How to sell 100,000 books with no audience, fame, or endorsements

Yesterday, I wrote about Andrew Kap’s book 3 Words I Used To Sell 100,000 Books.

​​That book talks about the marketing behind Andrew’s law of attraction book, which has sold 100k+ copies since 2019.

One thing Andrew has done to promote his law of attraction book is start a YouTube channel in which he answers reader questions, highlights testimonials, and shares additional stories to illustrate points from his book.

In the chapter of the 3 Words book about that YouTube channel, Andrew says you shouldn’t worry too much about the production value of your YouTube videos. He gives an example:


A perfect example of not needing high production value if you have high quality content is Alex Hormozi. You look at his content on YouTube, and a lot of his stuff seems like he’s filming inside of a closet. And the funny thing is — that’s because he actually is!


I don’t agree with Andrew that Alex Hormozi’s inside-the-close videos stand on their high-quality content.

They stand because Hormozi is rich, successful, and now famous.

But that’s actually a good reason to read Andrew Kap’s 3 Words book.

Because Andrew made his law of attraction book a genuine bestseller without any of Alex Hormozi’s advantages.

He sold 100,000 copies of his book on his own — without a previous audience, without fame, without headline-worthy personal success stories, without celebrity endorsements.

And so, this point about Hormozi notwithstanding, it’s well worth reading Andrew’s 3 Words book about how he made his law of attraction book such a success.

By the way, YouTube is only one of the things Andrew is doing. So if you object to going on YouTube to promote yourself or your book — and if you do, I’m right there with you — then you’ll find lots of other strategies Andrew has used to promote his book and sell many metric tons of it.

I encourage you to read Andrew Kap’s book. In fact, I’m offering two free bonuses if you get it by tomorrow and write me:

Free Bonus #1: How Andrew Kap Wrote His Last Law Of Attraction Book in 60 Days

This is an interview I did with Andrew this past week.

His 3 Words book talks about book marketing: titles, covers, reviews, etc.

It doesn’t talk much about his writing process. But Andrew wrote his 200-page Last Law book in two months. And again, it has a 4.6 rating.

So I sat down with Andrew for an hour, grilled him on how he writes, how he prepares, researches, organizes his writing, the tools he uses, etc.

I also chimed in with my own thoughts and experiences. You might wonder why. I checked just now. I haven’t sold 100,000 books. But adding up all the books I have published on Amazon, I have sold 69,500 books.

Free Bonus #2: 4 Proven Hooks To Sell More Books

This is a short presentation I recorded a few days ago. It will give you the hooks, three examples for each, and how-to advice for coming up with each of the hooks for the book project you are working on.

These hooks are what I reach for when I’m thinking of writing a new book. They are also what I advised someone recently after he came to me and asked for help with writing his book. ​​​​

Hear me now:

​​You can get Andrew Kap’s book any time. But if you’d like to also get the free bonuses above, the deadline for that is tomorrow, Monday, Jan 29, at 8:31pm CET.

​​Here’s what to do:

1. Buy Andrew Kap’s 3 Words book on Amazon. You can get it in Kindle, audiobook, paperback, hardback, used, new, or collectible versions — your choice. The link to the book is at the end of this email.

2. Forward me the receipt email that Amazon sends you, and do it by the deadline (tomorrow, Monday, Jan 29, at 8:31pm CET).

3. I will then send you the free bonuses, the interview I did with Andrew, and the 4 Proven Hooks presentation.

Here’s the link:

My book recommendation for book marketing

Today, I have book to recommend to you. It’s called, 3 Words I Used To Sell 100,000 Books.

I came across this book because I saw it hovering in the Amazon direct response bestsellers above my 10 Commandments book.

I looked up the author. His name is Andrew Kap. He’s the author of The Last Law Of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need To Read. Facts about this book:

* Publication date: Nov 24, 2019

* Amazon rank as of today: 17,819, which means it’s selling around 220 copies per month, almost 5 years after its publication

* Number of reviews: 3,898, of which 79% are 5-star

I got curious. I bought Andrew’s 3 Words book. I started to read. I finished. And now I’m recommending it to you.

Actually, before recommending, a few disclaimers.

First, the “3 words.” They are not magic. They are not last, not law, not attraction. They are not words you can put in your title or anywhere in your text and automatically sell 100k copies.

Second, the book is written in a kind of sales copy style.

​​The first few chapters, which build up to the reveal of the three words, might sound like a video sales letter teasing you about the three health foods in your fridge you should never eat if you hope to lose weight.

Except Kap doesn’t keep teasing you for an hour and then tell you to buy something else. Instead, he reveals the three words, and pretty soon into the book.

He then unpacks the three words throughout the rest of the book, and tells you all the tactical and strategic things he did to sell and keep selling his Last Law of Attraction Book to 100k copies and beyond.

So get Kap’s book. Read it. Apply it. Or apply a part of it.

Because as you will see, Andrew Kap is rather obsessive in his determination to get his Law of Attraction book into as many hands as belong to humans that could benefit from the ideas he has to share.

But even if you don’t implement all of what Kap has to tell you, and even if you apply only 10% of it, you’re still likely to outsell 99% of self-published authors, and I imagine the majority of traditionally published authors as well.

Final disclaimer:

​​I wrote to Andrew and told him I want to recommend his book to my readers. I also asked if he would be willing to do the same with my 10 Commandments book to his readers. He agreed.

So not only am I telling you about this book, but I am actively promoting it. For that, I’ve got two free bonuses in case you get Andrew Kap’s 3 Words I Used To Sell 100,000 Books:

Free Bonus #1: How Andrew Kap Wrote His Last Law Of Attraction Book in 60 Days

This is an interview I did with Andrew this past week.

His 3 Words book talks about book marketing: titles, covers, reviews, etc.

It doesn’t talk much about his writing process. But Andrew wrote his 200-page Last Law book in two months. And again, it has a 4.6 rating.

So I sat down with Andrew for an hour, grilled him on how he writes, how he prepares, researches, organizes his writing, the tools he uses, etc.

I also chimed in with my own thoughts and experiences. You might wonder why. I checked just now. I haven’t sold 100,000 books. But adding up all the books I have published on Amazon, I have sold 69,500 books.

Free Bonus #2: 4 Proven Hooks To Sell More Books

This is a short presentation I recorded a few days ago. It will give you the hooks, three examples for each, and how-to advice for coming up with each of the hooks for the book project you are working on.

These hooks are what I reach for when I’m thinking of writing a new book. They are also what I advised someone recently after he came to me and asked for help with writing his book. ​​​​

Hear me now.

​​You can get Andrew Kap’s book any time. But if you’d like to also get the free bonuses above, the deadline for that is this coming Monday, Jan 29, at 8:31pm CET.

​​Here’s what to do:

1. Buy Andrew Kap’s 3 Words book on Amazon. You can get it in Kindle, audiobook, paperback, hardback, used, new, or collectible versions — your choice. The link to the book is at the end of this email.

2. Forward me the receipt email that Amazon sends you, and do it by the deadline (Monday, Jan 29, at 8:31pm CET).

3. I will then send you the free bonuses, the interview I did with Andrew, and the 4 Proven Hooks presentation.

Here’s the link: