The “crazy idea” I keep ranting about on Skool

This week I launched my first-ever Skool group, helping a bunch of list owners start running ads to grow their email lists, including email lists about:

* Guitar

* Horse training

* Electronic music

* Language learning

* Real estate investing

* Weight loss and fitness

* And of course a number of marketing-, copywriting-, and online creators-related lists

My Skool group is only in a kind of pre-launch — it officially kicks off next Monday — but I’ve already been giving members feedback on their lead magnets and landing pages.

Well, “giving feedback” is too kind for what I’ve been doing.

I’ve been foaming at the mouth, banging on the table, and barking the exact same command, to different frightened group members, over and over.

It’s a “crazy idea” that somehow nobody is willing to actually put to use, not unless I yell.

This “crazy idea” is not hard to use.

The trouble is, we all feel we are using it when in fact we are not.

That includes me — I often fail to put this “crazy idea” to use, and I pay the price each time, because it makes the difference between advertising that gets a good response at an affordable rate… and advertising that gets zero response, or that gets response from the exact wrong people.

Fortunately for me, it’s easier to see and solve other people’s problems than it is to see and solve your own. That’s why I’ve been liking this Skool group.

But back to the “crazy idea.”

You might think it’s something like “tell them what’s in it for them” or “use curiosity” or “get their attention.”


None of those! How could you even think something like that?? Bah…

(I’m trying to give you a flavor for the tone I take inside the Skool group.)

No, the reality is, this “crazy idea” is something more mechanical, something you can do right now to produce copy that is infinitely more like to perform, and get you the right audience, at an affordable price you can scale.

And now, I’ll make you a deal.

The deadline to take me up on Travis Speegle’s MyPEEPS list building course, which my Skool group is a free bonus for, is this Sunday at 12 midnight PST.

If you’d like to sign up for MyPeeps and get into the Skool group, you can do so at the link below:


But if you would not like to sign up for MyPEEPS or get into my Skool group as a free bonus, at least not yet, then hit reply and tell me your #1 objection or hesitation. Don’t worry, you won’t hurt my feelings even if you are brutally honest.

I would like to hear what’s been holding you back, and you will help me close out this promo.

In return, I will write you back and tell you the “crazy idea” I’ve been teasing this whole email. In other words, I’ll reveal the #1 piece of feedback I’ve been giving inside the Skool group so far, and probably will keep giving as we launch for real next week.