More thin content inside

When my masochistic urges become too strong I like to go into ActiveCampaign and read the “reasons why” left behind by people who unsubscribed from my list.

There’s usually nothing good. Unsubscribers either leave the “reason why” blank or they select the uninspired “I don’t want to receive these emails any more.”

But every few months, I come upon a thoughtful and good “reason why” that I can write a daily email around.

It’s been a long time since the last one, but I finally got a new one a few days ago.

This past Saturday, I opened up the ActiveCampaign Pandora’s box, peeked inside, and saw a custom-made “reason why” from an unsubscriber peeking back at me. It just said:

“Thin content”

The irony is that the email this reader unsubscribed from was less thin than usual.

In that Saturday email, I fleshed out the idea that you are not in the business you think you might be in… I gave specific signposts for creating a business that charges drastically more and that people still eagerly buy from… and I included a personal story (featuring a multimillionaire A-list copywriter) to make the whole thing more memorable and easier to go down.

The fact is, I would write thinner emails than this every day, if I only had more time.

Because over the course of working with dozens of clients as an email copywriter, writing 1800+ sales emails over the past 8 years, and contributing my persuasive share to funnels that brought in uncountable millions of dollars in sales, I have found that you don’t want to make your content very thick at all — if thick means burdened with specific how-to information and step-by-step teaching.

Such thick content does little for your reader except make him feel glutted.

And it does nothing for you — if you happen to sell services or info products — other than producing an occasional “thank you” note from people who will never give you money anyhow.

So what to do instead? How do you write emails that make money?

Well, I could tell you right here. But in the interest of making this email thin, fluffy, and profitable, I won’t. Because the fact is, I’ve created an entire training about what goes into emails that sell and make money.

I’ve told you that how-to teaching is not it.

But if you want to see what is it, you can find it via the page below: