Sympathy for the deadline

Please allow me to introduce you to someone:

She’s a woman of great beauty and fame.

She’s been around for a long long year, and stole many a man’s chance at happiness, wealth, and even life.

She was there on the bridge of the Titanic, smiling sadly while the warnings of oncoming icebergs, which had long reached the radio operators on the ship, failed to catch the captain’s attention.

She was in the royal palace in Belgrade in the summer of 1914, watching with glee as the crown prince pulled at his hair and yelled “I can’t make up my mind!” and the clock ticked down on the ultimatum from the furious and threatening Austrians.

She stuck around Moscow in late October of 1812, wearing a great big fur, as Napoleon kept waiting and waiting in the abandoned city for a peace offer that never came, while the days flew away, the food supplies dwindled, and the temperature dropped below freezing.

Perhaps you’ve guessed this beautiful woman’s name. But even if not, she’s pleased to meet you.

And now:

If you’d like to sign up for my 9 Deadly Email Sins training, the last moment to do so is just three short hours from now, at 8:31pm CET/2:31pm EST/11:31am PST.

After that I will close the cart down, and no amount of screaming, pleading, or clawing on the doors will make it open up again.

This is the last email I will send before then. To get in while there’s still time: