Using pendulum swings to predict opportunities

I read today that SpaceHey just reached 1 million users. In case you don’t know, as I didn’t —

​​SpaceHey is an ugly and basic social media network that’s meant to recall the web of the early 2000s.

SpaceHey was started four years ago by a German 18-year-old with no budget. Last week, SpaceHey reached 1 million users. It still has no budget, except occasional donations from users who love the service.

Point being:

In pop culture as in politics, there are pendulum swings. A big part of how we humans define ourselves is in opposition to what came before, or in opposition to what’s here now that we don’t like.

The result of this are pendulum swings, from polished to rough, crowded to sparse, materialistic to spiritual, conservative to liberal.

It makes sense to keep an eye on what the pendulum is doing. It can give you clues about what’s coming in the future, and where opportunities might lie.

And on that note, I would like to announce that starting tomorrow, I will be promoting a $497 course called myPeeps, put together by Travis Speegle.

Travis is an expert list builder and media buyer, who has built up email lists totaling some 7.5 million subscribers for big brands (BowFlex, Thrive Market, Truth About Cancer) as well as for big non-profits (Surfrider Foundation and

Travis’s myPeeps course lays out his how-to of buying ads to grow an email list. It’s based on Travis’s experience and philosophy, which is to keep things simple, fast, and effective.

I’ve gone through Travis’s myPeeps myself. I’m planning to follow it to the letter to grow a new list I have started.

And if you like, you can work alongside me, follow Travis’s process also, and build up your own list with my help and feedback.

I’ll have more info on how this “work alongside me” component will look. For now, I’ll just say this will be a free bonus I’ll be offering to encourage you to buy myPeeps through my affiliate link.

And in case you’re wondering, Why? Why this? Why now?

It’s because I’m feeling a pendulum swing away from Twitter and social and free means of list building in general.

I’m feeling it in myself. I’m feeling it in the people I talk to.

This includes some people who have actually been successful in the past in growing a free audience on social. In spite of their success, they are feeling fed up. And they are looking for an alternative that costs less time, that’s more reliable, and that doesn’t require them to build their house on a platform that could be pulled out from under them on a whim.

But more about all that tomorrow. Meanwhile, if you want to know what the future looks like: