The best reason not to buy MyPEEPS

The deadline to get MyPEEPS is getting uncomfortably near… but not everybody is nervous. For example, one reader wrote me already last week to tell me he won’t be buying — and he had the best reason imaginable:


This is a great offer, John. And I would’ve joined immediately if I hadn’t already purchased this course two times 🙂

I bought it when Travis Sago was promoting it.. and found out afterward that I had bought it earlier when Ryan Lee promoted it.


What I’m about to say doesn’t actually apply to the reader who wrote me the above.

He happens to be a successful marketer, and he’s already mastered list building. He bought MyPEEPS — once — because he buys courses looking for a slight edge from people who are masters in various aspects of marketing. He bought it the second time because he’s busy implementing what those courses teach, and it probably slipped his mind he already had the thing.

Unfortunately, many people are not like this.

Many people buy a course, and never implement anything from it, or they implement at the speed of continental drift.

That is in part why I decided to offer the Shotgun Messenger bonus I am offering with MyPEEPS, in case you get it by the deadline tonight. It’s to help you implement… to motivate you to implement… to charm you to implement.

Of course, I’m under no illusion that everybody who buys MyPEEPS and gets in on my bonus will end up going through the course, and actually taking the steps needed to get results.

I would like for that to happen. But I’m realistic. I know that even with my offered help, not everybody will follow through.

But maybe you will join. If you do, I’ll do all I can to help you put this course to good use, so you can build yourself an email list full of people who want to read what you write, and buy what you sell.

Tick tock. The deadline to get MyPEEPS is in a few short hours, at 12 midnight PST.

Are you a little nervous? Maybe that’s a good sign. Maybe it means you still have some interest in this offer, and the outcome it promises.

If you’d like to look over the details and make your decision before the clock makes the decision for you:
