A newsletter I’ve been fascinated by for years

Last week, I awarded the Best Daily Email Awards, and the first of those went to Josh Spector of the For The Interested newsletter.

I’ve been fascinated by Josh’s FTI for years. In fact, I wrote about it last year under the subject line, “The opportunity of the two-sentence newsletter.”

Every day but Sunday, Josh sends a daily email that typically clocks in at under 50 words. That makes each day’s email easy to read, I’m assuming easy to write, and yet indisputably profitable.

(Josh monetizes his newsletter by promoting his own offers and by running classified ads. I don’t know the inside of Josh’s info publishing and coaching business, and how much that’s making. But the classified ads alone bring in close to $10k each month.)

I’m telling you about this because it puts the lie to the idea that effective daily emails have to be hundreds of words long, or have to take hundreds of minutes of your life to write each week.

And by the way, Josh’s emails cover topics like marketing and creativity and online businesses. But his ultra-brief daily email model could be replicated as-is in other niches like health, parenting, or investing.

If you’re curious to see how all of this works, and maybe even get hooked on Josh’s daily emails, the link is below. I’ve been a reader for years. If you’d like to give FTI a try yourself:
