can find stuff at this place that you might not find anywhere else, including Amazon and eBay.

For example, that’s where I found one of Gary’s info products as well as several 90s Boardroom books.

Perhaps you’re wondering what this magical place is. Unfortunately, you missed the boat on that. Because it’s something I only revealed to subscribers of my free email newsletter.

After all, I have to reward people who read my writing each day… and I have to give other people, like you, a reason to subscribe by withholding information on this public blog.

If that kind of thing pisses you off, I can understand.

But if you can get over it, and if you want to sign up for my free email newsletter so you don’t miss out on any future “secrets” I reveal… then here’s where to sign up.