Future Pacing Club

In 2019, FEMA concluded that there were only two kinds of natural disaster that could bring down the entire system everywhere all at once.

The first is a pandemic.

I’m reading an article about the second one right now.

I’m not sure if there has already been a financial promo around this topic, but it seems custom-made for it:

A small, remote laboratory, filled with elite scientists who all have ties to the U.S. military…

… mysterious, almost supernatural events — “electric fluid” seeping out from appliances, spontaneous fires bursting out, telegraph messages being sent via unplugged equipment…

… and of course, really big consequences. Like REALLY big. This isn’t “End of America” we’re talking about. This is “End of World.”

Stop me if you think that you’ve heard this one before.

I’m talking about coronal mass ejections and solar flares, or in one term, solar storms.

If you do write financial, and if this isn’t an idea that’s already been exploited, then maybe you can use it as a hook for a promo.

I don’t write financial copy, never have, and imagine never will.

But the article I’m reading did spark excitement and interest in me. Solar storms happen in 11-year cycles, from low to high. We are currently at the high, so you can expect major solar-related snafus between now and 2025.

And if a catastrophic solar storm doesn’t happen now, it might happen in 2035, or really any time between — because just like storms on Earth, solar storms don’t confine themselves just to storm seasons.

All this gave me an idea. I called this idea Future Pacing Club.

I personally enjoy finding out, researching, and thinking about current trends and what the future might bring.

It’s not just idle chin-stroking, either. This kind of info can be valuable – as marketing fodder, in spotting new business opportunities, or simply in knowing to stockpile cans of beans and tuna in anticipation for the hell that’s coming. (Actually, never mind about that last one.)

Of course, there’s only so many trends I will spot, and most of my interpretations of where the future will go will be limited or most likely wrong.

That’s why I had the idea for an exclusive club, to make this an activity shared among a few interested, smart, invested people.

So if 1) you work in marketing, if have your own business, or if you invest, and 2) if you’re interested in a place to get exposed to current trends and what the future might bring, then maybe such a club could be interesting to you too?

I don’t know. But if does sound interesting, reply to this email and let me know.

I definitely won’t create and run something like this just for myself. I would also want it to feel exclusive, intimate, and valuable.

I’m not sure yet how that might work. ​​

But if there’s interest, and the right kind of interest, then maybe something can come of this idea, and maybe it could be valuable and interesting for you too. The only way to know is to reply to this email.

In the words of Robert Collier:

“But remember, in the great book of Time there is but one word — ‘NOW'” — so drop your reply in an email now.