Affluent quests

This morning. Coaching call.

The guy I’m coaching writes a daily email. Makes a lot of money. Has had two or three successful careers before turning to online marketing.

As an aside, today he mentioned an email that he sent to his list last week. It was about his own imposter syndrome.

Admitting to imposter syndrome wasn’t any kind of pandering or fake vulnerability.

He genuinely felt doubts when a new client, much more successful than him and with a much bigger business than his own, came to him for advice and guidance, and offered to pay him multiple thousands of dollars per month for it, for a six month engagement.

“That email got a lot of response,” my coaching student said.

I’m not surprised. And I imagine that the people who replied to him were his best prospects.

After all, the most highly qualified, highly credentialed people are the ones to most acutely feel a mismatch between their public image — success and achievement — and the inner reality — doubts, confusion, time needed to figure it out.

This includes even the top achievers, the ones who repeatedly get results.

Marketing tip:

In his No B.S Marketing To The Affluent book, direct marketing legend Dan Kennedy says the affluent are on a search, a life and lifestyle quest.

Dan gives five dimensions to this quest. But most of all, says Dan, the affluent are on a quest for competence.

So keep that in mind if you’re trying to sell to the upper end of your market. The high achievers. The Mavericks, rather than the Gooses of your audience.

As for me:

Maybe you’d like to work with me one-on-one?

Next week, I’m wrapping up coaching with the high-achiever above.

​​Right at the start of our work together, I told him that he didn’t need more than a month of my feedback and time. After all, his emails were already fun and interesting. His copy was dialed in. And he was making lots and lots of sales.

And yet, he still wanted to get my feedback on his copy, because he wanted to get better at what he’s doing, and to learn something new. About that, he told me this morning:

“It’s been amazing. I’ve learned a lot. I’ve had sales. Mostly little tips and tricks that I opted in for, so I feel fulfilled.”

I don’t do a lot of one-on-one coaching.

​​After next week, it will either be zero people, or one person, depending if I find somebody who is a good fit.

​​In case you’re interested, hit reply, and we can talk.